
hell to pay edition

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Boris wants my gran dead


Friendly reminder that the poo has been a part of your body
Be nice to it

Bowis wants my gwan dead.


did a light chuckle at this image

so do I

anime nonce

i thought flights from continental Europe to the USA were banned?

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Imagine still having a gran grow up

My city hasn't had a single case, but all the toilet paper, napkins, and paper towels got cleared off the shelves in a day.

wont for much longer lol

They arent

Once we have to rebuild society there's certain things we need to do away with

they should legalise weed right now to help with people isolating
be a lot easier to keep home and chill if you can just sit in the garden with a fatty

duality of the right

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my grans died in 2016 and 2018 respectively but i hadn't seen either of them since the early 00s

You people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really don't have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

Don't remember subscribing to this blog.

Think maybe that's just for passengers.

yeah yeah i apologise for all anime noncery on /birt/ in behalf of japanese

bit annoying that i might not currently have coronavirus and instead just have a random flu or cold or something.
would mean i have to waste time on this whole quarantine stuff and not have reduced my corona risk at all.

if what i currently have is corona, then so far so good. been rather mild and if i can ride it out i can literally just go about life as usual

Would rather fly in a Led Zeppelin than a Jefferson Airplane tbqh.

Mate wants to go to an absolutely PACKED pub on Friday for drinks. Dont know how to politely call him a fucking retard.




>On 13 March 2020, the UK reported 798 confirmed cases, but health officials estimated the actual number of people infected was probably between 5,000 and 10,000

If it's not a fever it's mostly likely not corona.

The Irish are apparently worried about civilisation collapsing. They needn't worry because Ireland was never civilised to begin with

stop posting this damn bait

Still angry about being bullied in the last thread?

mad how iran and china are still lying and everyone is expected to believe them

Mate if you get it you get a week off work on the best sick pay terms in history fucking wise up

ireland has always been more civilised than the great breton island

but they can only carry fraction the capacity of a jumbo jet, right?
thinking of buying a pass during the lockdown mode

I am sexually attracted to women but they find me very awkward, weird and tend to be immediately repulsed by me upon first meeting, even without me saying anything cringey (or indeed saying anything at all). As such, it transpires that I am 26 years old and remain a virgin who has never had a girlfriend.

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Lovely ladies alert

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My parents were in their 40s (FORTIES) when they had me

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I have 27 rolls of toilet paper left. This will last me about 2 months. I try to keep at least 3 (preferably 6) months on hand at all time in case a disaster hits.

Could not find ANY big packs yesterday because of these retards hoarding.

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its a weird mix of symptoms.that has characteristics of all 3 options. albeit all very mild.

also even though i dont fee l feverish or hot, i might have a temperature, i dont have a thermometer to find out

starting to worry i might've fucked myself by not stocking up
bog roll i can manage without but if i run out of food and panadol i'm going to do my block

Have asthma so I actually literally die, retard

Same, I’m 26 and my parents in just hitting 70

That's right, but they're more environmentally friendly

the toilet paper panic is a literal meme

I remember that story about some guy who asked out over 500 girls on his campus and got banned from every nightclub in the city. Still got no sex.

this is why you're an anime-posting autist

For me its the Stone Temple Pilots

Ireland is full of dullards who were never curious or sober enough to build a ship and sail it west to find out what was there

aNiMe NoNcE

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Was your mom in her 40s too? Might explain the 'tism.

My dad was 38 and my mom was 25

in the highway?

oh my days you cant be serious
trains and cars above PLANES?
planes are by the most complex, interesting, individually unique, advanced, useful, fastest and pengest looking form of transport
but they all have the same design and look almost identical and they were never useful

Planes > Ships >>> Tanks > Helicopters > Trains >>>> Cars > Buses > Motorbikes desu
plane autism is the thinking mans autism

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just shower your anus is it that difficult
what a joke

NEED to shag soon lads but dont have any girls i can call up

dunno what to do about this

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your dad is my inspiration

The lasting memory of Japan will be pedophilia cartoons and tiny penises

I'm 100% sure that everyone who animeposts has a mum who had them over 35.

