/balt/ + /ausnz/

baltic people edition

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What series would you recommend to watch?
I've been thinking about Seinfeld

Pretty grills
I look more like Estonian myself

>they start measuring temps at work
>over 37.5C and you are sent home
>get 34.6C
>go to work

aahahahha get fucked

are you a corpse?

you dont like the song ?

fagga is for faggots


everything you like or enjoy is was and will be for faggots


based retard

Current mood: youtube.com/watch?v=paVbcAJ5ZRs

we look korean??

Stop your madness.
Seinfeld is pure garbažž

Watch Band of Brothers,From the Earth to the Moon ,Rome shit like that

i didnt know they started measuring, i work in -18C


rome is kino
bob is ok, but real war kino is generation kill

post the bumer kuuli song

No, like literally a year ago. Starting on March 10th or so, I think. I legit lost like two days of life, don't remember anything. Went on vacation, visited friends in Kaunas, came back home, was supposed to go to Georgia, to go hiking in the mountains. Remember nothing, one minute I'm at home, in my bed with fever and gf panicking that vacation is ruined, next thing I remember I'm waking up in a rented apartment in Kutaisi.


Shit tier opinion. defined jawlines are hot.


let's play

I don't feel very good today sõbrad, any eesti laul recommendations to cry?

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i cant get over that part fucking kek song

don't cry fren

fuck chess, checkers is better

stop giving my girls away
they mine, MINE

come on, we can share

Lithuanians confirmed for JOMON

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Good night brothers. Hike day tomorrow.

already am if I'm being honest, thanks for the song tho, it's really warming

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asia for balts and balt for asians

english y
ruski y/n

>english y
>ruski n but want to

nice datamining, VSDnigger

good night bro

idi nahui

chess is for high IQ people

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>it's really warming

underrated one

nh neeger

But 37,5 is normal for some people?
Are you a vampire?


37,5 is fever

>Arab game
Nah bro, our ancestors played even more high IQ game dan that... I am talking triple digits, senpai

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that's the second eesti band that I see that has "Ans." in the name, why is that the case?

ans. is short for ansambel=band

That just the abbreviation of "ansambel", which means band in estonian

lets do a match, give me the bbc

Oh, I see, aitäh

another case here.

Attached: 1496210214_Anotha One.gif (600x302, 2.1M)

It only gets scary if there is a local spread and it is not a family member of known patient

went to the store and all the shelves were stocked
wtf bros I thought the coronahype was real?

no shit, we are working overtime
t.wagie that has to deal with this bullshit

Lick my foot dog !

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are you think of tafl? I don't recall go being around

Same here, but there was a shortage of cooking oil in Maxima and some bread and rice shortage in Rimi.

This panic buying is not happening where I am

Fuck you

Some people have high body temperature and others have low
And there is always people who aren't normal

I have higher than normal hemoglobin(175g/l) and its normal for me
I would need to proof that I am not using blood doping if I was competing athlete

you signed up for it, why are you upset at this?

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Thank you for your service !

I have this model.
Only thing is that the driver is on the right side

all the pasta and grains were gone yesterday because the government declared an emergency here, but the stores restocked overnight

vielen dank !

>AirBaltic halts all flights
>Delfi commenters seemingly hoping it goes bankrupt
why are they like this

so far its only tourists

>google honeycomb lung which is a symptom of corona-chan

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I'm good

Dumb people.
It will be awful, because it's a big employer, tax payer and government has shares in it

isnt it already down under?

because they're paid shills or boomers with hallucinations
pic related, a guy who posts retarded stuff below all articles on estonian news sites

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doesn't sound very estonian

No. It is letting go of ~200 workers.
The company needs to go ''in hibernation'' and all will be ok.

BTW If your competitors are also losing money - it's not that bad

Don't forget nervous system damage that makes you breath manually and ball cancer or whatever that was
Three strains
There will be much more dead than just 1-3% at the end of this all

During the third phase, lung damage continues to build—which can result in respiratory failure. Even if death doesn’t occur, some patients survive with permanent lung damage. According to the WHO, SARS punched holes in the lungs, giving them “a honeycomb-like appearance”—and these lesions are present in those afflicted by novel coronavirus, too.

Current Time 2:33
Duration 2:48
Lungs 101 The lungs replenish the body with life-giving oxygen. Learn about the anatomy of the lungs, how the organs make respiration possible, and how they are vulnerable to illnesses.

These holes are likely created by the immune system’s hyperactive response, which creates scars that both protect and stiffen the lungs.

When that occurs, patients often have to be put on ventilators to assist their breathing. Meanwhile, inflammation also makes the membranes between the air sacs and blood vessels more permeable, which can fill the lungs with fluid and affect their ability to oxygenate blood.

“In severe cases, you basically flood your lungs and you can’t breathe,” Frieman says. “That’s how people are dying.”

why are Balt so asian looking?

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german names were very common, gross is just groß without german letters

We have German names as well.
Don't trust them tbqh


The hpe is bringing down the toiletpaper prices. 20rolls for 10€. I think it was. I can niw re-stock for few months. Also the washing capsules have dropped the prices as well. Coincidence perhaps.

I am aware that some Latvian sounding surnames are actually Latvinized german and some German sounding ones are germanized Latvian