What is actually for real happening in Italy right now? Media in my country (UK) are making out that it's apocalypse scenario with people dropping dead left and right and the streets so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Any Italianons can give the real story with no sensationalism??
What is actually for real happening in Italy right now...
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the government is composed of a novax party and a party constantly at the center of healthcare scandals that were initially downplaying the coronavirus to defeat racisssssm
now we have people assaulting supermarkets and screaming from balconies all day like crazies in an asylum because they keep receiving mixed messages from the gov
Thanks for your reply
there's new cases and new deaths everyday but it's not a "the road" scenrio, although the atmosphere is quite eerie when I go to the supermarker (which, by the way, is chock full: the perks of living in a small town)
everyone is quarantined and there's no one around, which lends itself to some beautiful imagery
everyone is locked at home to slow the spread of the virus
hospitals are overwhelmed and we're running out of ICU, doctors are getting infected and working full time
swarms of bats are attacking people everywhere, can't even open windows, send help
I'm playing L4D2 irl
It's a nothingburger, everybody gets forced vacation and will end up poorer
those four people deserve to be put in jail
yeah it's a rather irresponsible behaviour
This poster is still angry that Salvini got drunk with cocktails, fucked up and will never be elected again.
The situation is indeed dire like and say but government measures have been well received by most italians and approval for prime minister Conte has been steadily rising in polls.
Also only boomers and old fucks die, as long my grandpappies are fine I don't care.
>next elections
>hate commies so won't vote for any left party
>hate salvini with a passion so won't vote for him
>hate cinque stelle with a passion so won't vote for them
back to based Silvio I go I guess
venezia looks like this at night anyway
They don't retard. You need to be within like 2 meters of a person to have a chance to transmit it on coughing. Walks in open spaces are as safe as they get.
Only redditors think that Conte has done a good job. As usual italian incompetence let the situation get in this state.
have it in daylight then
the two girls on the foreground and the couple in the background are definitely closer than 2m to each other
People here are becoming so insane they've started putting pineapple on pizza.
kys retard
How are you dealing with the bodies? Are they all cremated?
make me, faggot
Imagine being so brainwashed that a mere hint of critique to the most retarded gov of the millennium sends you on an anti-salvini rant out of nowhere
>*cough* I'm going to die...but at least... we btfo epyc style salveeenee amirite compagni...
are those law breaking whores your sisters, piotr?
>the two girls on the foreground and the couple in the background are definitely closer than 2m to each other
They are friends/family/lovers. It's not mass gathering and they would be meeting some place else otherwise. Even better, they are fairly young so they can sell each other virus and nothing will happen to them as long as they keep their circle of contact closed.
cosa fai, chiami i carabinieri se vedi 2 che stanno vicini?
No idea, I don't think they are a problem yet
si dovrebbe chiamare i carabinieri per chiunque è all'aria aperta francamente
ma non rompere i coglioni stavo solo rispondendo al polacco
I am defending freedom to do safe shit during a quarantine. Wouldn't want to have some retard tell me I can't go for a walk in country side because OMG the virus transmits telepathically
>si dovrebbe chiamare i carabinieri per chiunque è all'aria aperta francamente
5 anni :)
Io l'ho fatto e lo rifarò
people outside for no reason deserve the death penalty though
>b-b-but I NEED to have a walk
you won't 3 meters beneath the ground
non dovresti stare su questo sito allora, piccolino
ayy at least we were not racism so who really win in the end
bei numeri
do you really think a mentally ill faggot represents the national sentiment?
Outside is as safe as it gets compared to anything that isn't complete isolation in a single room. Walking through desolated places is the perfect safe recreational activity during the outbreak.
Dumb spaghetti nigger.
>epick Yas Forums yt channel
>wojak derivative profile pic
how and when did we manage to become more redditt than reddit?
won't be desolated anymore if everybody thinks (well maybe that's the wrong term in this case, more like concentrates only on what he wants without understanding the consequences like a beast) like you.
just better to cull them, it will improve society
>won't be desolated anymore if everybody thinks (well maybe that's the wrong term in this case, more like concentrates only on what he wants without understanding the consequences like a beast) like you.
Woah what a good thing my thinking involves walking in places that are reasonably desolated and not packing yourself into public transport. Closing yourself in a room also isn't safe if everyone choose the same room.
Perfect, spaghetti niggers being incompetent and blaming it on some random Chinese guy as if he had a hand in spreading it himself. It's a damn shame the virus never had a chance to kill nearly enough Italians.
>dumb poolack proving once again he's an illiterate monkey who can't even read a reply chain
thatnks for the confirmation I guess
Shut the fuck up already, you lost the argument you incompetent halfwit. Reply chain has nothing to do with what I said.
uuuh did you get angry? self control problems?
it shouldn't be hard to understand even for your simian brain that overpopulated places are desolated only if people don't leave their house
perhaps I'm wrong though
>my thinking
you did a big think indeed!
cavemen here can't even comprehend who is he replying to
I think everything is over exaggerated. People are spamming stupid messages on WhatsApp everyday like this. In some messages people were asked to yell or clap or play music outside.
