based or cringe?
Based or cringe?
Russia, China, and Iran have been telling the world that this virus is an American bioweapon. Even an Israeli bioweapons expert said it's a possibility. I would never trust a chink or a Jew, but if Russia and Iran are saying it, then it must be true.
I would hate to be the one guy who voted against.
based as fuck
Based, but there is something cucked about the Russian populace if they allow this shit to happen without even so much as a squeak. Is it simply the behavior of the ordinary Russian to accept any and all forms of governmental bullying and strongman leadership?
Or is this another episode of ill-informed western Journalism which fails to capture some specific nuances of Russian society and politics?
Afaik he signed the proposal which the Russians will have to vote on soon. But I dont see why they wouldnt vote for it tbqh.
who voted against it?
it can't be more clear than Putin sings new law that the Duma graciously wrote up giving him the power to run until he's well into his 80s
this guy
after slaying the burgeroise ad tsar family russia suffered famimnes killing half of the country. Strong rule = stomach full.
Putin is literally the best leader Russia has had in a century. Why would they be against him?
>forgetting Khrushchev and Stalin
how many times did he shoot himself in the back of the head?
>even mentioning Kruschev
lol what?
He was an idiot.
how is this possible in a first world country (before the urals anyway), I just dont understand how hes managed to pull this off.
shit countries like russia benefit from having continous leaders who can finish their proyects without interruption, just take a look to any third world country who changes president on whim, like brazil.
you need to unfuck a country first, then you can play democracy
>first world country (before the urals anyway),
what did you just call russia?
American is that dangerous. The russian people don't want a repeat of the fall of the USSR, where they were left defenseless against the mutt onslaught. Putin is their only hope.
It's shitty journalism. The changes still have to be voted on by the people.
>idiots don't make good leaders
strongly disagree
That one MP is going to end up committing suicide by two gunshots to the back of the head
and? his support is chafing a bit, but it's not like it's going to urraaa motherland matter
does russia have legitimate elections? doesn't putin kill dissidents and political rivals?
There are anti-Putin demonstrations all the time, but they’re so useless against his immense power that no one cares to cover them.
So then it's the Russian people voting to keep him and it's a good thing.
Putin is based.
>first world
sure thing dude
His approval rating is the lowest it’s ever been, especially with the youth. The successes of his first presidency are long in the past, and things haven’t rebounded like they did when Putin was a fresh face. His current policy is the leadership equivalent of covering up cracks in a wall with pretty paintings.
ultra chad
Most of the European part is pretty first world.
He should stop being a cuck and officially use the title of Tsar
cringe, but redpilled
This. Democracy is a meme, all countries aside from western countries are better off under totalitarian rule.
How is it not?
It is possible to kill Tsar, but noone has ever killed Putin. Also Vladamir means literally "ruler of the world"
because Russia hasn't had anything close to a democratic process since 1999, Yeltsin literally bequeathed power to Putin and that was that
Yeltsin was a mutt agent.
They're not though. And he's still the best leader Russia has had in a long time.
Do you think future leaders of Russia will start calling themselves Vladamirs after this truly awesome and based man?
he was something alright, anyway, if I were russian I'd probably kill myself
>Yeltsin literally bequeathed power to Putin
Not in the slightest. He just helped him gain popularity. Putin's first election was 100% democratic and there's no doubt about it.
Totalitarians are all bootlicking faggots and there’s no rationalizing around it. I’d gladly have a failed vetocracy that gets nothing done but leaves me alone than a dictatorship that’s hyper-efficient at the cost of freedom.
unspeakably based
>Totalitarians are all bootlicking faggots and there’s no rationalizing around it. I’d gladly have a failed vetocracy that gets nothing done but leaves me alone than a dictatorship that’s hyper-efficient at the cost of freedom.
If second lowest is the hill you want to die on, be my guest RTcuck
>tfw you realise russians are more ruthless than the chinese yet no one cares
Watch them take us by surprise and become the next superpower when America and China are exhausted from fighting.
are you like a kid or something? wew dude, whatever you say
Russia and China are the UK and America of the next golden age.
>he was something alright
He was fucking shit in every possible way. Russia under his rule was in its worst state in modern history by any measure. Life expectancy, murder rates, crime alcohol consumption, etc. Then Putin came along and turned all of that around completely.
Not to mention the fact that Yeltsin literally used the military to prevent himself getting impeached.
Russia is irreparably backward at the moment,
Authoritarianism is peak cuckoldry
I don't think the Russians are the ruthless ones they are just dead inside but they lack the devious nature of the Chinese and the narcissism of the Americans
>monarchy russia
absolutely based
Dude I freaking love dictatorships!
Narcissism? thy name is a Canadian!
I have a feeling that you have no idea what you're talking about so you're just throwing around meaningless insults.
Putin was voted in for sure. He had already served in Yeltsin's administration and was a familiar face. He had the favor of oligarchs like Berezovsky who controlled the media at the time and helped him gain popularity. Putin was he best and most obvious choice at the time.
I have been passively paying attention to Putin's antics for the past 20 years. I saw through his energy nationalization in 2002, and I saw the writing on the wall months before his invasion of Georgia. Don't try to tell me what I understand about his pet nation.
t. authoritarian country
That was all in Putin’s first two terms. His second run has been a disaster. The economy has stagnated, corruption has worsened, the population continues to shrink, meanwhile he’s running around the world playing dick measuring games with NATO countries as his people suffer. If Putin wasn’t power-hungry and stayed away from a third term, he may have gone down as a good president.
idk who that is and if something happened to HER she had it coming
Sure you did bud.
I don't give a fuck what some proxy krembot retard like you has to say faggot.
>watches RT America once
>watching RT america
who would do that to themselves?
>>watches RT America once
I simply can't understand why the US just allows a news outlet to run blatant propaganda like that.