Operation “Cold Coffee” edition
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>would still have to be total closure for there to be ANY effect
which is what I said from the start
Noooo not Sashko
Guys... They didn't even have tests to check for corona this morning... We're fucked
Cuckptechka is slacking off this morning
>Le panicked Serb enters the thread
Based, fuck shitskins and fuck that autistic janitor subhuman
I think we'll enter a state of emergency soon
If I get infected I’ll go and coof all over cair
More like you’ll sit in your room panicked yoh don’t die and praying to Allah while you have 40c temperature and can’t breathe
The article is interesting if for the bouncing dots models.
tldr; unsurprisingly, if we go full monk mode, we have a good chance of stopping the spread
since there aren't enough breathing machines i propose we all volunteer to help those in need by farting in their face to help them breathe
>if we go full monk mode, we have a good chance of stopping the spread
If cuckcic still does nothing today god I'll be pissed
aee mrsh od tuka go bek to chajna
Is this based for English Balkan news?
He based
How is /balk/ deader during a corona quarantine then in work days you fucking retards
Friday at 20:00. Had to eat gas station shit sandwich and a sports drink because fast food restaurants were closed. Tasty, that Polish drink.
Please, come to Poland (when the virus is already gone)
Pshek what did you study at uni/are studying
I would love to visit, тbh. Soon maybe. :)
why is it important to you
visit Poznań pls
aint important really, just curious
When I die from this meme virus I want my funeral to be like this
if it's not important then i don't feel like the answer is necessary
nice houses in the background, i'd live in this town
That would be one epic road trip.
my cousins go to Croatia every year and they do a similar road in one day (stopping maybe 2 times for a toilet) so I think you'd do it too
Why do only brown people hate Miko? Its like if there is a pattern...
no you just said close, not completely to literally everyone even the diaspora, and you said January, which is a couple of months too late, blow me retard
BASED fellow golf 4 driver
I thought /balk/ was bad, but when I took a peek at most other generals, I realized that the majority of them were even worse. I now think /balk/ is actually relatively comfy.
I apologize for my previous shitposting conduct.
oh blow it out your ass faggot
close literally means that CLOSE
>a couple of months too late
just kys
cope harder retard, better yet grow a brain and stop being a tool for once
Did Bugars close the border???
Dead Monkeydonians
It's Sunday you niggur.
Ako ti beshe bashta nemashe da spira shamarenata fabrika
Magyarbég vagyok.
what part of corona quarantine you don't understand?
but i guess people are retarded and don't take it seriously, luckily here it rains so they are cucked either way
It's Sunday. I was in church.
>He paзпoлaгaмe cъc зaщитни oблeклa и oбopyдвaнe, a тaкивa ca ни мнoгo нeoбхoдими
lol, it's not like you had 2 months to prep
seething brainlette
ne be ne ako beha zatvorili granicite samo, a sega puuu .....
The virus is exposing northwestern european countries hard lmao
so much for "superiority"
UK is gonna go to shit in a week or two. Honestly I did not expect bongs to be this fucking retarded
Turns out Sweden is that retarded as well
All this virus panic is to show us they are superior to us and can isolate the whole world, they are the boss, we need to play by their rules.
fuck china
Yeah, and we're just a bit behind them
>there is not 1 person on the streets
because it's raining
>An Internet exchange point (IX or IXP) is the physical infrastructure through which Internet service providers (ISPs) and content delivery networks (CDNs) exchange Internet traffic between their networks.
>DE-CIX is a carrier- and data-center-neutral internet exchange point situated in Frankfurt, Germany. It is the second largest exchange point worldwide in terms of peak traffic with a maximum throughput of more than 9.184 Tbit/s, only IX.br is larger.
Internet traffic is increased because of
coronavirus crisis: de-cix.net
I just went to the premium supermarket where there weren’t many people 2 days ago and now I waited 20 minutes to buy chilly cause of all the panicked preppers with masks
I think this virus based on the people buying will raise our gdp by 100%
>go entire winter with little to no snow
>it's 20 degrees a few days ago
>trees flowering for a weeks now
>starts snowing
eй cъcипaхa я тaя дъpжaвa
Its causing a recession user. It will shatter the world and Europe hard.
But for the first time ever theres an issue for whole of humanity and suddenly it doesnt matter so much if you are ventilator, swedish or Brazilian. Amazing to see.
>I think this virus based on the people buying will raise our gdp by 100%
>what is the parable of the broken window
>But for the first time ever theres an issue for whole of humanity and suddenly it doesnt matter so much if you are ventilator, swedish or Brazilian. Amazing to see.
I have a feeling that here it will still matter whether you're a normal person or a criminal with connections
We have 1000 respirators, at least that's what they say, we most likely have even less, and out of those 1000 many will be saved up for politicians/criminals
at least we can expect an economic boom after the virus is handled, because people will have a lot of money they will want to spend after months of being closed at home
Why the fuck we always have the same weather
bugarija e makedonska zemja