Yeah well FUCK YOU TOO e*rope, China is our new best friend

Yeah well FUCK YOU TOO e*rope, China is our new best friend

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can i still visit italy?

>EU has failed

Attached: italiano.jpg (1091x1618, 1.68M)

Marco Polo predicted this.

ahaha 殺死西方人 am i rite my new best friend?
all hail the Greater Dragon

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30,000 British tourists told to leave French ski resorts

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Oh would you look at this, the people all the racist on the board called soulless insects reveal Europeans were the ones without soul all along. As if we needed this virus to know this. The chinese didn't go around the world enslaving and genociding races and cutting off parts of their bodies. (this doesn't apply to Eastern Europeans) but we always knew the Western European and the North European in particular was always, cold and evil. History has taught us, and people don't change.

When did the EU ever succeed?

Zhang please, you genocided the most important race in the world (the Jie).

a proud Yeniseian

Shut the fuck up, worthless burguerslave. It's time for your whipping, and today you are getting extra.

it was just banter bro

I thought you had a "Union", no?

Invaders, you were the invadee

We're only in a "union" when they need to impose austerity on us to bail out their fucking banks

>+10 points to your social credit score

As a Yeniseian I can say that we once inhabited all of northern Eurasia and formed the ANE. Your people invaded us (as the Beidi). "China" should be confined to the land of the Yanhuang

Shut the fuck up hans, you're the one who gave us the virus in the first place

>coronavirus devastates italy
>europeans almost immediately revert back to 40s centric racism, and wishes for the cunts death
>china sends supplies
The european everyone.

>That one part of France that speaks Mexican thinks they have any power over the U.S. of A

Southern europeans (and their offsprings, latin americans) are the most racist to asians. It’s always the swarthier, less civilized people being racial supremacists.

I am Yeniseian and I have lived in London since moving here from Asia (also known as Yeniseia) last year. I have not experienced any cases of negative discrimination, rather people kowtow to me and even prostate themselves at the sight of a Yeniseian because they know we are the master race

I know about your race. Were your ancestors caucasoid or mongoloid?

fuck off you slant-eyed kike

Shut up retard, that is an archaic classification that became outdated by 1900. I am Yeniseioid

Based. But fuck trump and his exclusive vaccine

The worst thing someone could do to an asian in Spain is calling them "chino"( chinese) and do the eye thingy and It usually does not happen. Southern Europe is usually less racist than northern Europe and wayyyyy less racist than eastern Europe where It is unironically ingrained in their culture.

It was all a Chinese plot to sell Chinese stuff

Funny because I've never actually met a WHITE Italian. Hope you all succumb.

be safe italybros

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t. chink

Those are just sensationalized headlines. We're not abandoning Italy and China already struck a formal deal that requires them to send workers and supplies way back when.

Literally the only people falling for this seem to be fats. Why are they so gullible?

>cause the virus which has killed hundreds of my fellow country men

It was the g*rms who gave us the virus

Fuck you Sven, our friendship is over
Zhang is our new best friend

I pray that the Coronavirus will devastate Europe.

Well considering your track record that pretty much ensures their eventual downfall so I'm OK with that. Can you get Japan to sign up too?

doesn't change the fact that the chinks chose to keep their wet markets open even after SARS which caused this outbreak

>Chinks infect the shit out of you
>Fucking European Union
Now, I don't like the EU at all. It's just a German proejct to drain funds from other European states, but fucking hell, have some self respect you Shitalian nigger.

>China gives you HIV
>then gives you meds to battle AIDS

Yes this was a concentrated effort by the ching chongs so they could act like they care.
>lockdown country
>lose billions
>thousands die
>haha it was all a ruse for you to rike us huwhito piggo

Never bet on italy

To be fair, the Pope has done nothing but fuck over Italy and they still suck his wrinkly old penis.

>(this doesn't apply to Eastern Europeans)
based. we wuz victims too

Our track record is jumping ship from the losing side to the winners, which is exactly what we're doing

aren't these reparations for fucking up the initial containment

these are rightful gibs, zhang, remember the 6 million dead pastas

Until the pandemic, of course

China? Winning? When has that ever happened? They're even worse than you!

Also, this is way too similar to the plot of arma 3

>iran+china+russia coalition named CSAT secretly release bio-engineered malaria strain on a pacific island to cause an emergency
>CSAT then take over island under the guise of humanitarian aid

Even though I hate chinks this post is based as fuck.
Hatred list
1.northwestern yuropeans

>sverige måste dö
how can you let this happen swede bros

>They hated him because he spoke the truth

While I'm opposed to their "death to Sweden" policies, I support their "crush Denmark" agenda wholeheartedly.

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France stands with you bro, stay strong

Wish I could help
But I can't
stay safe everyone

You do realize chinks had information about the disease months before the outbreak and they silenced the doctors indicating it to them? It's quite clear that they at least could have contained the spread only to China, but decided that the rest of the world should be fucked too.

>Headline education

Why was only Japan able successfully to contain and kill it?

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cause japs don't ever leave their room anyway

chino chan is cute

We are nations of sailors and merchants, we are not racist. It's mosly banter and wanting to have sex with exotic women.

why post a picture of yourself, sven