15 minutes until the next Italy Coronavirus update
15 minutes until the next Italy Coronavirus update
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Can't wait. Who Yas Forums here?
500 deaths, 4000 new cases
i knew i wasnt the only one hyped for this,
Do you speak italian?
Credo di si
Very likely
Why are you spamming your shitty thread retard? I don't care, can't you all losers just fucking die so that my gym opens up again?
Based Korea
My new gf is greek, what am I in for? Her cooking is amazing... my last gf sucked at cooking
Where can I read about it? Only in italian?
You lucky fuck. The zoomers I'm dating would probably rather survive on ramen and pasta than learn how to cook. Your gf is probably from a good household, the father usually is not not too loud, the mother should welcome you if you're not an autist.
Italian news agency in English
+ another 150 at least
It and the stock markets opening have been the highligjts of my fays this past week.
if dubs, everyone died
Awesome. Yeah the dad seems chill as fuck and mom taught her to cook. She's a real sweetheart. Already offered to make me lunch for at work since UberEats is probably not going to be an option this week and I like to eat healthy.
Sorry you've been hitting zoomer duds, I've been through a bunch of those. Good luck to you.
>Spanish police are using drones to tell people to stay indoors
This is some Half Life shit right here.
if dubs, humanity will have a bright futur in the cooming month
if dubs we're doomed
dubs you get a gf
Godspeed. Funny enough, I have more success with foreign yet still beautiful girls than Greek ones. I can't fucking explain it, it's like not matter who you ask, his country's native girls suck.
If dubs I will marry a chink trad qt
if dubs every sh*talian rat will be dead within a week
I think the problem is most women suck in general, so, it just seems that ones native girls suck more than the rest when it really isn't true. I mean most people suck in general, women are no exception. Finding a kind, honest, woman with good values is a challenge anywhere. Just like they struggle to find a good guy.
2853 new cases
368 new deaths
Check this vid: youtube.com
It's about the obituaries in a Bergamo newspaper. real scary stuff.
fuq :DDDD
wew lads.
>You're dying?
20000 lawsuits lmaoo
Im guessing this is because they are doing as they announced? leaving hopeless cases to die?
This. Tfw Slovak gf:) Also great cooking skills.
why do pooptalians do this?
Thatza spicy meatball.
Better than expected
That's a lot of coffins, wow.
I am going to spoil your fun for the next five days. Peak is expected some time between march 18 and march 25, so until that point you'll only see it increasing.
around a chink never blink
Pretty haunting
>february newspaper vs march newspaper
How the fuck are you gonna stop it then?
Less than 3k new infections. This is good news because Italy might have just passed the peak of the curb. It will start declining from now on. Stay safe pasta bros
>How the fuck are you gonna stop it then?
there's only so many boomers to kill after all, they are just running out of them
I think you are already living it
I would attach fun pdf here but I cant
EU is totalitarian shithole and its ruling class needs to be reminded who ultimately have more power
This month of lockdown will hopefully slow down the infections
Mitigation measures already in place. Models show it'll get worse before it starts getting better, and that's around march 20th. Don't expect it to go down before then.
The actual number of new infected is actually 3590.
Wish you all the best pastabros.
Stay safe and keep your spirit.
It totally isn't though. Wuhan had like 50 days of way stricter quarantine before they saw improvement.
did they ever find patient zero?
> US, WASHINGTON (NEWS OBSERVATORY) — Italy reports 3,590 new cases and 368 new deaths, raising total to 24,747 cases and 1,809 dead.
This so spicy bros.
This like 10%< death rate, not even count unrecovered case.
honestly, it's not that bad, the deaths are tragic and I'm going to feel a void during my shower but after a week the grow rate will be around around 10% a day and in two week it might be around 5%. I have hope that it will end at 70k case and not 150k.
Damn, it will take a bit longer but the recovery is inevitable
>why contain it.png
Wow, there's some yuong peoples in there too.
And it's still early.