
splatoon 2 edition

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Never tried to get a gf and don’t think I will. Divorce rates are to high tbdesu.

successful business tycoons and bodybuilding chads are in fact 79% more likely to play nintendo switch

>go to tesco this morning and pick up a few items my friend who works there hid for me to beat the rush of customers
>get out at 10am easy with everything I need


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Nonces like you belong on a cross

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Better hope janny doesn’t see this, he won’t like it one bit.


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when will kfc/subway etc be forced to close?

Truly the height of comedy.

pet nigger just did the watermelon crawl


The man on Andrew Marr said people should stay in doors for 4 fucking months. Supermarkets are going to get raided

Damn, this is powerful.


I love BBC please don't ever stop forcing people to play the licence fee!

it would be a net gain for humanity if everyone of asian (oriental) descent were gassed


Lads, after cooming from a shag I'm not able to coom a second time even if I wait like half an hour. My dick feels numb and I just can't reach coom. Anybody else experience this?

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Better than drinking and driving I suppose.

but also paki asians too

chinks are basically a cross between Jews and insects

I work in Tesco.com so I'll probably never get time off work unless I get fed up and walk which is likely at this rate.

Doing a watch.


The virgin Churchill
The alpha William Lyon Mackenzie King


mind explaining this one?


i just posted splatoon art RETARD FUCK U

Heard you been talking shit about equal rights bro

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sister went out to a club last night fs

My work is literally answering emails yet we haven't been told to go home to work. Even if we were sent home I'm brand new to the job so would only be able to do about 5 minutes of work

am i an incel if i never even tried to get a gf due to fear of rejection?

Why does he post that a dozen times a day

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The BBC really is a fucking meme of an organisation, just get rid of it already.

Yes, I am the same type of incel as you.

What would you do if you were this lad to look normal again?


remy lacroix

hooting and hollering

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not sure if i have corona or a cold. have to self isolate regardless.
cold's pro is that there is no chance of long term problems or dying
corona's pro is that if i have it now i can literally just relax for the rest of the pandemic

yeah i prefer italian comedy
shows like uhhh.....uhhhhh......????

anyone willing to post a redhead slag?

will liverpoo fans riot when the season is cancelled?

She getting defiled on camera again?
Great parenting, sis!

After this Corona business is all over I will go on holiday to China every year and try to knock up as many women as possible

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Italian comedy isn’t in the movie theatre, it’s in the theatre of war.

a fellow telstra mobile leper, I see


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how's Russia doing with the corona??


which was the best slag from geordie shore?

thank you

the legendary Troll 2 was made by a bunch of Italian filmmakers who had barely a word of english among them. its partly why the dialogue and line delivery is so hilariously woeful

About as well as Indonesia was up until last week

dont care

Any call centre toilers in?

>mfw we all get it and will never close


the line about nilbog being goblin backwards is ingrained in my brain

deano manager has decided whoever wins the break fifa tournament can get paid leave haha wahey

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russian lad on here last night said it wasn't too bad and seems to be confined mostly to chinese migrants in moscow

After an unforeseen series of events regarding the so-called "chink flu", it is now the time...

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lads get in

same but the new cola dooty

>People self-isolating a quarantined
>No footy on
>Sky Sports still being stingey Jews and only uploaded 3-4 minute clips of shit on Youtube

I finally started playing Witcher 3

>playing nu-wow
>playing "classic" wow

grim state of affairs laddy

If they don't worry it the truly situation, society is going to fucking childhood

NEED a tradwife pornstar gf to self-isolate with
