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What race faces the greatest levels of racism?
Nathaniel Reed
Other urls found in this thread:
Juan Brown
in the usa black people
Brody Jenkins
Christian Reed
Brayden Smith
whites probably
James Turner
go back to africa, tyrone
Matthew Walker
Black people it's not even a question
John Roberts
Muslims from various races.
>inb4 Islam isn't a race, retard
It might as well be.
Alexander Ward
the human race
Joseph Sanders
The white race, obviously.
The only real minority on earth, and the only one it's legal to be racist to.
Michael Nguyen
Blacks are the ones that have been harassing asians the most in nyc since the c19 thing started
Thomas Morales
Black people have been in the limelight for so long they're now the hip establishment idea of 'counter culture' and alternative new age thinking. Niggers dominate all human resource departments and as a result of that, the rests' employment because niggers have two things that make them special: sex appeal and ghetto, casual talking. While whitey will struggle to tell you in officialese that you're fired, the nigger will ruin your prospects like a true bro.
Hudson Jones
Negroes and Arabs, Pajeets are honorable mention probably.
Aiden Morris
Black people in America
> Slaves for hundreds of years
> Went through rape torture and tough conditions
> Didn't get actual human rights till the late 1960s
> Incarcerated at a much higher rate than any race
> Face lynching even till this day
> Sometimes Live in extreme poverty
> Targeted by the police
> Stereotyped as thugs and a danger to society
Asians in America
Wahhhhhhh they make fun of my small penis
Wahhhhhhh I'm an incel
Joseph Lopez
She's very cute , I must admit.
Zachary Brown
Kayden Turner
>Asians in America: WAAAH positive racism, they expect me to be an overachiever WAAAH
Kevin Adams
Aaron Miller
The only true answer
Noah Wilson
shut the fuck up the entire world now watches blacked porn and you probably and statistically have a large cock that is all that matters for men in the 21st century
Charles Barnes
Also this is for america. For Canada I think you could argue it's natives
Luke Howard
but natives do deserve racism
Bentley Allen
have sex incel
Austin Foster
Women have ruined everything.
Sebastian Barnes
Clearly "others"
>just take a shower bro
Jayden Martin
So this is THE problem. Westerners are not just ignorant of the gravity of racism against asians. They actively deny it.
Imagine the backlash in a western society if you speak about blacks in a similar tone.
Jose Flores
Read this , Zhang you stupid gook.
Justin Rogers
How does that counter my argument, idiot?
Andrew Thomas
Whites without a doubt
Jaxson Gonzalez
Gabriel Jones
I am racist against everyone.
Dominic Barnes
you are retarded
Hudson Phillips
The thing is I have seen plenty of Asian guys try to make the argument that they experience the most racism but it always comes back to them being incels and Asian men being preciived as betas by Western standards.
With black people it's things that are very real and quite frightening
Alexander Adams
Yeah and they deserve it
Andrew Wilson
>tfw smarter than average jap
>dong is bigger than sub saharan average
Living the dream here
Wyatt Rivera
how can something that your ancestors got fucked somehow automatically make you a victim? you get a shit tons of affirmative actions and attention from the media
meanwhile gooks are just okay to be emasculated because they are considered to be successful and planning an evil menace to their civilization
fuck niggers they got the easiest life as a man in 2020
Blake Miller
I've only seen Koreans cry about racism, chinks and japs are cool.
Carter Hill
Not really into chicks with these features but something about her is captivating. Sauce?
Justin Bell
>muh black kangz wypipo are evil rayciss kill whitey
No sympathy
Julian Price
You just proved my point. Being “emasculated” is your own issue and isn’t the same as systematic oppression at all (something that is still ongoing)
Benjamin Rodriguez
how many chinks need to be punched in public for them to get the hint and gtfo. bat munching freaks
Lucas Brooks
Go find out, you pussy. Post results or no balls.
Gavin Cooper
if you're saying societal emasculation is not something systemic then the fact that out of all non white ethnicities blacks are the least achieving race is not systemic either
our diaspora had worse than blacks when they got off the ship in the 1960s and 70s
Tyler Young
>hehe i have no arguments so let’s call him retard xdxd that will surely show him
>but it always comes back to them being incels and Asian men being preciived as betas by Western standards.
That is not what I am talking about. Asians are subject to violent assaults and other forms of explicit discrimination yet progressives in the west never, ever give attention to their issues. Of course I know blacks had been suffering really in the past but that’s how social awareness developed afterwards. Eventually the norm was settled so it’s a taboo to hint racism against black in western countries. Meanwhile there hasn’t been any sort of starting point that raised a call about racism against asians in the first place.
>I've only seen Koreans cry about racism
Because you are ill-informed.
Plus you are not even from the west. What do you even know?
Aiden Powell
Native americans.
Angel Carter
t. Internetdrone
Grayson Hernandez
You aren't systematically oppressed Rasheed. The system is heavily tilted in your favor.
Jaxon Mitchell
Blacks face "positive racism" and they're told to shut up if they whine about being good at sports or having a big dick. If you want to complain about the small dick jokes, fine, but shut up about being called smart.
Elijah Barnes
Name ONE Latvian Oscar winner!
Name ONE Latvian president of America!
Tyler Rodriguez
But Asians are also racist.
Look at this. If a westerner did the same thing with an Asian this would've become an international incident.
Jack Perez
plus i'm not trying to bitch about wacism in particular at all i don't care if they are racists or not
i just hate the fucking niggers pointing their fingers at us every god damn time they have something to blame on asians fuck you
Kevin Lee
Niggers rape, kill and steal. Chinks make delicious food out of ingredients of dubious origin, and are generally well behaved and chill.
I'd rather live in fucking Chinatown than have a single darkie as my neighbor.
Brandon Collins
>The worst race on Earth
Left that out, Leaf.
Zachary Lee
Chink """food""" brought the pandemic we are suffering through right now.
Jaxson Cooper
positive: euripids
negative: niggers
Easton Bennett
Leo Collins
>If a westerner did the same thing with an Asian this would've become an international incident.
Lol nope. People in the west make “slanted eyes” like it’s a non-malicious, perfectly innocent action. How many times have been Asians requesting them to stop doing it? We halfway gave up at this point.
While there will be always a group within us reacting critically at whatever jokes about foreigners. I think overestimate your own level of caution.
Landon Diaz
They still can get discrimination but I agree with what you are saying
Landon Lopez
Blake Rogers
Most niggers hold the firm belief that anything which negatively effects them is systematic racism and that anything which negatively effects other races is a personal problem.
Benjamin Cruz
Anglophobia and anti-semitism(the same thing really) are the worst crimes one can commit and it is shameful that it still goes on especially here on Yas Forums. Any other sort of discrimination isn't important.
Aaron Bennett
I feel proud of that pic. I only posted once and people keep posting her here. It's a girl from my uni.
Jaxson White
Thank you for your service sir
Adam Cook
Black people
Caleb Bailey
no, I thank you. send more jomon immigrants
Kevin Parker
Has she fucked many niggers?
Christian Torres
Sebastian Young
she's very small. a nigga could make a real damage to her
here's a pic of her nowadays; she works for a big bank in são paulo
Ayden Bell
Is she married now?
Blake Miller
To an Asian guy, but she still rides black cock on the side.
Josiah Stewart
Okay well, not as flattering as the first but still oddly attractive.
Eli Phillips
no relationship on her facebook
Luke King
White people
Benjamin Hill
She should move here with all the other asians and date me