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PISA 2018 Thread
Hudson Gray
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Thomas Foster
Matthew Gomez
Jackson Johnson
Jayden Collins
Why is this?
David Nguyen
Liam Baker
Adam Brooks
Ryder Morales
>Azerbaijan and Georgia always in bottom
Kavkaz no longer sila
Nathaniel Turner
I did my post doc in China. They study for the PISA test there and it's taken very seriously. Not a bad thing of course but I think that skews the results.
Jacob Jones
we’re not even topping reading anymore :( oh how the mighty have fallen
Robert Lewis
it's only four provinces, and very very very probably those four would be the top 4 scoring provinces if the rest of China would have data, Wu China (Zhejiang, Shanghai, south-east Jiangsu, and other surrounding places like Shangrao in Jiangxi) have for millennia been know for being smarter than the average bear, they also score best than everybody else in China on other cognitive assessments, like IQ tests
for PISA 2018, only Baku participated, but in PISA 2006 and PISA 2009 all of Azerbaijan did
Hunter Bell
Ah how fair to select a few Chinese cities with the best education while the rest of the world has to subject their entire nation to it.
Easton Miller
>B-S-J-Z (China)
I would also like to see the results for just each country's 4 wealthiest and most developed regions, not just China's
Camden Johnson
Carson Lopez
in PISA 2015 Guangdong participated instead of Zhejiang, results were much lower
Luis Gomez
Look at Lebanon at the bottom.
Mason Davis
How do you even measure 'reading'. Wtf does that even mean
Dylan Johnson
No clue why are we even in the oecd
Hunter Wood
reading comprehension, im guessing. the ability to internalize what you have read, or sth like that
Colton Young
what happened to us? I remember we used to score quite well
Jaxon Barnes
balkans are truly the shithole of europe
Jaxon Reed
Why are east asians so intelligent?
Chase Taylor
Lmao this is the one so many schools boycotted or whatever? That's why Spain is not in the reading category.
John Cook
>East Asians
only Japs are intelligent, the others just waste their whole free time on something others learn in half the time
Kayden Myers
..+ understanding and memorizing different kinds of texts, of course
Ayden Davis
what do you mean by fair? it's not like the country-economy that scores best gets a "PISA Prize" or something, you don't "win" PISA, it's an assessment
>Chinese cities
for comparison:
Shanghai = Australia
Beijing = Romania
Jiangsu = Turkey
Zhejiang = South Korea
Guangdong = Philippines
Hong Kong = Bulgaria
Macau = Luxembourg
>while the rest of the world has to subject their entire nation to it.
from "How does PISA work"?
>...Countries volunteer to participate in PISA. If a country is not equipped to take part in such a large-scale assessment, regions of that country may participate on their own; but PISA aims for entire countries to sign up. >Once a country’s participation is approved by the PISA governing board, individual schools are chosen, based on stringent criteria, to represent all 15-year-old students in that country.
and anyways is not like this exception has been made to China only, other countries also only have data for sub-national units, like the state of Miranda (Venezuela), the Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh, and as I said earlier Baku (Azerbaijan)
Luis Gray
and also, some countries oversample special categories of people or regions in order to have reliable estimates for those sub-national units, for example Mexico did it from PISA 2003 to PISA 2012
Caleb Evans
from where come your workaholic rep if you are in factt one of the country who works the less?
Noah Carter
Are Wuhan and Fukushima Eastern Asian?
Because it's a fucking disaster.
Nathan Cook
Gabriel Brown
>Lmao this is the one so many schools boycotted or whatever?
>That's why Spain is not in the reading category.
No, for results to be published by the OECD, PISA data have to undergo a set of very strict attention to technical standards, in for the moment for PISA 2018 reading literacy data for Spain and all cognitive assessment data for Viet Nam have been postponed
Ian Brown
and anyways this is not like the first time this happen
Elijah Cox
bit of a long watch but thanks for this, lets see if i get to the end
Adam Martin
Tyler Fisher
Why is Israel so low? Aren't the jews supposed to be the most intelligent?
