Thank you, Orange man

Thank you, Orange man

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Other urls found in this thread:


I love Shitaly too

what did he mean by this

If Italy = love then Italy + eagle =???

Did they find oil in italy?

>mfw i can make a spaghetti with sauce in 15 minutes, throw on some kraft cheese and pickeled cucumber slices and it's gourmet alla Stevenson (my name) for my date to love and think im a god of culinary expertise

thankyou based italy


Attached: trump marcius.png (308x395, 161.28K)

lmao after a week of blasting us
what a shit eating goblin




Meanwhile china is actively sending aid. Really wish Trump was better at international relations.

He hates you while he loves us lmao

god damn, the USA is such a meme country

wtf i love shartamutts now
thank you for your service

That's the beauty of Twitter. People see the post, like it, and move on without checking history.

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Even Germany sent stuff. Trump could do something but won't

We love you faggot, isn't that enough?

Wtf I want to die for Israel now!

I used to love Italy until I started browsing , I just have a soft spot for it now.

Attached: self portrair abbott.jpg (680x894, 145.12K)

*browsing Yas Forums

Be a bit more comforted knowing that 50% of those are probably bots, 40% are diehard Trump fans who will like anything he tweets, and 10% are doing it ironically

This account is clearly a troll to make republicans look dumb

the bluepill is thinking that they are fakes made to look one side look bad
the redpill is realizing the world is full of political idiots, grifters and thankfull drones and both sides are full of them if you just look enough.


and why?

why are you coping over our idiots

i love the amerisharts too

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It's working then

every post he makes defending american conservatives trump will keep the border to the UK open one more day

Such a heartwarming thing to see, they've been friends since Roman times after all

I used to love Italy until I started browsing Yas Forums , now i love italy even more

it's a cope because yesterday XI phoned Italian president promising more help after the flight of 2 days ago

oh no no not again

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I wonder if Italy would rather have the money it costs to fly 9 military planes with colored chemtrails, maybe converted into medical aid. But he's probably right about the big sky flag


You sound like a swell guy, Stevenson. Just a damn swell guy!

Attached: jesus-thumps-up1.jpg (388x400, 65.38K)


They've just left a bad taste in my mouth.

chinese are sending spies disguised as doctors to Italy so he's saying that he always loved you
expect hidden microphones planted and stolen patents and data from your country

he's one bizarre man

>muh spies
Fuck off Private Hernandez.

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When did he blast you? Nobody ever talks about Italy lmao


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Get a real job and maybe your wife might stop fucking minorities back home.

Attached: poland american military.png (835x753, 1.12M)

One yuan has been deposited into your account
Don't spend it all in one place chang.


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>They've just left a bad taste in my mouth.
Sorry if we don't like your bait threads about pizza.

I am almost ready to believe this, but I think American conservatives really just are this fucking dumb

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I just avoid those threads desu

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eyyyyy I'm walkin hea

They are our planes lol
It's an old video

Well what the fuck was the point then? "Hey Italy, here's a vid you yourself took of your shit, gl with death from ethereal bleeding"

Flattering other parties is part of Trump's general strategy of dealing with people

Italy loves Trump!

Do you feel flattered? He went to the effort of tweeting

He's retarded

Mission failed

Wtf americans really do this?
It's bonkers innit?

We love ITALY, not MEHICO.

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