>Lord Protector BoJo wants 60% of UK to get pozzed up with Coronvirus to develop "herd immunity" for the remaining 40% >Openly tells the country to "be prepared to see your loved ones pass away sooner than expected" >Best anti-contagion measure he can come up with is "if you develop symptoms associated to Coronavirus, stay home for 7 days" >Those who support his policies tell that other counties' lockdown measures of all unnecessary business and services is "just an excuse to take siestas", missing the point it's bars, pubs, cinemas and other amusement stuffs that are closing down
they know they can't make enough kits. i just got emails from my health authority asking all university labs to give them the reagents needed for testing because they do not have enough.
David Flores
yeah, the NEETs survive
Charles Turner
holy based
Gabriel Wright
What would Corbyn have done?
Brody Lewis
>NEETs >survive Survival is means nothing without passing on your genetics. NEETs also rely on their genx/boomer parents or society to support them. They aren't worth counting.
he has a point. If every suspected case goes to hospital, it will overload the medical infrastructures, which can cause more chaos.
Caleb Morales
lol this is third world tier. Why has the anglosphere fallen so low? I thought Trump and Boris were the start of the new empire?
Chase Phillips
He is honest and the realist. Containment is impossible, unless you go on wartime regime. All we should be prepared that Covid-19 to be one of our everyday diseases.
William Torres
I hope Naomi Campbell, Skepta, Jorja Smith, Stormzy and Adel will be all right.
Matthew Diaz
brainlet strategy is 'containment' when it's a worldwide pandemic if your people are still susceptible to the virus then shutting your borders + almost all public activity will just kick the can down the road, when the virus could come back even more deadly
Liam Williams
alright dude, fire up them furnaces and start digging those mass graves.
Brainlet strategy is what you're doing. If Ottoman Johnson wanted to do something smart, he'd follow what South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan have been doing.
Brayden Williams
Roachman thinking other ppl can develop immunity too maybe?
It's neither the strong or weak that survive, it's those that are most able to adapt. I.e. cockroaches.
Isaiah Bailey
>yeah you should do this method from bunch of small cunts which have calm NPC behaviour ngmi
Brody Sullivan
He's simply giving the group that voted him in (over 65s, wheezing obese boomers etc) their reward for voting him in. A quick death.
If anyone is surprised this is happening, don't be. British politics isn't about how good you are, it's about how afraid you can make people of your opponent. The elderly vote in the largest proportions because registering to vote in this country is erroneous to say the least (I had to register four times), and they're a spectrum of skin colours, from Paki to Paisley, for voting blue if you can convince them that Jeremy Corbyn is hiding satan in his beard.
Luis Ross
I hope that no one who’s got corona intentionally targets old homes and posh areas. That would be bad, it would kill all the conservative voters and brexiteers.
Adrian White
>I hope that no one who’s got corona intentionally targets old homes and posh areas. That would be bad, it would kill all the conservative voters and brexiteers.
cant say im particularly convinced by the plan but it has to be said that it doesnt really have much to do with bojo or mps, he's basically just delegating the strategy to the civil service and health advisers because he obviously knows absolutely fuck all about epidemics and isnt really in any professional position to overrule them without a serious dergee of certainty
Blake Cooper
Won't need to, old folks will do that for them >Literally woman on the radio before ranting about how she doesn't want to live if her family isn't forced to see her for a couple of months How about letting the rest of the care home decide on that plan, you rabid sow.
Leo Gray
>60% of UK = 36 millions of people >2% death rate = 720000 dead And that's the best case scenario, if the hospitals are not overwhelmed.
Christopher Moore
>I hope that no one who’s got corona intentionally targets old homes and posh areas. That would be bad, it would kill all the conservative voters and brexiteers.
Wait, I'm confused, when did Chick-fil-a become soy? Isn't this the place that kept getting caught in more boomer tier anti-LGBT stuff? Not edgy enough to go salvation army, but not chill enough to stop donating to the wierdo churches and the odd workplace ethics.
Chick-fil-a's the quiet aunt who makes a really nice potato salad, stays quiet the whole dinner, makes an oddly specific remark about how she doesn't believe gays should be allowed into John Lewis, and hurriedly leaves for home.
Christian Smith
You mean labour right? Just add cities
Owen Rodriguez
That man in that picture is a faggot (as in a literal gay man.) Thus the soyface. Also worshiping corporations because they agree with your superficial identity is soy as fuck.
Jack Bailey
Death rate double is still the weak. Aged swell lil bro.
Christopher Hall
Strength is subjective Adaptivity is a strength and vice versa.
Keep calm and wash your hands.
Leo Kelly
Dave Rubin is a conservative though
Anthony Barnes
>How has this country grown so dumb? Clowns in charge. Never elect a leader with blond hair. They are clowns.