American citizens and permanent residents can still fly

Airlines have to use 80% of their airport slots or they lose them, so some are still flying empty planes. The EU are trying to relax these rules ASAP

covids going to ravage you lads given all the old people there. if you weren't all too busy wanking to cartoon images instead of actually shagging real women and reproducing you wouldn't have so many 100-year olds

mate I have no issue with the Saturdays but every single image you post of them, EVERY ONE, is fucking tiny in resolution

451x567 is fucking microscopic mate let me get my microscope out to view this image on the computer get it together you fucking twat you're an embarrassment trying to have a harem of waifus and you can't even bother to get some hi-res images of them; your roster consists of thumbnails knocked from google images fucking jog on you bellsniffer

would you rather be diagnosed with coronavirus (COVID-19) or the gay?

What's the problem you're probably a worthless sack of shit anyway

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Why not just wash your arse in the shower? I don’t understand

nah me mam had me when she was 27

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where do you live, i will give you couple of numbers. have shagged rotten across the 50 states, me


he's been married 3 times, divorced by all 3, 5 kids and none of them talk to him haha

i take the showerhead and aim it right up my arse

gets it extra clean and feels really good too

Megumin is basic as fuck ironic weeb reddit tier

>10k x 10k

nary a pixel


lol I recognise you from the last thread. Still seething I see lol

corona deez nuts ayooooo

watching those videos fo italians singing in the street.

no way you could do that in england without the fucking council or somebody coming and telling you to be quiet.

Whys he flying to Greenland instead of just going in a straight line across the atlantic?


seems to me the UK is a shithole

north carolina

What's the sick pay deal

its not fucking fair I wanted to chill and be NEET for longer but my shitty fucking dad is retiring soon

thats if Corona doesn't kill him first


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where in nc

Great circle innit?

saw those videos too

can't imagine doing this as I've never talked to my neighbors

coronavirus (CIAronavirus) spreads through CHEMTRAILS IN THE AIR.

Italy has reported 368 more coronavirus deaths, a new one-day record.

Lombardy - the country's worst affected region - accounted for 252 of the total.

Nationwide the total death toll is more than 1,800.

No way it wouldn't sound like shit and end up in a punch up or stabbing.

ah yes
thinking if /brit/ will open the twitter link you posted and check what it says


Who is your favourite though?



mum is going absolutely ape shit because my dad spent the whole day at the pub instead of quarantined at home

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the french gf said it doesnt matter if they run out of bog roll because yoi can just use water
dumb bint


Dutch Health Minister Bruno Bruins has announced that schools and crèches around the country will be closed from Monday until 6 April.

Bars, sports clubs, sex shops and coffee shops will also be shut from tonight.

Prime Minister Mark Rutte is expected to address the nation tomorrow.

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dont know why these cunts dont jsut take a screenshot of it lol
nobody opens links

Lol i genuinely wasn't in the last thread. Must feel bleak to have been called a worthless asthmatic sack of shit in 2 consecutive threads by 2 people

it's actually less distance
the earth is spherical and flat maps distort it

I'm all about the scenic journey or the adventurous journey instead of the efficient journey.
With trains, you usually have beautiful scenery to watch while journeying, it's a much more social atmosphere (especially with seats with tables), snacking is better, working on your laptop is better, you can really have a leisurely train ride in ways you can't with a plane
With a car, it's all about the freedom- you can go anywhere you want, long empty roads are the best for this, I'd love to drive down those massive roads in America in the middle of nowhere, so much open space, you can just find anywhere you want to go
And airships are just so much cooler than planes mate this is obvious I don't know how I need to explain this

whats he saying

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>mum asks how i am
>should i tell her im currently self quaranting with a fever and a cough? hmm no that might panic her best just say 'alright'

she's right

Based king

getting my daily dose of styxhexenhammer666
this nigga has never been wrong

MI6 if you let me correct

*coughs on you*
whoops, sorry mate haha

the council members are also stuck at home

It's just a flu bro



boring cunt shut up

These stats are probably lies. Western governments will inflate the numbers then blame China as a casus belli.

>Mark Rutte
Read this as Mark Butte hahahah

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A dutchbro was in a thread at the start of the week saying Netherlands was being full retard and doing nothing about corona or tourists so it's no surprise to see them go full lockdown now too. They passed 1000 cases.

French girl suggesting personal hygiene advice is quite rare.

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>2 confirmed cases in a town 20 minutes away from me

why contain it

>Airships were the first aircraft capable of controlled powered flight, and were most ... they can transport 500 to 1,000 tons, approximately the same as a super-jumbo aircraft.
I want them back

damn that puts italy at like halfway over the total chinese deaths from corona

Pubs and are closing for two weeks starting now here

> People who fully recover from the coronavirus can be left with '20 to 30%' less lung function, and gasping for breath when they walk quickly, Hong Kong doctors find
Herd immunity bro

Railways are literally the arteries of civilisation. No 'country' without a highly developed rail infrastructure can seriously be called civilised. And no the gigantic tin human cattle tubes known as planes are not an adequate replacement for a nationwide rail network.

