
leftymong is mentally ill edition

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Why are they like this?

UPDATE on coronavirus (#COVID19) testing in the UK:
As of 9am on 15 March, a total of 40,279 have been tested:
38,907 negative
1,372 positive

Across the UK, 35 patients who tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) have sadly died.

someone mind explaining this picture to me

Is warmth what? Being nice to other humans?

daily increase?

just injected 100mcg of U-47700, snorted 200mg of 2C-I, smoked 200mg of 3-MeO-PCE, swallowed a tab of ETH-LAD, 150mg of 6-APDB on my gums and under my tongue and 1mg of Bromo-DragonFLY up the 'ol bum hole
what you lads doing today?

only drug that genuinely terrifies me
glad its rare in use

>have sadly died.

Come on report it like out Chief Medical Officer.


Lesser known work of Piet Mondrian.

There’s likely 20k cases in the UK with 35 deaths, can someone do the % maths

What the fuck does this mean?


is teaching english is china still a viable career option? and will it always remain a viable career option?

to get a mortality rate you're better going with your total case estimate from about a week ago.


it's actually more like 400,000 cases with 35 deaths.

it's interesting imo. i'd never take it but it's interesting.
apparently it's not even in production anymore because no one wants to buy it

The bigger the number the more you favour your own race over other races.

I'm pretty sure at least 2.5 million people have it.

>apparently it's not even in production anymore because no one wants to buy it
after the hauptRC incident it probably put a lot of people off

we're all in here

There’s no way it’s as high as 400k yet

i always thought it was WOOP THAT ASS

Might get tested for it, if I have it mildly I can go off work that way

No thanks.

I have never gotten any art but I love his shit and I don't know why.

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Its in the modern definition of "liberal". Its like plotting a graph than shows mountains are taller than hills.

If you were given the choice of catching the coronavirus for two weeks of paid sick days, would you do it just to escape the toil?

are u retarded

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have a day off rorke

Where's Jesus in times like these?


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I like it. Reminds me of stained glass. Very pretty


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de bitch done shit herself

what makes something 'reddit'?

china is hardly bothered about 1 cocaine addled british "philosopher"

Anything I dislike

t. coronachan


its the aftermath and subsequent global recession I'm more worried about 2bh

Hot off the presses:


Amazing the way misinformation just spreads like wildfire through communities(even faster than corona) and it becomes established fact, but this is what we call a factoid and not an actual fact. Facemasks massively reduce your chances of contracting a virus..maybe not the surgical ones but the n95 and n99 that cup round your face do massively. My sister was trying to tell me that even my n99 wont help though
Boggles the mind...

If reddit is in the url then that

Lads, if we go full Italy can I still order a curry?

an obnoxious concoction of manchildism, simpism and feminism with a prinkle of rightwing and leftwing extremism and an aftertaste of neoliberal propaganda

this whole site is anonymous reddit now
it started in 2010 and 2016 was the completion

lads what is the real deal with this virus?

some of the stuff ive seen related to it really has me scared
>destroys your bollocks
>wrecks your lungs
>no immunity to it leaving you vulnerable to death from secondary infections after getting better from the corona itself

im scared lads

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I'm just saying that the USSR would have gulag'd political opponents and people with fascist sympathies but China gives them free roam and career opportunities. Land is hardly the only example either there's quite a few western biological essentialist guys I'm aware of that live in China as expats

The worst thing is that there will be no accountability for the idiots who crashed the global economy over the flu

*screams for literally no fucking reason*

mostly elderly with significant underlying health conditions, just the type of people youd expect to die of it

i just want the football back
nothing more, nothing less

>destroys your bollocks


if i have to convert one more fucking image a frog is getting shot dead

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why? Hopefully house prices crash

They spread the rumor to stop people from hording them, causing shortages for the medics who would make better use of them.
Even the surgical masks help somewhat.

This as well, I hope none of you did Mickey Mouse degrees.

so many industries affected, manufacturing will be affected, supply chains, hotels, airlines. its just gonna be crazy

This who the FUCK came up with that shit. Fuck google and fuck twitter

it's true
all of it


>tfw a degree in culture and media studies

>this has yet to be proven
>this is probably rare, do your own research instead of listening to Yas Forums
>this was debunked this morning by a preprint and antibody tests already being done

If I saw Jesus holding a pack of bog rolls I'd rip em out of t'bastids hand

any of you lads ever tried poppers?

It's a filetype that some greasy lizardman came up with to track files.


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Yeah little sweets?

a lot of qt pakis on tinder due to coronavirus

Did you not hear? Covid also causes your skin to melt.

they're for gays so they can have more anal sex lad

Me and my bf use them. They give me a headache 2bh

literally every mask helps. When she says that just ask her why the docs are using facemask plus goggles plus faceguard plus 3 pairs of surgical gloves to treat a patient.

Seriously go get a mask.

do you have a link to the preprint and antibody test stuff?

