Your Eurovision 2020 televote winner
Your Eurovision 2020 televote winner
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For me, it's Iceland.
Are the bookies right?
I don't understand why Bulgaria is so high desu. It's a really boring song. And Russia is only on 5 even though the video on Youtube already has a whopping 19 million clicks. I don't really get it
But it's cool that it changes so much this year, last year the Dutch nigga was constantly on 1 and ended up winning
tfw no wide-hipped black haired russian gf
She is Georgian
She is Tatar with some funny name.
even better
what's her name though.
She is Russian with Russian name from Irkutsk
Florida Chanturia
Florida Chanturia
She is back vocal from Leningrad
Nevermind I didn't even notice there was 2 girls
It's okay, mate.
You're pidoraha after all
What an odd choice of name, is it popular in whatever region her ancestry traces back?
why in english
>eurovision contestants singing in english
>eurovision contestants singing in english AND spanish
hard cringe, reddit, yikes and bluepilled
She is cute.
it's just some strange and unique name
she is baskir (tatar) + georgian hapa
Probably because because 17 of the 20 last winners were songs (mostly) sung in English
Spanish, French and Italian are the only languages people like next to English
i agree
English and Spanish are pure NPC languages.
No one cares
little big has been producing music in english for almost a decade now.
it would be dishonest to call it pandering to eurovision audience
Why do they suck so much Sweden cock?
I'm disappointed
I expected Little Big to make something more violent, explicit, hardcore...
Where are the insults, the gore clips, the penises?
EBU wouldn't allow that. They don't even allow swear words
I'm going to vote for Greece because the singer is Dutch and from my city.
And otherwise I'll vote for Belgium.
>not voting for the song you like most
Why? It's a song contest, not "who is my country's best friend" contest
Also I like how people do shit like this but at the same time whine about muh Russia getting all the votes from eastern Yurop. Also the fucking Greece and Cyprus bullshit that happens every single fucking time when both of them are in the final. It's getting ridiculous desu
Everything is okay.
Just bend your fingers on counts uno, dos, skip tres, cuatro.
>it's not "who is my country's best friend" contest
>Germany ends up last
No one likes us, that's a well known fact
Last year I voted for Norway. Perhaps some song will surprise me in a positive way, but otherwise I'll vote for Belgium. She's pretty good. Or the girl from my city.
She also represented the Netherlands a few years back in the youth eurovision.
>Last year I voted for Norway.
Extremely based
I hate it that so many songs sing in English desu.
>He thinks Eurovision is still happening....
That's cool, stay positive bro.
This was suppose to be our representative
>he thinks we're going to cancel it
The Netherlands is not in the business of throwing money away lol
Let's be honest, both Germany and you guys would be fucked if we had to sing in our languages
It'll definitely happen. It will either be delayed or there will be no audience, but it will not be cancelled. Too much money went into it already.
1 of the 3 presenters in 2020 also performed in the Eurovision in 1998 with a Dutch song and became 4th place
The last proper Dutch song was very, very Dutch. And the singer couldn't really sing. But it was pretty fun anyway.
It's a reference to those street organs you can find across Dutch cities, and especially mine.
Completely different time, though. Wouldn't fly today as English songs started taking over the European music market in the 2000s.
Somehow only slavic and romance languages perform in their languages today. Slavic songs usually don't do that well. The 3 biggest romance language countries are always in the final so it's not all that easy to judge their performance, but Spain and France rarely have good results. Somehow it's only Italy that can manage.
But I still like that Slavic countries often perform in their languages. They're usually the only songs that represent some part of their culture or history adequately and those kind of things got their firm place in Yurovision
Kek I remember this. Honestly I kinda like the song, but the performance was pretty cringe. At least it's memorable, though
Dutch guy going "Yeah we know this one" made me kek
>slavic and romance languages
>Dutch guy going "Yeah we know this one" made me kek
The song was really hated in the Netherlands lol. She got a lot of criticism for it. But I enjoyed it.
