/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico

savior of the white race edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nigga what

Start posting skrillex

Sweet dreams friends

I identify as a libertarian

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nice airsoft gun

good night

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night night

Are these threads comfy? The jerks in brit always ignore me

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Imma ignore you. Post better.

Forgot to wear long johns and it’s like -30 outside

fuck off scat fetishist emma posting freak

they have despacito pkayibg out loud wtf

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I've been high the whole day.

Is that Montréal ?

What the hell are you talking about schizo

it's warm and it's playful and it needs to say hello. it needs to say hello because it can.

Is it bad that I like that song? It's like soft reggaeton, plus he has a good voice

Depends on how good your gimmick is. Lay it on us

I want her bros

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Why don't you have a seat over there?

nah its ok
thats a child ya pedophile

hi urkel

There’s a really bright star out and i think it’s getting brighter.

>urkel posting pedophilia

Name a more iconic duo

I can’t think of any personal recurring gimmicks off the top of my head

That's betelgeuse

I vc'd with a guy from /cum/ he was chill

Jason posting his physique

Beetle juice is a cartoon character

You're a cartoon character

jason posting pedophilia

tbqh why anons get so butthurt when urkel post loli but say nothing when fk sexualizes minors

it's ephebophilia you philistine


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this is not true

Fk just posts gooks.

it's racism against chinese people

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>mfw Mexicans hunt down jason

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fk lewds greta who is just a small innocent child

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bought some nice screwdrivers today
actually got half chub

Post pics

does the white house have a pool?

Yeah. LBJ liked to go swimming naked in it.

my genes are spying on me on behalf of god

I feel angry lately, it's like my depression is mixing with hot feelings. Kinda weird.

I don't like this new trend of posting pepes with white borders

>mixing with hot feelings
describe the "hot feelings"

god doesn't care about you. you're not that important

Redpill me on God, is He real?

if god is all powerful than dealing with irrelevant beings like us is trivial

No "He" isn't real. God is a woman.

Dubs and i have a ham and cheese sandwich

Save your food, this whole country will be quarantined within days



I've angry and horny lately a lot yet depressed.

that's just life as a young unattached male. deal w/ it

God is genderless

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cant know about god
read kant

Can't stop farting and shitting poo water

God doesn't exist.

eat healthier food

I can't. I haven't never experience more than one emotion at time.

Think I may have a stomach flu

Nigga you got tha rona

Or that

>I can't.
Just because it doesn't feel good doesn't mean you can't

tfw this will never happen to me

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literal autist
but what about the chads?

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Noguns simp.

This is actually a really good movie

>reproductive desire for a fertile female capable of reproduction is a paraphilia

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over-prepping is a sign of being of a lower socio-economic status.

My FB profile pic.


You over-prep your mom's boyfriend, dumb bitch.

>but what about the chads?
they are attached to their social group, or families until they find a mate.

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die like a man