No differences between Yas Forums and Yas Forums

No differences between Yas Forums and Yas Forums.

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Yas Forums is much, much, much worse.

As it should be

The difference is that int screeches about pol while spamming political threads on subjects of which that they agree with.

Yas Forums is a hugbox, here we respect all opinions desu

dumb american

Yas Forums is raw hatred, Yas Forums is just banter. We are all frens here.

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Are you sure about that?


no you don't

Yas Forums is basically a US conservative circlejerk.


and this is absolutely hypocritical opinion

Yas Forums is comprised of low IQ monkeys with no self-awareness.

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Yas Forums is a load of seething burgers with no sense of humour

pol is full of hypocrisy and hate

We all chill here

Meanwhile Yas Forums gets triggered by a pigmentation molecule

>We all chill here
underrated post

>Yas Forums

>Yas Forums

this "board" is just a shitskin hugbox, no reason for it to exist

I’m gonna stick my cock in your house of the rising sun

There are a lot of bongs as well


What about linguistics.

You mean Yas Forums? Yes

Yas Forums is shit
Yas Forums is shit
They're both shit.

>Literally daily BWC threads that never get deleted

Yeah. Many people on Yas Forums are actually left wing even if they don't talk about it often

Don't forget haplogroups, those are important.

>Gigachad, 27
>Misogyny / Sex addiction / Gamer

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Not white, not angry.

>not white
Nice try

>pol/ is a hugbox,
80% of the threads are people baiting

Yas Forums is just as obsessed with whiteness as Yas Forums
>Inb4 having the hundredth thread on how ancientEgypt was white is just banter

What boards do you like?

Yes, but the approach is completely different.
It's mostly bantz here.
On Yas Forums I feel like I'm talking with schizoids 95% of the time.

I like this board when it's not America threads,race baiting, and homo posting
>racism outside of Yas Forums

Even if they were baiting, the serious posters are typing the same shit so what's the difference

Yea nah I don't like the approach of the bwc shit spammed here all the time

Yas Forums is a jew/nonwhite hating circlejerk
Yas Forums is an America hating circlejerk

Yas Forums = /bant/
/bant/ = /chen/
/chen/ = /kot/
/bant/ = /kot/
Yas Forums = /kot/

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Surprisingly accurate

t. polcel

no, I mean it's full of the exact same threads you see on Yas Forums saying fuck wh*tes etc

sad that my schizo fellows still keep shitting on Koreans thread as well as Yas Forums and need quarantine to Yas Forums for chill

Nothing wrong with hating fat nigger imperialists.

>Racism outside of Yas Forums

A lot of us are more driven by curiosity than ideology here at Yas Forums and there is way less general insanity overall and most of it (I think)is ironic.

Occasional "do they really" threads can be pretty good, I'll even save some new content for those when I find it

I hate overly dramatic people and pol is filled with them. Although at least they balance out the spergs on the other side of the political spectrum like pic related.
In the end, I don't what happened to the internet, all these people are so insufferable, I don't even understand what they are doing with their life.

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This board is supposed to be about learning languages and about world cultures, but it's used for anything else except that. In reality it's just a copy of Yas Forums except with not as strict rules, less fringe posts and flags.

Yas Forums is /blacked/ friendly.

Why does /leftypol/ think their lies pass? You can look at Yas Forums right now and see how it's infested with /leftypol/ tourists just like here, but the difference is that Yas Forums is not an anti/pol/ bunker like tourists think it is, your dumb political threads are not on-topic just because you agree with them.

Yas Forums - blacked
Yas Forums - blackedraw

>t. nigger loving imperialist

>/leftypol/ boogeyman
54 messages in, must be a new record.
Now go to bed.

You're at least 20% indian. When will romanians go back to their indian roots and adopt buddhism and make curries?

Yas Forums: proud BLACK BVLLS
Yas Forums: self-hating ch*Canos

All schizoid isolated virgin cumskins

The latest boogeyman is discordtrannys, if you're going to try this at least keep up.

what the fuck even is /leftypol/ and why do Yas Forumsshits think that everyone who doesn't agree with them or simply don't want what is supposed to be a chill and friendly board to be politicized to the core?

Watch as how they try to deflect by trying to imply they are not from 8/leftypol/ but don't deny they are lefties shitting up the board with their political threads, this is not your anti/pol/ bunker.

... is from there?

/leftypol/ is Yas Forums but for authleftoids. Has pretty dogshit layout as well.

Most Yas Forumstards are unironically mentally ill.

And underage. Look at pol meetups and their discord servers, 90% of them are from 15 years old to 18

You are mentally ill.
True, both boards are filled with mentally ill wh*tes