Hey Swedes, i heard your government is fucking up in handling the virus, could anyone confirm this? What's going wrong?

Hey Swedes, i heard your government is fucking up in handling the virus, could anyone confirm this? What's going wrong?

Attached: Trunkjob.webm (446x320, 2.76M)

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i didnt ask you

What virus?

>government is fucking up

Okay sorry

they are just like you and Finland

Attached: 6df.png (500x319, 34.85K)

They're handling it by doing nothing.
That's usually how they approach all their problems. Ignore them until they become impossible to handle, then it's everyone else's problem.

Attached: PRÖÖÖH.gif (1372x1024, 800.45K)

Yeah when are you gonna take back Skåne as you usually brag about? I'm tired of St*ckholmian policies.

Ask here, it's all they talk about

i dont speak Swedish

We do speak english if you ask but don't go there it's a cesspit.

>take back Skåne as you usually brag about?
Nobody is bragging about that, ever.
You've contaminated it and ruined it to such a degree that I don't think we would take it even if you offered.

They're like a worse version of the Netherlands so imagine hardcore ignoring of the situation

Man, this feels just like how things are within my own shithole.

Attached: download.png (904x864, 118.9K)


Attached: calf.webm (1280x720, 2.14M)

Every Western government has fucked up in handling this. Our politicians collectively chose to sit back and watch until it became too late to do anything.
We should seriously just kill these fuckers. They leach off of our taxes and do absolutely nothing.

Sweden has an uniquely conformist culture and absolute submission to authorities is the norm, not the exception. Most laws are drafted with no concideration of how to enforce it because the worker ant will simply obey and take the orders sent through the massive tax funded state television as absolute truth.

The problem this creates is when this modus operandi faces the rest of the world. Other countries implementing a much harsher measures against the virus? As there is no peer reviewed meta analysis published in Nature about emerging problems, our state approved and official epidemologist claims there is no proof that such measures work and arrogantly dismisses the work of much more competent nations as unscientific.

Swedes are incredibly reluctant to break the mold and leaders will not make any decision unless unanimously approved by peers and that includes the low iq retards, an absurd reality where communist tier reasoning can be found.

Sweden is a socialist-capitalist state with swedish characteristics ruled by inaction and feelings where nothing bad happens until the government tells you about it

mini prööhh

>Sweden has an uniquely conformist culture and absolute submission to authorities is the norm, not the exception. Most laws are drafted with no concideration of how to enforce it because the worker ant will simply obey and take the orders sent through the massive tax funded state television as absolute truth.
this sounds like the kind of citizens that china dreams of

>Sweden has an uniquely conformist culture and absolute submission to authorities is the norm, not the exception.
Might be the case, but do you have any peer reviewed research to back that up?

Yeah i got one right here

Attached: bat tux.jpg (700x806, 566.07K)

That's not a meta-analysis. I only hold positions based on what the peer reviewed research says.

"(Sweden) continues to thrive economically thanks to its distinctive brand of totalitarian modernism," Booth argued in the piece, "which curbs freedoms, suppresses dissent in the name of consensus, and seems hell-bent on severing the bonds between wife and husband, children and parents, and elderly on their children. Think of it as the China of the north."



>I only hold positions based on what the peer reviewed research says
>"Sweden has an uniquely conformist culture and absolute submission to authorities is the norm"
Looks like was right

No he's not. I don't trust what the Swedish government says because they've a history of lying about all sorts of things. I only trust peer reviewed research and even peer reviewed research can be wrong sometimes, so I don't trust anything 100%.

That's an opinon piece not peer reviewed research.

t. literal mob rule

We're following the advice of the educated experts instead of populist kneejerking our nation to death. You morons closed your borders AFTER Corona was already in full spread? What the fuck is taht going to accomplish?

Attached: 1501316528842.png (912x304, 373.09K)

have sex incelephant

Attached: incelephants rise up.jpg (1242x846, 99.34K)

>the entire world except us is wrong!! again!!
>i won't believe anything except "peer reviewed research"!!!

Can't even tell if you're trolling or not. Shut the fuck up, weak bait.

>Swedish government
>fucking up
The answer is sadly always yes.

See? Retards like this, who literally don't know a goddamn thing, are not to be trusted. Why would anyone think that's a good idea?

>>the entire world except us is wrong!! again!!
You said this. I didn't. I think you should shut down the borders since all types of movement increases the spread of the virus and obviously you want to reduce that.

never change binland
never change

>educated experts
Of which you have none.
Enjoy your total breakdown because you failed on every single level to react while you had time. It's back to the dark ages where you belong.


>Enjoy your total breakdown because you failed on every single level to react while you had time. It's back to the dark ages where you belong.

Baseless conjucture. Meanwhile you can enjoy your societal collapse that literally everyone who knows anything is predicting.

The Wuhan quarantine is entering its 53rd day. What do you think your economy is going to look like in June if you keep this up? Not very good, I think. But as usual it's up to us to CARRY this entire region KICKING AND SCREAMING into prosperity.

You're welcome BTW.

the BVLL intellectual

There won't ever be a peer reviewed study on
this so I gave you the opinion of someone not constained immense peer pressure.

What I wrote might as well be considered heresy in our culture as confirmity is one of the core tenets of socialism.

For a true perspective you need to take a step back and look at the big picture, there isn't a peer reviewed study on how to not waste your youth on a saturday night arguing with strangers on a mongolian basketmaking forum but I still got 2 (you)s from you

Attached: schlurp.png (607x1060, 16.71K)

we have less cases than you retarded swede shit

...at half our population size

why is this swede so butthurt that we dare close our borders to caliphate of shiten?

per capita too

>per capita too
Not even close... Denmark is currently at 836 cases, compared to Sweden at 961 cases. 836 / 5.4e6 > 961 / 1e7.

haha norsu goes prööö

And then here is your average swede normalfag. Dont listen to him.



Attached: Gropey.webm (480x480, 2.92M)

described very well

>i heard your government is fucking up in handling the virus
Show me 1 (one) government in Europe that is not


i wish that norsu would rape her

Attached: Molestephant.webm (578x720, 2.67M)

hot i wish it was me

perfect description of this shithole

those trunks are a gift itself, imagine the scents they get


Attached: Fifa 2019.webm (480x480, 2.89M)

thank you for this norsu

Prove it