Lincoln Nelson
Academic success =/= intelligence
Jack Robinson
sounds like bullshit because PISA data is based on a sample of around 6300 15-year-olds students, even if you wanted for them to prep for PISA it wouldn't be logical from an economic point of view to study for the test because actually very few people take it
Gabriel Reed
and I don't know why accusations like that would be specific to China, I've read similar claims for other countries (Mexico and Malaysia specifically) but their results are not high nor are they even changing
Michael Jenkins
meh, got 30 mins in, scrabbled through the rest and realized that nothing interesting was really being said. i think the critique is mostly on point. dont know why he had a slide about finnish swedes there though.
my theory on it is that since finland is a relatively young country, after major problems were handled after independence we were able to go at education from pretty much tabula rasa situation. and its hard to fuck up when you are a new and developing nation. look at estonia, they are doing well nowadays also. maybe because of the pisa success some lf it went to our heads and now theres radical leffists doing god knows what to learning environments and the situation isnt really going to improve from there.
i remember when some swedish or norwegian sand vagina came to our high school to see what we were doing so well to perform on the pisa tests in 2006 or 2007. she came to stare us when swedish lesson was going on. she asked some generic question in swedish and nobody wanted to reply back at her, so after a torturing 2minute long silence i just blurted out ”ja jag heter peter” or something like that to her. it felt so stupid that people were trying to extract some sort of magic indicator from finland. there isnt any.
Ethan Williams
now we have good evidence that even prep for *high-stakes* tests does not make a significant difference
Juan Hall
don't get me wrong we have some evidence that "effort" could make a difference to test outcomes but we also have some other that do not, but most of them find a very tiny effect
Jacob Jones
>Irish above the superior ANGLO despite performing more poorly in mathematics and the sciences
A list at least as retarded as any bogtrotter I've ever met
Samuel Hernandez
Japanese tend to not give a fuck about PISA, yet they score very high, meanwhie Thais and Mexicans say they do put a lot of effort yet they score way lower than Japan
Alexander Thomas
Parker Scott
Jonathan Perry
>now theres radical leffists doing god knows what to learning environments and the situation isnt really going to improve from there.
yes that's basically his point, BUT the really important part of his thesis is that it's going to take some time for those educational reforms/culture to be seen on assessments like PISA, so if you would like to see the "magic" of high Finnish scores in 2000 you'll have to go what they were doing around 1990 or 1980, but if you went in 2006 or 2007 you'll be more or less seeing future performance in PISA 2015 or PISA 2018 :)
the book was published in April 2015 (before results for PISA 2015 were published on December of that year) but its predictions have become actually true, Finland keep going down on PISA scores!
Asher Phillips
actually Finland is one of just four countries that have been consistently falling on their PISA scores since their first entry, the other countries falling as hard as Finland are Iceland, Australia and New Zealand
Sebastian Wilson
i believe his point was that 70s and 80s were the good time, as you said. i dont think he is up to date on whats being done nowadays, which is what i said. he said that the reason for current decline is what was done on 00s and 10s, but it could easily as well be natural progression for a tiny nation such as finland, and that its unreasonable to require for us to be in top positions through eternity.
Levi Clark
only Ashkenazi Jews are supposed to the most intelligent (i.e. IQ of 108-112) but believe it or not Israel is actually very diverse country, around one fourth of the population is Arab, only around half have Hebrew as a mother tongue, etc., besides Ashkenazi Jews they also have Sephardic Jews, Mizrahi Jews, Beta Jews, etc.
Jace White
not to mention that a lot of """Ashkenazi""" are actually mixed with Poles or Russians
Lincoln Wilson
and there are other minorities in Israel, like Armenians
Isaac Taylor
in the case of Israel there's data for Hebrew speakers and Arabic speakers and the Hebrew ones (mostly Jews) score higher than the Arabic ones (mostly Arabs), and the gap is getting larger over time
David Scott
Easton Adams
Jaxon Baker
It worthless test Man.
So Our student not give a shit about that.
Josiah Nguyen
Nathan Ross
does that tell more about your students or the test, you tell me
Austin Torres
retarded meme country
irrelevant shithole
Gavin Sanders
Benjamin Price
>Estonia 3rd