Any retail lads here? What's the situation on food and supplies? When the supermarkets say "calm your shit, we've got enough", are they being truthful?

Give us a second

>greasy lizardman
Lizards aren't greasy.

I have two n99s, 5 n95s and a gas mask mate

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Half lizard half MAN you dipshit

>get a mask
unless you're a doctor, critical care worker, 60yo+ or have underlying health issues, don't get a mask
1) there's a shortage and the aforementioned people need them
2) its a fucking flu for healthy young people, get a grip



You're right, it's 2.5%. My mistake. Or wait. Don't you know how percentages work? Fucking retard.

Federal Reserve here printed out 1.5 trillion dollars to throw at the market no questions asked. It only recovered for 15 minutes. That was enough to forgive everyone's student loan debts just pissed away for a 15 minute recovery.

Imagine if China gave the "herd immunity" argument.

Xi would become the next Hitler. 'China watchers' would directly call for an invasion. US senators would warn China to "protect its people or risk sanctions".

But, unfortunately for 'China watchers', the UK did it instead.

>When the supermarkets say "calm your shit, we've got enough", are they being truthful?
supply chains aren't affected at all yet, but if it gets to the point where a substantial amount of the workforce are either ill or not turning up then obviously there may be logistical problems

senpai, who is this semen demon?

just been sacked from work-at-home for this image

Mental how many yanks never actually leave their country. If you're an American who owns a passport you're already regarded as some sort of local celebrity

The deliveries for tomorrow are being worked today

idiot moron dickhead go watch the conference instead of Yas Forums memes he did not say herd immunity was the plan

commencing wanktoil operation

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Yes supply chains are still fine but scalpers will continue to empty shelves.

Our country is the size of the entire European continent. It costs an arm and a leg to leave its borders for most people.

Young people in italy and spain are dying idiot

thanks lad

where did the things about reinfection and no immunity start then?

Americans: Kulaks wouldn’t have actually hoarded grain, that was an excuse to oppress them

Also Americans: I need 600 rolls of toilet paper right fucking now

they also don't have chip-and-PIN or contactless payments

utter backwater

Middling intelligence, a bit above average but never smart (110-115 IQ), manchild tastes in pop culture but a desire for things to be catered to adults- he will love cartoons but prefers them if they reference sex or swearing or violence, he loves weed because it's an infantile desire but has easier access to it because he's an adult, loves superhero movies because it reminds him of the kind of things he liked as a kid, loves video games because he can buy them himself rather than rely on his mum for them
Is either a staunch feminist or a staunch antifeminist with no middle ground. Is either a Ron Paul type libertarian or a Bernie Sanders type democratic socialist. I'd always an atheist. Loves to swear. Has weird fetishes. Likely has sex but never with pretty or nice women, always obnoxious and fat ones. Has a beard, has glasses, has manchild tattoos. Has a childlike hatred of authority and rules yet will act like the police when someone goes against the established order of his favourite late night comedian's opinions or the Reddit hivemind- he loathes conspiracy theorists and anyone who has an opinion different to what "the experts" agree on, has a weird obsessive hatred with scientology, anti-Vaxxers, astrologists, evangelical Christians, flat earthers and pro-life people

Good to hear.

Mental how many niggers never actually leave their jungle. If you're a nigger who owns a tree you're already regarded as some sort of local celebrity

because hes not that stupid, the more people die the weaker it makes xi and the party look, as for boris well he knows the tories days are numbered and are unlikely to win the next election in 2025

>Austria based banned gatherings of more than 5 people
>the UK is considering maybe possibly asking old people to not go out at some point in the next month
They're trying to kill us. The government wants you dead.


If I was American I'd probably never step foot outside of the country either.
You got literally everything that one can desire within your borders.

Yas Forums obviously
They saw a few news reports of "reinfection" from "recovered" people but they weren't papers or researched just rag stories to scare people.
Those were more than likely relapses or the virus just lingering a little longer than thought at first.

>they also don't have chip-and-PIN or contactless payments

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the pet pangolin seems a bit under the weather today

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Don't know why you're acting shocked. This is tories to a t

well im not 80 with underlying health conditions so no, they're not trying to kill me

Poland already went into quarantine. My only opinion is that 2 weeks is fucking nothing. It needs to be at least 40 days, that's what China did now they are getting less than 10 new cases a day.

t. has a jar of useless bronze and silver coins at home

Fuck you Japan.