It honestly has it's charm, but yeah, stuff like that is why you will probably never send another Dutch song to Eurovision. It's similar for us. We're pessimistic bastards
However, I could actually imagine you guys sending someone like Nielson (I live in the Netherlands, I know him and his music) but I have no idea if he'd have a chance.
so europeans just decided to copy our late-night style shows now?
isn't there a rule on Eurovision to make music representing their own culture?
what's the point of a bunch of russians counting in spanish? Latin music has really influenced people, huh?
Why are there black people and English singers outside England?
is this video based on the sabrina high schooler witch type show?
also, do high schools in europe look like this? or is this just copying the american style of high schools?
This shit has been going on since 1956 m8
No, there is no rule (anymore). It used to be that you need to sing in a official language of your country but that rule was abolished in 1999 or so because Ireland won like 4 or 5 times in the 90s since they could sing in English and English pop music was just way more popular with people. So they abolished any language limits to give everyone the same chance. Otherwise languages like German or Dutch have very little chance since the majority of people hates the sound of those languages.
So now you can just do whatever the fuck. There's also entries that sang in made-up languages, and there has been at least one song in Swahili or something like that.
The Dutch one is from Suriname, which is part of the Netherlands. The other ones don't really have an excuse. Sweden is just being Sweden. We actually have surprisingly many black contestants this year.
Regarding English language, see above
Pretty sure it's supposed to copy high school clichees, yeah. It's weird
Ok, I have a legit question.
Are Europeans trying to americanize their cultures or is this just a the gay cosmopolitan people of europe?
All the performances look extremely american, with black/white dancers, clothes, and mixing english and now even spanish like if they were appealing to hispanics too, even though hispanics (latinos i mean) are non-existent in europe.
This is really weird desu.
Also, does enjoying eurovision make me gay?
I heard is a pretty gay event? but Yas Forums watches it every year, so I join in.
>or is this just a the gay cosmopolitan people of europe
Eurovision is extremely popular with literal homos because of its campiness, yeah. Doesn't mean that only gays watch it. About 200 million people watch it every year, that's obviously not just gays. Honestly Eurovision is like Yas Forums on crack. For me, the best part are not the performances and songs per se, but all the drama around it. People legit insult each other over this shit on the internet, it's kino
>All the performances look extremely american, with black/white dancers, clothes
Explain how these are American things? I think you might be confusing American with Western desu
> and mixing english and now even spanish and mixing english and now even spanish
Have you heard of that little European country named Spain, user? We enjoy Spanish culture too. It's an extremely popular holiday destination. It's not a Hispanic thing.
>Explain how these are American things? I think you might be confusing American with Western desu
it was until recently that europe got a bunch of migrants and non-whites. America has been like this since the start. The video I quoted was very 70s style of performing with 2-3 dancers of different races singing in parts.
This is exactly what i mean. Europe saw the multi-racial USA, and somehow went for it, and seems to be doubling down. It's kind of funny how similar things are turning out to be in europe. I can even see your police departments turning into the trigger happy cops from the US once blacks start fucking shit up there.
>Have you heard of that little European country named Spain, user? We enjoy Spanish culture too. It's an extremely popular holiday destination. It's not a Hispanic thing.
The dancing/music and fashion styles shown in that video are not "spanish" they are indistinguishably latino/latin america/caribbean music/dancing not spanish.
The spanish did not make up any of that, and all of it emerge post-independence. You are the one confusing spain with latin america. apart from speaking the same language, there is that many similiarites.
>Finland didn't send this
>Somehow it's only Italy that can manage
There's something to the fact that the language of art music tradition is Italian.
Spain and France sort of fall over themselves with not so great choices. France in particular looked like they might be willing to take more interesting risks like with last year's entry, but it seems like it just doesn't care this year, with Switzerland captilising well on the niche they ought to have monopolised.
As for the German and Dutch languages, German itself has a far better chance, . Dutch on the other hand has a long way to pull back from its Clown-German-*Hoest* image; from looking at fairly early entries, it didn't do a half bad job in the past, but it's yet to tap into that again.