China has been sitting at 80000 since February

>China has been sitting at 80000 since February
Does this mean that the virus is being contained?

>Italy jumped to second place in 1 week
What the fuck is happening in Italy?

>Germany has more infections than France, but 9 times less deaths than France
What is Germany doing right that the rest of the world isn't doing?

>Japan hasn't reached 1000 yet despite being really, really close to China
What is Japan doing right that the rest of the world isn't doing?

Attached: Sin título.png (484x737, 36.48K)

Other urls found in this thread:


is not a reliable source at all. Assume the opposite of what they are claiming.


Many of the infected in Germany are young people who went skiing in Austria, Northern Italy etc.

>Does this mean that the virus is being contained?
Not all case reported since you need to get tested, but virus likely to get contained in China because they have extreme quarantine and measure.
>What the fuck is happening in Italy?
Because people think it's a just a flu bros and do nothing.
>What is Germany doing right that the rest of the world isn't doing?
Early detection, before virus show sympton.
>What is Japan doing right that the rest of the world isn't doing?
Don't know, they could hiding it, even Vietnam closer to China yet no big outbreak.

>Germany has more infections than France, but 9 times less deaths than France
France has many more very old people (life expectancy is higher). Those die a lot more.

Reminder we were the first country to report cases outside China and we're way down on that list due to a combination of world class pandemic protocols and experiencing a heat wave that's been inhibiting growth and transmission of the virus.

Attached: Thai_nurse.png (700x745, 667.04K)

>What is Germany doing right that the rest of the world isn't doing?
All deaths related to corona are being recorded as something else if the person already had a pre-existing condition.
Don't even bother trying to compare countries like this because they all use different criteria for every single thing.

>believing China's numbers

>is not a reliable source at all. Assume the opposite of what they are claiming.
Admit it, you're just saying that because their criticized your flag joke.

what's diamond princess?

Still no deaths

Attached: 1543657685.jpg (200x200, 16.23K)

A new country that Japan giving it a little sea zone in the ocean.

>implying no killing them and counting them as palestinians to disguise stats

>a heat wave that's been inhibiting growth and transmission of the virus
That's not how the coronavirus works Look up MERS and see warm climate and weather does nothing to it

She's cute

>is not a reliable source at all. Assume the opposite of what they are claiming.
Pathetic racist cope.

Germany is covering them up

Libertarian utopia state. Child slaves, personal nukes and not a road in sight.

Hi Zhang

A group of troomers finally made their own country, didn't you heard.

>is not a reliable source at all. Assume the opposite of what they are claiming.
>muh china lies meme, while japan is barely even testing it's people.
and people still think japanese monkeys are more trustworthy than chinese, yikes.

Israelis are a virus to begin with. You can't kill what isn't technically alive.

>mild insult of China

>Australian and Canadian flags pop up seething


Am I the only one who want to destroy every single Chinese head with a hammer?

>What is Japan doing right that the rest of the world isn't doing?

Japanese bloodline of the ancient samurai warriors can help kill the weak-ass Chinese virus.

>>China has been sitting at 80000 since February
>Does this mean that the virus is being contained?
IF you believe Chinese numbers, then yes.
>>Italy jumped to second place in 1 week
>What the fuck is happening in Italy?
Complete breakdown of the halth system and exponential spread of the virus
>>Germany has more infections than France, but 9 times less deaths than France
>What is Germany doing right that the rest of the world isn't doing?
They are just behind the curve and have a ton of hospital beds per capita which is helpfull, wait a week or so and the case fatality rate will normalize
>>Japan hasn't reached 1000 yet despite being really, really close to China
>What is Japan doing right that the rest of the world isn't doing?
Same as Germany, give it a week or so and it'll look much worse.

japanese monkeys are just lying as always, japanese monkey only can lie

Chinese were literally eating each other by the hundreds for the fun of it as recently as the 1960s, they're complete ancient savages propped up by stolen modern technology
Italians love touching each other, smoking and being old
Germans are connected by a form of mutual autism that allows them to solve stupid problems like this quickly
Japs, in addition to being an island nation and being able to control points of entry more effectively, are even more autistic than germans. Also they don't shake hands and are generally sanitary.
>t.burger confined to base

A cruise ship.

Yeah I'm sure this is just a coincidence.

Attached: SmartSelect_20200313-061015_Flipboard.jpg (1420x1299, 770.87K)

It's not anything. The northern hemisphere is richer and milder in climate. These go hand in hand with globalisation and international travel.
The coronavirus isn't killed off by mildly warmer weather. The middle east is a major reservoir of it.

japan dont test deliberately

Attached: no test.png (550x353, 120.01K)

Many countries in our hemisphere already have more than hundreds of case Lel.
Malay have 428 cases now.
Indo, Thai, Phil already have more than 100 cases
Viet only half now but cases increase everyday.

