
Socialist Britain edition

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first for poo and corona

I've decided to only poo once a week to save toilet roll

There's gonna be no state left deludomong

what the FUCK is the "incubation period" and why do all the news reports talk about it as if we're all supposed to know?

infected half of Cheadle before they caught me

it can take up to two weeks to show symptoms if you're carrying the virus

Not sure if I should order a mcds or not, it might come with a side of covid

if you think you're the tallest man in this thread, speak up

period from when it enters your system to when you actually show symptoms (3-14 days)

>No one has ever died from a virus that wasn't Spanish Flu


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If socialism is so wonderful, why is scotland such a shithole leftymong? it's been left wing since time immemorial

incubation period is the period where you have the virus but dont present any symptons

having the disease but no symptoms

They’re assuming you’re not a brain dead mong, that’s why. Nice of them really

it's genuinely me. i'm 6'8".

amount of time you carry the disease without showing symptoms
that's why its spreading so fast, you're contagious several days before you actually get ill

>socialist republic of jersey
>still has a crown on the flag

BBC reporting a man in a gimp suit going around licking front door knobs in Cheadle


Cruising around on San Andreas listening to K-Rose

can you pass on coronavirus through shagging?

yes my life is unfair
yes i suffer
no i will not stop posting about it on a racist chinese cartoon website


it's fucking misinformation though isn't it
i said it's madness now be quiet

always picture it like alien with the chestburster

the gf didn't take kindly to me pretend coofing on her but is perfectly fine with sucking on my tongue

women are strange

That was an example as I knew it was going to be brought up if not mentioned. But the same applies to every virus.
The common cold could have been a deadly virus once before as well.

Shan't be continuing this topic in to the new thread.

wouldn't care much if I perished
I'm only 6'0 with a 5 inch dick so I was doomed from the start

what a horrible flag

We'll call it a draw then m8

Post shoes.

no food left...
this is it.

Never heard of the Socialist King of Jersey?

wondering if i had batflu last week and i'm now out the other end



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Planes are rough eh?

>spanish flu
>everyone ok with that

>chinese flu

my shoe size is only 11


am i fuck self isolating if i get a cough

You know smallpox was a virus, right? With a mortality rate of 30%. That was with us since the dawn of farming.

Which war was the exacerbating factor there?

such is the mind of a leftymonger

No problem with Chinese or Wuhan flu TBQH. Using racial pejoratives is out though.

i get the seat in front of the air crew and make awkward conversation about my height the entire flight

hello? based department

You're like a ballerina

just bought a ton, wish i could send you some

shall be calling it the chink flu

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for me it's the chinkyflu

Fuck Spain.

Why not? 2 weeks off work

bullshit, what the fuck?

Hope Jet2 doesn't go under :(

for me its chinky winky flu

wuhan stinky chinky

very sad i cant order chinese food from the chinky chinaman for several more months

all airlines are going under

yeah kill em!

ate some ice cream and now i feel bad

this is probably what it felt like living under stalin when no-one ever knew from one day to the next what the fuck he was going to do on a whim

>old Chinese man smoked near me nine days
>smoke was blowing in my direction

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also German measles
Zika virus (named after the the zika forest in Uganda)
Ebola (named after the Ebola river in the Congo)

thought Spanish flu is a bad example since it actually start in American

UK size, can't remember if that's smaller or larger but it's a very normal size and i can get shoes in a regular shop

for me it's chingchongitis

bruh ordering a takeaway is now a life and death situation

short it

"We're going deeper underground"

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What is.

not sure what this is mean to show

I did a job on Arran where I was digging downhill of the island's cemetary during a solid week of rain. We were hitting groundwater.

feel like ordering food

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the plague was just a flu bro relax

now cut off after 1500

Not him but smallpox was actually far more lethal in it's earlier years, 30% was the lower end. Even then the death rare varied between where the outbreaks happened.

wait for the after picture

What's the weather like up there?

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Where's Noah's Ark dipshit Bible denier

mental innit

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Look at the lads haha

I reckon they’re out for an evening stroll, like gentlemen

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I don’t want to hear hold my hand by Jess Glynn anymore


Just imagine when bigpox hits, ffs lads

watching episode 6 of noughts and crosses

got battered wife syndrome

should unironically have genocided africa and asia when we had the chance. now there's going to be 4 billion africans by the end of the century

fuck sake