
We stand alone edition

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le join halfway in man

>That pic
Nationalism is so cringe

>Nationalism is so cringe

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You do know what today is, right?

pray day!


Your countryman made us proud today, Aussie.

close the borders day

what if we evolved surveillance genes that watch us and shut us down any time we might betray the species

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a lot of people think the germans stopped bombing after the battle of London, when in reality they kept bombing long after that, murdering thousands of innocent civilians.

I mog all of you ITT

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>historically inaccurate zinger
spotted the zoomer

so ummm are universities closed haha

the reasons scomo didn't close schools doesn't apply to universities

Just want New England to become part of Canada. The people that live here DESERVE to be part of CANZUK. In many ways they're more culturally Anglo than much of England itself.

Just coomed to this

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>innocent civilians
no such thing under republicanism

same bod but i'm a 5'5" azn.

Meant to attach a picture as well, for emphasis.

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I love azn boys tbf :3
Do you want a bf?

And Anglodemons bombed a culturally historic city with almost no military infrastructure and 80% women, children, refugees and POWs.

New England seizes upstate NY.
Aids Quebec in breaking off from Canada.
Forms mini France-England hate/love relationship.
Rest of Canada is swept up by the US.
The end.

always thought I'd get killed by global warming not a chinaman eating a bat

it's an inverted old england in that the north is infinitely superior to the south

well they can keep boston

damn bruh shouldn't have jumped britain's main nigga polan. if someone front on your homie, you just gonna let him do your bruh in like that? and after he attacks you? nah, you smash his ass.

I'm currently in NE, am a black man and feel 100% Anglo so yeah I'm thinking you're based

Hated the United States and love New England
Wish the North had the same secessionist spirit the South had.

bear daddy!

They're the exact same. The south has all the wealth, while the north is based and rundown pilled.

lmao breathe out fatty

They couldn't have cared less when the ussr did the same thing and orchestrated the first mass murder of the war.

I'm also in NE. Nebraska, that is.

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Maine is the pengest part though

New England was a main driver in hating you and creating the US. You got cucked. You have to leave New England behind and start crushing on some other country.

The south had that spirit because they're anglos, and anglo brains rot in the heat and turn them into bogans.

how far are you from north platte fellow huskerbro

Memorial got cancelled because of Corona-chan

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you're actually sucking that fat tummy in LOL sdagvbtrdfcv

I'm in Lincoln. I've only ever driven by North Platte once on my way to Colorado

Germany started it
UK ended it
Simple as.

You can now dob people in to the government who you think should be self isolating.

>using the YES. meme incorrectly
you can tell some redditor from /his/ made this shit

Nah I'm CT, babe
Enjoy husking corn

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If merry old fagland didn't want to bombed maybe they shouldnt have meddled with germany’s border dispute.

Maybe if KrautWorld didn't want to eat fire and russian spunk they shouldn't have attacked everyone like retards.

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show cock lad

>attacked everyone
>t. didn't pay attention during history class

yeah there's a weed dispensary right across the border in Sedgwick CO, just after 80 turns into 76

im a bartender in NP and you'd be surprised how many weed tourists stop over here from all over the place on their to Sedgwick, one guy last week was from Connecticut

theres no point in arguing with them, their BOMBUH ARRIS DO ET AGEN autism only gets reinforced when you challenge them on it
there is a reason why England is the 2nd most zogged country on our planet (first being obvious) because they deserve it.

right, they didn't attack me, but that's because ol' Adolf was shaking in his boots when he even spoke my name

Watching anime

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cute cat


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thank you

The treaty of Versailles needed to be harsher, yanks once again ruined the world with incompetence

you weren't in a position to dictate terms limey

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Crawling back to the *nglos was such a cringe move to begin with.

I hate colored peple

It's going to be cool to see Bernie's final stand this Sunday. He has to get some balls and actually attack someone directly over and over again. I don't think he has the heart for that. Meanwhile alpha Joe will be wondering why his nurse is now a man his age and screaming at him, and Joe will beat him up just to show how fucking tough he is.

niggers betraying their class because obongo
fucking idiots

FUCK the rapprochement

who r u even talking about now autism

>arrives in the british general
>to talk about american politics
>only to americans
why do they do this?

FUCK anti-tradeunionists

>betraying their class
commies are so money obsessed lol

i love bernie but i wish he was capable of taking heads. god imagine how good of a president steve job would have been.

you created us
blame yourself
money=power=all that matters

did he yeah
him specifically?

Someone has to keep up this general's reputation as the fastest general on Yas Forums while you bongs are sleeping.

because i love my anglo brother overseas. you are my closest ally and we will always be together *smooch*

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progeny of the imperialists

americans be like

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>you created us
why do you do this cringey shit where you act as if someone posting from a country is representing them as an avatar?
I'm not an avatar for America just because I'm posting within it's borders
Why do you do this, is it special needs perhaps?

not reading all that shit

he's a bernietard, what do you think?

They're both going all out this debate desu. Even senile biden realizes he still has to secure his lead and go all out on bernie, and this is bernie's final shot to show he's more capable than joe. Bernie will go for the competence and intelligence play, Biden will go raw boomer.

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every post above this one is cringe

heard your dad packs shelves at woolies

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kek this is me

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WOAH that's a lot of shit to read
>imagine a country letting its meanest, worst people take charge
lmao based
>jews are people with a powerful book
>It is a freedom document, called a BIBLE


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