Do they publish official number of tests performed somewhere online?

It'll remains to be seen though. You can see it from other SEA countries like we are and some Middle East and African countries. Things could get really fucky next few months.

also consider that all these city are in the high density region of the world. It's normal for them to get the worst cases.

China is safe now. They won this round.

We won't be so lucky tho.

Attached: (1080x2160, 840.34K)

jap is just cheating their statics by dont testing

Attached: japan strange.png (936x831, 227.56K)

then why china still kill their revealing people

it's not though. the idea that warmer weather kills off virus is based on the seasonal influenza. but influenza and coronavirus are different. we don't know if warmer weather affects the novel coronavirus.

The only who have it under control right now is China, South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan.

The rest are all lying, not testing, declaring deaths as being caused by something else, or worse, declare it a NOTHINGBURGER and refuse to admit they are affected.

International companies like Apple know that. Hence why they close down in every nation except for China.

Attached: (1080x2160, 519.08K)

Notice that they only reported Hubei's number. Remember that all of China's provinces is practically infected yet we never have updates regarding other regions.

the theory came from SARS who essentially died out through warmer weather. But we don't know if it was the weather or simply the lifestyle of the people that changed during summer that made a difference.

They didn't.
This jjokbari stranded in China vlogs about the containment and isn't being killed.

Why do you think it's not realizable? Any proof about cover up?

Xi Jinping himself walked through the streets of Wuhan a few days ago. China controlled the virus.
It's not a pandemia anymore in China

The other regions were returned to normal weeks ago.

It was only really Hubei since the containment was broad and strict.

i'd put it this way, if you don't trust the chinese government in releasing the data. if the infection were running rampant outside of Hubei, apple, an american corporation, would not open their stores and the reported number of people calling in sick there would be a telling sign.


CCP dont kill foreigner

who cares about japan look how little taiwan has they knew about the virus in december and screened flights from china before anyone else

Lol japs are one of the filthiest peoples on earth

True in Germany there are barely any people over 70

These california chinks are spreading coronavirus all over the US.
Be cautious of them.

Coronavirus carriers (wuhan chink vermin):
>MEI MEI CHUN MOY, ALISTAIR ROGERS, CHRIS SUEN, KLYTIE XU, SALLY MA, Christopher Sayas, Paulina Hernandez, Brenda Zhu, Jiyue Qiu, Nickii Wantakan Arcado, Hang Yu, Kyle Catarata, Amber Li, Samantha Quach, Samantha Lam

Attached: we wuz Asian Auschwitz, Pacific Atrocities Education.jpg (2890x2020, 3.15M)

Is that deformed crippled chinko an outcome of Ishii's experimentation in the 731 lab??

Attached: 1565610576322.jpg (398x376, 54.53K)

Spain is quickly going critical, but sure.

This. That map would have made sense a couple of weeks ago, not today.

i'm seeing this

Attached: 1554683772133.png (1160x1080, 1.18M)

Why was only Japan able successfully to contain and kill it?

Attached: based dr. shiro ishii.png (711x490, 88.91K)

Switzerland is kill. It was a pleasure shitposting with you Gentlemen. Italy, even though you pozzed us beyond repair, I still love you.

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-03-15 16-46-49.png (583x796, 129.16K)

Superior Nippon face masks folded over 1000 times.

Because you lie, japs are liar monkeys

I still love you too, Switzerland
you'll deal with it better than us, I'm sure of it
godspeed and stay safe

t. chincaust survivor

Attached: Mei Mei Chun Moy, Pacific Atrocities Education Summer Internship.webm (640x360, 1.77M)

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Damn, Ishii is so sinful, dude literally made all chinkoids look like deformed tards. lol

Lmao, you Danes really fucked up with your flag joke.

Attached: 13B9A262-65F1-4874-BC09-A04EDD04FD47.jpg (552x539, 35.09K)

You're all retards. Italy has a very large number of chink migrant workers making all that "made in italy shit". Now Italy is paying for it.

wait a minute look at the recovered/deaths of china and compare that to italy or spain makes you think

Japan actually isn't doing anything about the virus, because Abe-san wants the boomer welfare leeches gone. That's their true endgame

Chinkoids in their true colors.
These cali chinks/gooks are demonizing Japanese cultures, companies, history as much as they can.
Wake up and know your enemy, Japanese Americans, do your job.

Attached: Has Japan Really Apologized for Its WW2 Atrocities .png (1170x393, 719.59K)

consider time as a factor and compare it to the diamond princess, then numbers make sense.