Amerimutts BTFO by Norway

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Other urls found in this thread:

>we banned them from coming here
europoors can never win

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do you have google alerts for obscure news like this?


holy jesus it's real, but they already edited it after an amerishart complained about being lumped with the thirdies

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third world shithole

euros cannot go two seconds without thinking about the US

Why do you keep doing those things

doing what

because you are the satan, DEATH TO ALL AMERICANS


Those things you do


your political commentators are always talking about european welfare because of muh sanders


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Lmao mutts BTFO

>5 (you)'s within 3 minutes
do euros really

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rent free

Amerifats BTFO

But not sugar free

also health insurance free


We have literally banned everyone from comming here, including yourself

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EU: lmao look at those retards

Do you have the direct link please?

>Norway telling other countries they are undeveloped and have bad infrastructure
Is this real life?

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If that is real, it is clearly an attack and will be dealt with appropriately

oh but it's bad when we do it

>Proves the point that Euros are fucking obsessed

Where did i say that

yeah you are literally a clown for us, we laugh at you.

>europoors ordering their shitskins to return home
Thank heavens. Props to the Norwegians for helping us with our European ban.

you're not european you dumb gypsy

We poke fun of our own people all the time, it's nothing novel to us and excessive patriotism is a common topic of jokes here. What Europeans do isn't remotely comparable. You're either spamming "shart" memes 24/7 of frothing-at-the-mouth raging.

The endless threads about us are simply too frequent for you to pretend it's all in good fun. It's a pathological obsession drilled into your brains by your media.

you just gotta understand the thing that drives them the most crazy is the fact that we don't take them seriously. our indifference makes them seethe like you wouldn't believe

>euros cannot go two seconds without thinking about the US

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They deleted/edited the Facebook post

yeah dude you're truuuly indifferent lmao

we're not the ones spamming threads about the us all day everyday. it's cute how interested you are about our affairs tho

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golden banter

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Ah yes, watching you suffer from your own stupidity just makes my blood boil like nothing else, please start being a regular boring country so we can't make fun of you please im begging you

it's ok, I capped op's picture. That will be enough, thank you

It's ok. Your subhumans are returning home and freeing our systems from burden, no need for your seething m8.

see you responded. couldn't help yourself could you


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UK together with the USA are the great satan following the anti-Christ Israel

also based



American in Norway: This is what real healthcare should look like.

Lol nobody care what you do as long you don't put up literal concentration camps filled with children.

right, we should just pay off our neighbors to do it for us like fortress evropa. fuck off already jesus

I can guarantee at some point during the news tonight in finalnd America will be mentioned more than once. euros are more obsessed with who we elect or what we're doing than even we are.


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>hey maam let me hold that baby for you that you just shat out
>that'd be 40 000 dollars for that service maam

Finnish news are nothing but corona virus right now.

>literal concentration camps

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>we are indifferent
>now let me explain in 3000 words how indifferent we are

America has BY FAR the best doctors, most advanced hospitals and prestigious medical universities in the entire world. This fact makes Europoors/thirdies seethe and cry while waiting for one year to get a specialist appointment in a second rate communist hospital.

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Vulgaria doesn't even make the list. Say your goodbyes to your old folks because they aren't going to make survive COVID-19 in the Vulgarian health care system.

btw, the meme you're referencing is being misunderstood by Yuropoors. The patient wasn't billed; the insurance company was.

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Wtf i want to get rid of good healthcare for everyone so the rich can buy world class healthcare now

>Muslims voluntarily going back to their countries at the request of their governments

I thank them for their compliance. It helps us get closer to achieving the goal of our travel ban

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damn, that's a lot of hospital beds

i know a nhl player who got stuck in austria or something, most likely infected. he is covered up is ass in insurance and health care in usa but choose to fly home to norway instead. millionare or streetbum, all get top notch treatment here.