No differences between Yas Forums and Yas Forums.
No differences between Yas Forums and Yas Forums
Left = int
Right = pol
Yas Forums is browner
bullshit, int is not racist
t. banned from /int 6 times for being 'racist'
Wheres the middle ground?
Worthless nigger.
Yas Forums
We don't have memeflags so Yas Forums is a better Yas Forums than Yas Forums
Yas Forums is a multicultural board
Polcels need to go back
>dude fuck believing in anything. I’ll just assume what pol thinks and spam the opposite
The difference is we keep those creatures in check.
No. Yas Forums has unironic leftists and communist flags.
>bro stop having an individual life and think about POLITICS all day!
>noo, what do you mean there are other sides to life, you need to stop being a KEK and start building your entire life around POLITICS!
Ok incel
Nobody said anything of the sort roach. There’s a political board and we talk about politics there.
Subhuman retard
Fuck off shitskin
The aus chink is mad
I was banned for posting 'the monkey' tho
Same friendless lonely pinkcels on all boards
No difference at all
>Yes I understand that politics is important and that all must be involved as Aritostle said You might not concern yourself with politics but politics is concerned with you
Yas Forums is mainly composed of sorry CHIs, 2000s x-box and monsterfags and boomer fuckups
They’re the kind of people you would imagine smell like ass and cheese and have cheetoh stains all over them
All the worst kinds of mutts you can imagine
Yas Forums is supremacists of any kind, Yas Forums is nationalistic
So why do you guys spam this board?
Int is filled with faggots that got laughed out of every other board so they are trying to turn int into some kind of bunker.
Sad and pathetic
That's Yas Forums, Yas Forums, and /trash/
Literally all the politics threads on this board are from lefty faggots lmao.
Gamers are the most oppressed minority
True int has lots of lgbt subhumans and drug addicters lefturds
I don't want the left to be here either, that doesn't mean I want Yas Forums to raid us
So you’re not against politics you’re just against opinions you disagree with.
Lefty faggots literally spam this board 24 hours a day lmao and you accuse pol of being the problem
they don't though, only discord trannies do, and I hate them just the same
I am against this board being politicized, right or left
You will realize how cringe you were as a teenager eventually
Polcels lacks self awareness, they're so used to their circlejerk they don't realize how embarassing they are outside of it
Then we are agreed. But mods actively ban any conservative thought while allowing fags and lefties to post the same shit everyday. Why are you going to do exactly?
Oh fuck off newfag
Based mods keeping Yas Forums bearable
The biggest problem with Yas Forums isn't the politics or extreme opinions like some people claim but rather the fact that it's newfag central on this website akin to how Yas Forums used to be. You can tell that an extreme amount of the userbase are former or crossposting redditors based on how they act. Nobody wants to assimilate so it's basically a refugee center for redditors and other newfags by now.
There's a fucking marx thread up right now.
they're probably moving the threads to Yas Forums because it's more suitable there for such threads
agree about gayposting, it should be moved to /lgbt/
Yas Forums constantly has posts ripped straight from Reddit.
ah yes. "Let me suck your dick mods just delete the opinions I disagree with!"
You're the 2016 tourist here cringelord, not me, you sound so underage it's obvious
pic related is unironically true
Keep projecting incel. How did you find int btw? Reddit, tumblr?
Yas Forums is /blacked/ friendly and can handle the teasing.
>Yas Forums J*nnies
>Being anti-conservative
>polcel calling people incels
This is getting ridiculous, stop embarassing yourself
russhit scared of Yas Forums because theres no russian tranny janny
>leftypolcel calling people incels
This is getting ridiculous, stop embarassing yourself
le goodest boi doggo thread :3 le doggo pupper
hehe he le post le doggo le woffer xd
ur rite i mus like kittt le cade
heheh le kitter ee mod babysat ledoggo woffer lenpupper doggo thread!!
lle dogggo thrad xd yayya le cute doggo le woofer doggo pupper nthread xd dddd pupper woofer el doggo :333 babysat my mod hehehhe pupper woofer le reddit woofer pupper :)) then el litt le kitter n le snek come :))) le woofer n kitty le qt n comfy le woofer n kitty n cato go snuggl with le snek ;))
xd pupper n doggggis
kittyern snek they fo comy
le kitter n snek go boop xd le kitty n cato le friskers xd
kitty go meow n woofer go woof
E :)
EL DOGGO WOOFER THREAD? :3 ? YOUUUUU> gONN babYSIT LE goodedt woofer puppo dogger
Thanks for not denying your tourist status
I don't need to. You're so new that you have no idea of how int was before ~2018. You're just another fag trying to turn int into his little safespace
>white cucks insulting whites is better than black cucks insulting blacks
you are not better than Yas Forums, just the other side of the same coin
Stop pretending, r/thedolan is that way
and r/politics is the other way. Back in the day people used to attempt integrating into chan culture. Now we've got faggots like you
Got banned for making meme threads about hortler, I guess some of them don't aknowledge the superiority of the BLACK man yet
Cope. Im really brown
>back in the day
Why do you keep lying
that guy is trolling the fuck out of you retard, get it together
why do you keep larping retard? You're more than welcome to fuck off back to reddot. I doubt you're even old enough to remember the old reddit layout
>russhit scared of Yas Forums because theres no russian tranny janny
>Noooooo why do you post lefty opinions (read: disagreeing with tinfoil bullshit) how dare youuuuuu!!!!1!!1!!
And then they call you the fragile one, lmao