
Delivering a package edition

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just wait until page 10 you autistic cunt

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so here we all are then.

hello ratboy

t. janny

the la*cough cough*ads...

What's the least amount of money it would take for you to eat bat soup? The entire bowl, including the bat.

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CV-19 to heem all vegans and noodle-armed leftymongs

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Why don't we do staggered social distancing?

god i'd let her deliver a package to me

noine handred dollarydoos

why have you got bottles under your bed

open the borders don’t close them


Honestly would like to say 3000 but just looking at it I dont think I could even do it for a million. Maybe if I had barrel of vodka to wash it down with.

would eat it regardless

uma delicia

To the lad that just posted a picture from under his bed. You do realise there's a monster under there right?

Hong Kong only has 4 corona deaths
Makes you think

I want you back for the rhythm-attack
Coming down on the floor like a maniac
I want you back, so clean up the dish
By the way, how much is the fish?
How much is the fish?

can't stand non-whites
just looking at them makes me feel sick

if the supermarkets start running out of food i don't reckon any chinky restaurants will be having any shortages

we must think of the herd (blacks, browns and other undesirables included)

in times like these we need to build bridges not walls and borders

do it jan jan

£2 billion

leftypol: close the borders!
rorke: open the borders I need to go on my easyjet holiday to costa del sol!


face itches but i just took a bus and haven't washed my hands yet so i must resist

alri wannabe internet nonce character

What's the most you're willing to pay

business idea: coronavirus but it only targets wogs and pakis

my bed is an ensemble so there's no underneath for a monster to hide in

Mad how much the tables have turned.

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genuinely out of paper towels and running low on toilet paper
think the normie panic buyers are onto something

only seen a bat twice in my life, first when I was staying in a hostel in the backarse of kerry and one somehow flew into one of the rooms and was just flying around until I assume it got free or was trapped and released ... and the other when I randomly encountered a dead one while walking my dog and it was being eaten from the inside out by wasps and ants

3500 new cases in Italy in the last 24 hours

have a reservation at dorsia this evening

yeah mad that

rasheed stinking up the thread again

panic buyers should be shot

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mental how leftypol does a complete 180 on closing the borders when he's in direct danger

What's going to happen all the brits in costa del sol now

hope you realise it’s in the air and can survive in the air for at least 3 hours x

Could get a gf any day, but feel like I can do better than the girls that are currently attracted to me, like I have not put any effort at all into myself and socializing so it stands to reason that if I work on myself I can do better.
So I refuse to settle just yet. Have a long way to go before I am satisfied with who I am, and can finally focus my attention on getting a gf.

great sea urchin ceviche

Do you not ever leave the house just as it's getting dark? They're always around at that time

Think I finally just got the herd strategy.

Basically the point is to cull all the old people so that we no longer have an ageing population and the overall age of the population finally balances out so we dont have to import any more third worldies

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if your hand is bigger than your face you have covid

leftypol needs to open the borders to his mouldy damp bedroom

>boomer wakeup

imagine if someone from some random not even remotely anglo country like uzbekistan just started posting in /brit/ and became a regular and started using terms like "lads" and "paki" and that to fit in

Mummy would give me a stern talking to if i put everything in the bin so i use the wardrobe and underneath the bed as storage until she goes out

panic bought all the golf balls

imagine your life being so dull you remember specific incidents throughout the years where you’ve spotted a fucking bat

how does that benefit the Tories? it doesn't

If you think this picture is grotesque, try looking at it when you're high, lol

Delete this

toilet roll for tea

It’s to keep viruses out not foreigners you f*cking mong

brit pride. worldwide

lots of bats near my residence, i see them almost every night