Its over, the coronavirus is finished

Its over, the coronavirus is finished

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he can always fund the cdc again

he means god as in money

what a meme country

Why are gypsies and turk-rape-babies mad at america all the time?

good goy

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what’s wrong with praying to God

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God wants the American empire to fall apart. That's why he gave us Trump.

doesn't exist

>not declaring war on God for kicking the thing off.
not my president

Prove it.

why not just shoot the virus?

because it doesn't do shit, specially when it comes to medical issues. Just ask the hundreds of parents who let their kids die here because they thought they could pray away diabetes.

So do protestant mutts not realize that God wants america to end?

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Unironcly based

Too bad muttistan is a heathens palace even the megechurches are an affront to god

Now if italy were to call for prayer that would be bery bbased

Thoughts and prayers

I prayed to God for my family to not be infected. Deal with it.

Huh, so i guess a good ol virus was the one true weakness of da joos. Literally makes their brains short circuit.

Fake and gay.

all this does is make religion look bad. Do americans realise that God is not a magic genie like in Aladdin ?

There is nothing wrong with praying to God. We aren’t saying that we will cure an illness with prayers. We are just praying to God.

there are pastors here selling enough magical miracles that was supposedly advertised to cured the virus that the CDC told them to cut that shit out or get sued.

There is nothing wrong with praying obviously, but telling people to pray while you're doing a shitty job at controlling this pandemic just doesn't look good.

Using god to cover up your own incompetence and lameness is very wrong.

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Prove that he exists

Best send more money to Israel, the most holy place on Earth, for a cure.

I hope it kills your entire family and leaves only you so you can live feeling like a fucking retard lol

Leftists mock this patriot because they don't have logical arguments to criticize him and most Americans love him. They know he's a statesman the likes of Julius Caesar and that drives them mad because every leftist leader has been a tyrant rejected by their people.

>Do americans realise that God is not a magic genie like in Aladdin ?
Nah. American "Christianity" has devolved into an unholy melange of tribal virtue signaling and unironic shamanism to be quite desu with you

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

>The average person uses 1 roll per day

>The average person uses 1 roll per day.

this pasta is too great tbqh

Shit deflection, and I'm not even a theist.




The burden of proof lies with the claimant dumbass.
Religious people clearly have a lot of free real estate in your head.

>1 roll per day

>look to God for protection cus i'm definitely not going to do shit to protect you
Daam next election you should elect me as your president Ameribabs. I bet i can do at least as good as Trump in the White House. Siting on my ass all day and telling people to pray. Vote Bulgarian user 2020!!!

>gives $1.5 trillion to the jews on wall street
>gives the rest of us "thoughts and prayers" as we face down a plague

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I mean, technically his logic is according to Christianity, isn't it?
"Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.
—Luke 6:20"
"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, and in their eagerness to be rich some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pains.
Timothy 6:10"


I'm an atheist and I see no problem with this.

Our scientists are doing what they can. Unless you're some insecure militant atheist, who cares if they pray? How is that harming you? It makes people calmer. We don't need more panic.

>1 roll per day
I love this board

You should've attached that picture of Trump being hugged by jesus, otherwise you won't get that many (yous)

We're all unemployed, just poo in the shower like the rest of us.


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Coronavirus is not a day.

What are they gonna do? Do they produce face masks and hand sanitizer or do they have magic abilities that makes Corona dissapear?

Nothing now, but we'd likely been able to conduct a better response and actually isolate people had shit not been slashed. We aren't even able to conduct tests, really.
We've done about 25k tests nationwide (U.S. pop is 327 mil) and are already running out of the means to put together kits.
The drive throughs seem to be only rolled out in big states and even then the news just lauded that they were able to currently test 200 people a day and that eventually that'd grow to 500.
There are 2 million people in my state and we have managed to test 130 people over several weeks.

This is the clearest indication that he's actually shitscared of losing the election. He's pandering to the Sarah Palin demographic.

Almost no one is able to conduct tests. We're all out of that shit almost.

Stop it with this pasta seen it 3 times today and I've hardly been on here

Worst Korea tests about as many people in a day as we have since we began testing. That's a country with 50 million living in it, like 6.5 fewer people than the US.

6.5 times fewer

imagine thinking that donald trump believes in god

They live in a tiny very centralised country. It's easy to test people there and they started preparing for this as soon as china reached 100 cases.
We in the west didn't do shit until italy caught the virus, and by then, it was too late.
Those testing kits need to be produced before they're used.

glad they made this chart, how else could I be expected to understand?

For me, it's two Corinthians

It remains a big problem that we conduct fewer tests a day than most countries in Europe, countries largely orders of magnitude smaller than ours.

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I like the way you think Mr Neutral

You're not obligated to go take the tests and I'm pretty sure you guys are reserving test kids for people with actual symptoms.

>The burden of proof lies with the claimant dumbass.
Yes, ergo it must be proven that God exists.

>pray the virus away
>infect everyone on purpose for MUH HERD IMMYOO KNIT TEA
Which is worse?

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There aren't enough tests available even for people with symptoms in almost every state, which was part of my initial point.

Because the CDC didn't prepare in time.

Because there are three people working there because of cuts

>spiderman anti - virus

No amount of money can cure ignorance. If the CDC didn't prepare in time, it's on them, not the people giving them money.

>Jesus warns us to prepare anytime
>dont prep anything
>cry to papa jesus when shit hits the fan

>pray to god when shit hits the fan
>thousands die
>"It's God's will. We can't do anything about it"

>not having cut the U.S. pandemic response team to cut costs wouldn't have changed anything at all because it's just money
Okay, fine.