/dixie/ - souFEnr us a ndfrien d


preiovsuuly on paeNusqweANsu

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omg yes

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Just set up the coffee machine.

I went to the grocery store last night and there were almost no frozen pizzas. Apparently people are panic buying those too.

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you at least bought toilet paper right

There is none. I've been using paper towels or showering for the past week. I use maybe like ten rolls in an entire year, so I have no idea why people are buying so much. Maybe these are the infamous mart sharters with no bowel control that I've heard so much about.

>ten rolls in an entire year
are all virgins this filthy

Not my problem if you have violent diarrhea every day m8

well it should be

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people who make commercials should be shot. they do nothing for society, just inconvenience other people. I have more respect for unemployed gender studies grads than I do for marketing people.

how did they hurt you

These people dedicate their entire LIVES to finding the most obnoxious and repetitive possible way to bombard you against your will with jingles, shouting, and unfunny skits — over and over and over again — with the express purpose of getting into your head, affecting your psyche, and making you replay these things in your head. It's like some Guantanamo Bay torture-lite thing except it's a completely accepted.

Thank god paid streaming will put all these people out on the streets.

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yeah theyre pretty bad
lawful evil

>try to get an appointment for any doctor
>next appointment available in 20 august/15 july/30 september etc
the fuck are they doing
fuck em
i will heal with sheer will power

Once tried to chat up a grill and she told me she has a "passion for marketing" and that she couldn't wait to be promoted so that she could "mentor younger employees" or something along those lines. I was like dude first of all you're like 23, second of all who talks like this if they're not trying to suck up to their boss or something?
fucking insectoids I swear

this is why we must stop socialism

i dont think people who willingly work in retail and marketing are human
like how do you grow to like this stuff

but of course she was a femoid so I didn't say any of that stuff and just started flooding the room with spaghetti and sweating profusely instead

flags? hello??

I don't think a single person in retail actually likes it. Unless they're something really specialized like a car dealer or something.

>having passion for anything

I think I could see myself enjoying my job if I sold vidya or history books or something.

i should do porn

>put travel ban in place to prevent the virus spreading
>Americans abroad all rush home at once
>airports are now packed with thousands of people, standing shoulder to shoulder, waiting for HOURS, because there aren't enough federal border agents for passport checks
>this is probably going to create dozens if not hundreds of new cases because these people are packed like sardines
>the "corona screening" lines aren't even being separated from the other arrivals
>the Department of Homeland Security, which is supposed to be in charge of that, currently has no Secretary because Trump just straight up doesn't bother to appoint cabinet members anymore because congress rejected too many of his picks

I actually won't place too much blame on Trump for this, because US airports have been literal hell on earth ever since 9/11; but there was literally no reason for a travel ban targeting fucking Europe of all places.

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reminder that herault will never make it home

I just wish this would end, I've lost so much money because of this fucking bat soup plague.

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boss just called me to say no work tomorrow
probably coronaids related idc

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everything will be fine

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shh dear child

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wake up

grab a brush and put a little makeup

why is my YouTube recommended full of 240p Family Guy clips uploaded by third worlders?

>he doesnt have a passion for what he does


>insectoids are the ones with a passion for what they do
ok retard

back to your cubicle, officecel

imagine having youtube history turned on

I`ve been getting stuff coming up in indian shittermoney lately
Like you`d think they would know im in the US

>nooo not the heckin' hootin' hollerin' passionate advertiserinos

but I do want most of the recommendations though.

okay seriously, why do you use that weird ass apostrophe? Where did you buy your keyboard? Are you copypasting that from somewhere or using an alt-code just to get my goat?

oh wait never mind I found it
you should still kys though

cute tsun-tsun

My grandma gave me this keyboard, thank you very much.

no anime


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coffee brewing

Your IQ is 140 minus the number of toilet paper rolls you have at home. Let's go



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>he doesnt have an infinite supply of lambs ear and an outhouse
do urbanoids really stress over this stuff? wew


love kino midcentury photography, I do

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Why do I never get withdrawal symptoms from not drinking coffee? Isn't it supposed to be addictive?

how mcuh do you drink a day?
drink more every day then quit cold turkey

two cups a day usually. I just generally don't think of coffee as something that gives withdrawals like a drug, so I might not be noticing if I'm showing symptoms. If I quit nicotine cold turkey I would be focused on that all the time, I'd probably interpret every negative feeling I had as nicotine withdrawal.