>the jap is a yank english teacher
like pottery

you fucking normie retard
The government can make them so cheap and easy
You must have a death wish or something you fucking tard. LMAO at you and all the bullshit you spew from that mouth of yours

yeah, a couple.... likely to be asthmatic/obese/immunocompromised young people

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stay safe, brothers

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Not useless I'll ping them off your fat head

>believing the china numbers

oh dear

Just got this letter through the post

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Imagine being so edgy that you think "at least it will only kill my granny" is a normal human response to this

You know Austria has a Tory government right

my friend is doing it at the moment, makes a decent amount and is just working from home at the moment

They're going mental over here lads
Everyone was scared of us today

>well he knows the tories days are numbered and are unlikely to win the next election in 2025
What happened to levelling up?

they're all made in China you fucking spastic.... yes we could make them, but it takes time to build a factory for it (and that equipment will be equally in shorts supply). Demand now is 10-100x normal, you think they'll be plentiful supply for weeks or months you're mistaken

>error bars the size of a fucking forest
So you think it's still spreading there as fast as it is here, even with WHO reporting Europe is covid's home now?

dont make a stupid post saying "omg the govmint tryina kill us lol xdd" then

Why not just enforce a 2-per-group policy?

should I also be constantly worrying that she'll more likely die in a road traffic accident?

ok im starting to feel a bit better now
how much of this doomsday stuff do you think is real?

>the coronavirus caused by coronavirus (Covid-19) formerly SARS-CoV-2 formerly nCov-2019

got given them in clubs a couple of times. pretty shit. no where near as good as nos and just sobers you up if you're drunk

Gagging for a takeaway, not had one in a month.

Fuck sake China, I just want a fucking kebab.

Nah they dont come close to the bumbling incompetence of our boys

prefer the term gookflu

as if that matters... as you can see, even at the top of the error range, the death rate for under-40s is near zero.

fuck off

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>as for boris well he knows the tories days are numbered and are unlikely to win the next election in 2025
So who is then? Won't be Labour. The seat they need to overturn is far too massive.

>the edgelords get immediately triggered and start spouting off defensively
Clockwork. Edgy mongs always are the most sensitive egos.

oh fuck off its not a sophisticated piece of equipment
It's a filter and a bit of string. Retard. Dont (you) me again. They should have mass produced them months ago

None of it.
It's not just a flu but it's not the end of days. The danger is an overwhelmed healthcare system.
You'll literally get more ill by worrying all the time.

where I work I unironically get 6 months full sick pay, then a further year and a half half pay then it reduces drastically after that but basically nearly 2 years

im english

Either we die as slaves under capital or destroy the parasites who rule us and live. Simple as.

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>death toll more than triples in 2 days

It's just a flu bro

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....get one then?

do you really think the tories give a shit about some brexiteer norf boomers who lent them their vote?

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>oldest woman most at risk in the shop literally works for asda


>So you think it's still spreading there as fast as it is here, even with WHO reporting Europe is covid's home now?

I just think the narrative that it's a solved issue in China and now firmly in the past for them is utter garbage. Their death rate numbers are complete shite going of Italy numbers alone. And there is nothing to prevent a fresh outbreak happening in China again, right now or a month from now, beyond the CCP keeping all citizens under home arrest.

China sending ventilators and 6 doctors to Italy is a PR move and completely transparent.

Called it Kung Flu at toil and everyone looked at me disdainfully.

Anyone make any extra money online doing paid surveys or match betting or anything like that? Any pointers so i can make some extra cash?

Why dont you start making them then? You'll make a fortune

>tories aren't going to win the next three elections
Don't tell me leftypol actually believes this.

What the fuck is this actual lunacy? Are these the writings of Tim?

what's going on here?

>The Queen has fled Buckingham Palace due to coronavirus fears.
>The 93-year-old monarch was rushed to Windsor Castle.
>There are plans in place to quarantine the Queen and Prince Philip, 98, at their Sandringham estate if the outbreak worsens.

>'Don't do what we did - people are needlessly dying': Italian journalist urges UK and US to lockdown NOW amid coronavirus pandemic
>Italian journalist Mattia Ferraresi has urged UK to lockdown now amid pandemic

Corona's Die and Cry
Formerly Sneed's

have you lads ever called into babestation for a wankeroo?

yeah ive been unable to sleep for very long or eat much at all for about 2 weeks now


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wow these twats are still going?

I want to have sex with Emma Watson.

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Can't risk it, I'm going for last man standing.

Mike Tyson's youtube channel is fucking gold
great bloke

I'm getting so fucking sick of seeing this picture.
People obviously haven't been in a tesco, or any supermarket during the restock hours but I can assure you it ALWAYS looks like this.
Empty shelves not so much but the shit on the floor and cages everywhere yes.

Schizo Yank nonsense ramblings. Honestly the Internet was a mistake.

They knew I was underage and threatened to call back and tell me mam. Scared shitless I was unplugged all the phones

>China bad

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link to a funny vid

Communism is literally the cause of this virus

Everything in the shop has been divided into trolleys of equal worth, you go in pick one out and leave nice and quick.

Looks like it may be online shopping trolleys

Fuck no, too self conscious

Marxist-Leninism is literally just swapping licking a wealthy boot for licking a red boot. You do know that no socialist government official gives a single shit about the people they govern right? The ruling class of all nations, capitalist or socialist, detest the masses and will slaughter them if it benefits them. If you want to be a true idealistic revolutionary you'd be an anarchist not a bootlicking tankie

Theyve won every election for like 50 years or so yet people still think they wont win the next

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it is, yes

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