Some people go out during the day but only around their house. Initially Supermarkets were crowded but now people stay in lines and they behave (not always). I wish everyone die
>it shouldn't be hard to understand even for your simian brain that overpopulated places are desolated only if people don't leave their house
Guess what, retard. If the place is already looking populated you can skip on going there, and let the people who were the first enjoy themselves. Even better country side is nearly always empty enough that you can keep 2 meters away from any other human. I am sure all the panickers won't be going out and instead opt to wish death to everyone enjoying their air.
For someone with such a poor understanding of viral transmission you sure love to call other people "dumb" and "retarded", don't you?
are you illiterate?
this lol, he's lost
these kind of initiatives, like people singing from their balconies, are making me wish for a mass extermination
>poor understanding
I have perfect understand of how you need close contact to have an actual chance of catching it. Staying in public transport involves close contact and lack of ventilation. Open spaces are as safe as they get.
>Cannuscio: If you’re going to go to the gym, try to go at a time when there are very few people there and definitely wipe down the equipment. However, as the weather warms in many parts of the United States, I would instead recommend that people go outside for walks or runs or bike rides in areas where there are not other people. This is really about depriving the virus the opportunity to move from one person to another.
Are you? There are enough places for you to go out and keep more than 2 or even 10 meter separation from another person.
>Salvini got drunk with cocktails, fucked up and will never be elected again.
What? Can you elaborate?
How many times do you wops have to change government in a year?
I live in the north, not in the so called red zone but still near to the areas where the majority of the cases was reported.
Streets are quite empty, but you still see people walking their dog or going to the market to buy groceries here and there. Roads are empty, I see very few cars around, except for the buses.
I've been to the supermarket twice in the last week and I've never seen people fighting for food or TP, everything was normal except for the cashiers wearing masks and asking you to stay at 1 Mt from them.
I've been reading a lot, playing bass guitar and played EU4 in these days. I've also finally found some time to work on my mom's house garden, and she's really happy about that. Now I'm cooking soup and later I will watch Parasite.
It's not the end of the world, really. If it wasn't for the fact that I can't see my gf and, ofc, the news telling us that boomers are dying, I would even go as far as say that I'm quite comfy. For example, my experience is exactly opposite to what is telling, so either he comes from the epicenter of the virus, or he's telling a lot of bullshit
nice reddit spacing
la puttana di tua mamma
No. I'm going to make a few examples to show why you're wrong.
1. Clara - who's healthy - goes out while no one else is apparently outside. While she's out, she touches a door handle, a handrail, then rests on a bench in the square gardens. Clara can't possibly know whether or not during the day any infected people used the same objects, she merely relies on the unrealistic belief that she's the first to use them. Clara goes back to her apartment and touches the door handles, the stair handrail, the elevator buttons. Clara has now spread the disease to the building;
2. Francesco goes out while no one is outside. He's a carrier showing early mild symptoms and he thinks he's got a simple cold. He coughs on his hand, then hands out the money to a shopkeeper while carefully keeping a 2 m distance. Francesco has spread the virus to the shop.
3. Maria, a very concerned old lady, goes out while no one is outside. Another pedestrian appears on the walkway in front of her, walking in the same direction as hers, and sneezes. Maria keeps a distance of 2 m from the man, while both keep walking. The droplets from the sneezing don't magically vanish after a few seconds, they stay in the air and gradually spread, so even if Maria kept a distance initially, she will likely walk into the spreading droplets unless she completely changes her walking direction. Maria has now contracted the disease and will spread it to her acquaintances.
That article speaks of mitigation. It's giving guidelines that are not completely failsafe for the sake of compromise between protecting yourself and not barricading yourself in your own house.
But staying inside when you're not infected is much better than going outside.
Droplets don't magically disappear after traveling for 2 meters either. That distance is based on studies available but isn't 100% safe. No place is truly empty all day and a virus can survive on surfaces, especially in northern Italy where the population density is huge.
Literally what happened
Announced the government was over while at a club on the beach, turned out there were enough MPs to form a new government without his party, backtracked and promised his former ally the presidency if they got back together, didn't work and got cucked out of the government
A little more than a year ago 5 Stelle, a recently born centrist party that's hard to describe politically as left or right but basically they were against the previous establishment, got the majority of votes in the election, but to form a government they needed more so they made a coalition with Salvini's right wing Lega, a recycled ex-secessionist party turned nationalist to ride anti-EU sentiments wave for votes.
The government was half a shitshow, with 5Stelle wanting to change things for the better but making mistakes because of inexperience (they had only been an opposition party since their birth), while Lega barely cared about implementing reforms they pushed for and were more focused on barking at EU, immigrants and other parties to garner even more votes. Soon they started to even turn on their allies, basically shit-talking 5Stelle and making their job of leading the country harder because Salvini's plan was to steal their electoral base until Lega was strong enough to govern alone, aand then crash their coalition government so he could be prime minister himself.
Eventually Di Maio (5Stelle leader) got fed up with being pushed around openly by his "allies" and confronted Salvini about it in August 2019. During this time Salvini was at a beach party with his political supporters, as while 5Stelle were busy in parliament he had spent the entire summer touring around Italy to appear in public and gather more support. He was interviewed about this in a bar while he was drinking Mojitos and basically told everyone out of the blue fuck this government, we are making it fall and go back to the polls so I can be elected as he was sure he would likely get majority.