>"s-stop don't shoot! I'm not your enemy! Im not a fascist!"
"then state your business among them"
>"i-i just follow the facts and use reason, you see, im what many call a race real-"
"s-stop don't shoot! I'm not your enemy! Im not a fascist!"
eat dick
Shut up paco
Dumpster fire thread
>dumpster fire thr-
Shut up coronavirus
Alright mate this is the most based thread i've seen this week.
+10 based points have been deposited to your account
+10 cringe points have been deposited to your account
Blessed Chad
>violence is perfectly acceptable as long as it's done in service to my agenda
Typical leftist attitude desu.
Ok Pedro.
What ever ended up happening to Cuck Norris? I remember something about charges being pressed, but I'm not sure after that.
Democracy can and should defend itself.
>We of the far right are REAL men who can defend ourselves and do go running away like cucks
>Aaaaaaah help me mr state that I constantly accuse of being leftist
>ywn be this chad
Ok, this is based.
love this thread
Sounds like the typical antifa-cuck.
They're exactly like that. Wanna-be anti-authority tough guys against policeman who they know can't really hit them back, but the moment their arms get twisted a little, daddy's laywer will be called.
Basically political "extremists" are all cucks
>You're a cuck
he kicked some old lady iirc, dont think she was even a right winger per se
He is obviously davido
Even if democracy was actually worth defending, that isn't defending it.
I don't know if she was old, but she was from one of those right to life groups and he was pro-choice. She disagreed with his stance and he couldn't cope with it like an adult. So he tried to kick her phone out of her hand (allegedly), but kicked her, instead.
So yeah, he's a big winner.
Sounds based
>So you’re pro-life, huh? Well I’m pro-death *soykicks a boomer bitch*
I can be a tad tricky to figure out exactly what it is those crazy kids are in favour of.
Racists should be killed
>we should be tolerant of hate groups
>"s-stop don't shoot! I'm not your enemy! Im not a communust!"
"then state your business among them"
>"i-i just follow the facts and use reason, you see, im what many call a democratic-"
Normalizing fascism is a threat to democracy
>y-you can't be violent towards violent people, self-defense isn't a right!
>"s-stop don't shoot! I'm not your enemy! Im not a homosexual!"
"then state your business among them"
>"i-i just follow the facts and use reason, you see, im what many call a bi-sexu"
>leftist dream about killing people
kys nigger
>use free speech and democracy to spread fascist ideology
>too dumb to realize the irony of it
Why are nazis like this
They're both hate groups; it'd be the pot calling the kettle black.
>Typical leftist att-
>just let me grill in peace
centrists are more annoying than fascists because they are so smug.
extremely based
Centrists are usually right wingers trying to pretend they're smart
They literally both are, though. Getting shitty isn't going to change that for you.
No one who trys to equate Nazis with antifa is a centrist.
Are there actually non-whites on Yas Forums? I assume everyone here is white so racism shouldn't affect you. That's why it surprises me to see so many anons being actively against racism instead of just being indifferent to it
>noo, hating haters is the same as being a hater
based nigger
No one is going to willingly admit that they would be the ones on the receiving end of racism, because that would imply that they admit to being the genetically inferior one.
If that's all they hated then we'd probably be on the same page.
Not tolerating hate groups doesn't make you a hate group.
mobile internet gave internet access to so many darkies it's incredible, poo in loos and nigerians are the emerging internet cultures
No, but hating anyone you consider to hold a dissenting point of view and attempting to silence any and all conflicting opinions kind of does.
The nazis are weak lowlives, but at least they're almost kind of civilized... kind of. Antifags are out of control.
Das rite wouldn't be long until Yas Forums get some much needed cultural enrichment.
Yeah, nazis just want to ethnically cleanse populations, but in a peaceful and civilized way
I'm Mexican
>but at least they're almost kind of civilized
advocating for genocide but at least they are civilized unlike those antifa thugs who want things like not genocide and violently try to stop civilized mass murder.
Except I didn't say that. I'm talking about their behaviour in recent discourse. I don't hold any affiliation with them, but you'd have to be braindead to see that right now they're just not as big of psychos as the people who literally walk up and just assault them.
>advocating for genocide
Have they actually done this at a rally, or are you clinging to the 40s?
>You can only be bothered by something if it directly affects you
What's it like being autistic?
Because they can't, if they had the numbers and the support they would be lynching minorities again.