Imagining the lazy underdeveloped leeching fucker that scratched this out. I bet i could break you in half over my knee you parasite

Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.

so do you get in the shower every time you shit or what?

You can't trust Chinese numbers. They massage any and all figures for the rest of the world. I would guess Chinese deaths are 10x what they claim

Good way to get your self suicided

>dude and she turned on the lightsaber and it was yellow

Imagining the lazy underdeveloped leeching fucker that scratched this out. I bet i could break you in half over my knee you parasite

word cloud of this thread

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>fully recover
>can't walk quickly

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lots of people say this but i dont see anyone ever offering up proof that the chinese numbers are doctored

we'll get more deaths than china

>>so do you get in the shower every time you shit or what

Any time I can.

how do you scrape the thread for comments but not all the useless tat like

Anonymous 03/16/20(Mon)04:43:19 No.119636599
(PNG Image, 800 × 800 pix(...).png (118 KB, 800x800) google yandex iqdb wait

mad how much /brit/ has changed

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The Avengers 8 is out next month

boris should honestly be publicly beheaded for even suggesting the herd immunity shite

it's about to get a lot worse before it gets better

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ah yes
another Tecchan we've got here

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if they shut everything down. shops, pubs, schools and churches and all that. then what happens? how do people feed themselves? how do people earn money? how do people pay bills? how does humanity survive?

yes if you are old and suffer a severe bout of pneumonia it can cripple you

it is not a given that this will happen or even an indicator of how often this happens

try finding the actual study and looking at that rather than regurgitating clickbait headlines

Did you get your Corona bucket, /brit??

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More confirmed deaths anyway, China will push a lot of their figures under the carpet to save face

Remember that one lads, feels like it's been years.

this but unironically

Shops stay open for groceries, govt will implement lost income supplement, some bills frozen

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just eat your own poop

There are videos of people walking down random streets at the start of February with 10+ body bags on the ground
The death rate was supposedly incredibly low then

IMAGINE not being able to determine your own route and instead have to follow a track
IMAGINE not being able to accelerate to anywhere near mach 1
IMAGINE being glued to the ground and confined to the X and Y axis
IMAGINE your fan base being mostly boomers and deanos (cars)
IMAGINE being so simplistic and basic that almost everyone can instantly understand how it works
IMAGINE not being able to drop bombs and shoot missiles at people while being too high and moving too fast to be hit by them
IMAGINE being so simple that a literal actual retard can learn to drive one
trains are lame. cars and motorbikes are for deanos. the only correct answer is either planes or ships. i do like airships, but they're a bit boring. once you've learned about one you've learned about them all and they just aren't important. they were never an essential part of anyones military, unlike planes which are the absolute backbone, fists and eyes of every military and have been for 100 years.
the scenery is nicer on trains though. i'll give you that.

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crease. age of all of them.

developing a cough
think the CIA finally activated my nanobots when they caught wind of me exposing the TRUTH

You ever had pneumonia?
>1 (singular) doctor finds
you need to just stop posting


use the Yas Forums api

Trump is increasingly acting like a doomsday cult leader who's getting deep into national spiritualism just as the world is about to end and I'm loving it

Very 60s hippie boomer energy

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planes are boring and severely autistic
>ahh dood it can move about and stuff
>nooo it's got lots of intricate dials and engineering
>it's super fast!!
>you can drop bombs and fire missiles!!

>speedy metal tube go fast brrrr haha

Plus the US will start to massively diverge along the curve because of it's bigger population

how will it help

big jubblers


368 deaths for Italy since then and almost 4000 confirmed cases

>chink virus this
>chink virus that
talk about something interesting you boring one-track twats

more comfykino during this crazy time



no one knows when those videos were taken and in what context
or if 10+ bodybags indicates that the death rate was being lied about

not really proof is it?

Don't have the source lel but I remember an article recently stating how despite Chinese GDP growth figures consistently fall in line miraculously with their estimates, power consumption growth (another way to estimate GDP growth if you don't have access to figures) was actually falling.

I know it doesn't tell the whole story but everyone knows the Chinese are full of shit, it's in their entire culture to save face even at any cost


dont care tho lol

mum has lost the netflix remote

stupid cunt can't do anything right