Jacob Rivera
So was Milo (before he got AIDS at least.) You can be a gay conservative, just like you can be a soy conservative.
Brayden Davis
For how long should we try to contain this? Its staring to become obvious this wont be going away like sars until we get a vaccination which i heard could take up to 18 months. This will become just another illness we have to learn how to live with. Countries cant be shut down forever
Brody Peterson
You have to test like SK and now China if you want to manage it.
Luke Lewis
Euroweenies: >hide in houses, enforce lockdowns, stop showing up for work and pleasure activities Chad Bongs: >carry on as normal, refuse to let some piddly little pandemic stop the well-oiled machine that is British society
You people could learn a thing or two from us.
Camden Carter
We havent even shut down schools yet :) our millenial government really wants get rid of boomers
Angel Cooper
>Boris Johnson in charge >"How has this country grown so dumb?"
Henry Richardson
Well, your government is run by a bunch of teenage girls and they find old people icky, so it makes sense
>You *cough* people *cough* could learn a thing or two *wheezes* from us... *collapses*
Oliver Powell
Christ even Farage is cucking out now. Fuck this timeline. Judeo-christian civilization is done.
Adrian Lopez
Corbyn will have his term in office after all. Boris properly fucked up, lol. Proper dumb cunts these populists.
Justin Flores
Go back chang
Cameron Martin
>corbyn >not populist Abdul I...
Chase Cooper
>>>Openly tells the country to "be prepared to see your loved ones pass away sooner than expected"
In a way i'm sad but in another way I really feel glad those fucking brexit boomers are seeing exactly what they voted for. HE REALLY CAME ON TV AND SAID PREPARE TO DIE YOU OLD FUCKS I MEAN FUCKING HELL. Those are literally his voters and he's like so what I got at least 5 years fuck you.
And with all this, it's even worse irony because after seeing Italy beg the EU countries for help to deal with this virus shit all the EU countries said go fuck yourself and only China gave them any help. Now even my Italian friends who were proEU are saying fuck the EU now for good and forever. What a time to be alive. Unless of course you are 85.
By the way there hasn't been a single immunity or vaccine created for any coronavirus so I have no idea what the "computer simulations" Vallance and Witty have cooked up. The Flu vaccine is basically a stab in the dark that chooses to stab a different spot every year.
Not the point, is it? Point is this dumb cunt managed to fuck up even worse than Thatcher. It's over for him. He does not know it yet, because he's a proper idiot, after all, not just faking it. He'll be out of No. 10 before June.
Lucas Gutierrez
based johnson killing old wh*Toids off
us BROWN BVLLs are immune to viruses
Camden Lee
How abdul?
By stating facts that going full panic mode is pointless?
Labour is done for we will be a one party state Pakis will unironcly die just as much as the old due to inbreeding leading to the most common symptom: respiratory issues
Leo Flores
lol, why is Italy trying to lecture on how to contain a pandemic? You failed miserably
Eli Smith
turks are getting revenge from WWI
Nathan Roberts
>d-don't kill me boris. i got an A and 2 Bs at A level
i'm Hindu we don't inbreed faggot Enjoy dying off when your NHS is sold of to Romanian warlords
Ryder Taylor
The funniest part of the British response to the virus is seeing it quickly devolve into the existing culture war. People hating the government response due to hating tories and people supporting whatever the government does the own the libs
Jaxon Turner
This is all your fault. You have destroyed Judeo-christendom.
Lucas Campbell
twitter isn't reality mr chang
Carson Collins
British people are too entitled and self interested to engage in any collective action to stop a pandemic. People will immediately break any rules set to stop mass gatherings and pubs will probably open anyways. i'm British I know it's just that people will take anything and adopt it to their daily shit flinging contest. Probably a few PHDs worth of material will come from it
Jason Martin
its the same here :DD
Brody Rodriguez
>Judeo-christian >judeo Drop that nonsense, and the UK has been godless for some time now, it's a defeated country.
Jayden Ward
Jesus the amount Germans seethe over Britain is hilarious. Brexit happened, deal with it.
Luke Anderson
Schitzo but would like the NHS sold off Except the government response is inline with advice from virogists Criticism to the government is fair but it's all a r*ddit seeth >i'm english How many children have you fucked?
>>Except the government response is inline with advice from virogists Foreign epidemiologists have been critical of the government's reliance on herd immunity since there's no evidence it will work. I don't understand why they decided a day or two ago to discourage public gathering next monday. Why not immediately? the government is too overly concerned with "quarantine fatigue" that they don't realize that if they don't take some actions that actually impact daily life, people won't take it seriously and it won't make the scrotes who refuse to wash their hands to actually wash them.