Eastern Roman Empire > Western Roman empire
/balk/ Ovo je BALKAN edicija
Today I got another call from different Greek number. This time it immediately hung up after calling me. Weird.
пocтвaйтe някви пyтки
No, I refuse.
>3000 truck drivers are stuck on the Shitalo-Slovenian border. People are desperate to leave Shitaly like rats.
Бингo ли e oвa
Saw niggers today
Day ruined
hopefully some day someone will jump on your ceiling
why tho
Time to leave Macedonia before they close the borders.
Our border with shitaly is closed completely for at least 14 more days. So I guess they will have to wait for a long time. Same goes with Austria.
stop looking at the mirror then
Nuck figgers
I ain't got any. The closest thing is this poster I capture a long time ago.
Jesus fuck 100 new corona'd today, this virus is gonna wipe out whites.
how you feeling shitskin now that you're gonna inherit the earth?
your one wish for whites to be gone looks like is gonna be fulfilled , how we feelin' ?
Disciplined as fuck
Father is in the army. They said they were called in for an emergency quarantine plan, skopje will be closed down and secured by military. This is not on the news
These trash bins are a sign of 3rd world.
Stop calling me, Aoids. I won’t sign your autograph.
Fire is my champion.
Based гeнepaл-мaйop пpoфecop Myтaфчийcки. Caмo дa бeшe cпpял изтичaнeтo нa мacки и дeзинфeктaнти пo-paнo...
We just closed the borders today. No one can enter Macedonia, not even citizens. Some shqips were turned down today when they found they had German passports but tried to sneak in before the closure.
Looks nice desu. Reminds me of Zvezdara.
Can you stop posting and go back to your hole you faggot we all know you’re not Lazslo.
tell your gov to stop importing them
Post corona
>stay in home wagecuck
I think I got autism from watching this
What a shithole
maskite sum 100% siguren che gi izkupi durjavata v chetvurtuk
What if she has 180 iq, and disinfected it first. And now hundreds of "people" will do it for real?
abe pi4agi kak se meri kur be, bash ot taq oblast mejdu tashacite i samiq penis li?
>and disinfected it first
even if it's brand new its still DISGUSTANG
The Balkans already has immunity due to exposure to gypsies.
ako ot gore, izliza po malko
ako ot dolu, deto pitash, izliza poveche
bottom line is it's stupid and if you need to measure it chance are it's not long
Phones are dirtier than toilets and women put penises in their mouths regularly, so its not that disgusting.
Ki vagy te?
Such a retarded ass statement. go back to the cuck general
Rate dinner, lads...
Daskale, how can you eat so little? This food can't feed one man in a day.
I want to cuum
What's the middle bottom dish ?
Looks good as always. What’s the meat?
Here’s my dinner, Dominos still deliver.
Forgot pic
>but she won't kiss you
Begai s taq corona pizza be moi. Barnata tam ot 100 zarazeni ujas
Dalyan köfte (meatloaf) with mashed potato.
Here is yesterday's dinner.
Based, looks tasty.
It's enough food for me I think. Besides, I eat instant noodles when I get hungry.
looks like shit
Remember the story I told you about the uncle of a friend in Pirogov weak af after coma lying in the same room with the old guy (rip) who had corona? He hasn't been infected, tested negative. So how contiguous is this corona actually?
wonder how many people will you infect when you go back to sofiq
15/03/20 18:07:42
Пpизив oт coциaлнитe мpeжи - дa пoдкpeпим мeдицитe c pъкoпляcкaнe oт бaлкoнa
Бългapитe дa излязaт нa бaлкoнитe cи в 21 чaca дoвeчepa и дa пoдкpeпят c pъкoпляcкaнe мeдицитe, кoитo ce бopят c кopoнaвиpyca - зa тoвa пpизoвaвaт пoтpeбитeли в coциaлнитe мpeжи. Пoдoбeн флaшмoб ce пpoвeдe cнoщи в Иcпaния, кoятo e тeжкo зaceгнaтa oт COVID-19.
>7 people who tested today were negative for corona
fuck yeah finally some good news especially because all of them were from towns from every part of mkd so at least it ain't spreading (officially)
I am already back, all projects delayed. This guy isnt me.
Me at the market today
isn't it amazing that now months later WHO hasn't released any real useful information and we still pretty much know nothing
What are the only things that are still open in your cunts?
your mom's legs
who was phone?