What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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do we really have to pretend that 1400 dead out of more than 7 billions and increasing by HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS every day worth noting?
Nothing, it's all according to keikaku.
Just annex Singapore, Indonesia
Basically it's worth noting when W*stern countries are affected by something
Chinkoids destroyed the world
How dare you?
also interesting that germans have 4200 cases and 8 deaths
Germans cheat on it. They have more deaths, but if they have an underlying condition it's counted as a cause of it
>enacts national lockdown
>infections climb by thousand anyways
Just why??
it takes at least 2-3 weeks for those measures to show results
Because people were already infected before they even took measures.
>it takes at least 2-3 weeks for those measures to show results
does this have to do with incubation periods of the virus or am I not getting something?
Gotta drive that trade war to the next level somehow.
when China quarantined itself, the wu flu cases stopped rising only after two or three weeks had passed.
When the pandemic is over, Italy will have the highest number of total cases in the world barring China.
Screencap this post
I don’t get it. South Korea also had seen a rapid spread but they somehow pulled it off without harsh measures like national lockdown. How come Italy is in a constant uphill without a brake?
Yes it has to do with the incubation.
Becauase normies here were all "just a flu bro" "we must not change our way of living" "milan can't stop" etc etc
this didn't age well
What is not to get? With enough test kits you can isolate individuals without having to say ‘fuck it, you are all being isolated because we can’t identify the infected from the uninflected’.
the virus lasts 2-3 weeks in your system before you heal up.
They JUST quarantined mere days ago. Stopping the spread makes the number of cases to stop rising. All of these new cases are consequences of the spread before the quarantine and people who still hadn't showed symptoms.
So after 2 or 3 weeks of quarantine, there should be a decrease in new cases.
Pretty sure Italy will be fine in a couple weeks with only a couple thousand dead. That's pretty weak for a pandemic. Swine flu killed 500,000 in 2009.
post corona the eu is going to claim that your debt is "unsustainable"
1) Asian countries know that when shit goes down in China, it's very likely that they will be affected too. Here in Europe we didn't think that we would ever have a major outbreak.
2) Korea is one of the countries that are most often affected by epidemics, see MERS.
3) I suspect that the way we greet each other in Italy and Spain (cheek-by-cheek), did play a role in the rapid spread.
4) The Korean cluster is heavily focused around the Shincheonji community
It's unsustainable now and will be so as well then.
Poor dude, is he gonna od an hero'd now.
Swine flu had more time. This shit just popped up in december.
Americans are still out and about in full force, its our turn next i swear.
Literally only 2000 died in China and it's basically cleaned up now there. I swear if less than 200,000 die you are all the biggest faggots for worrying about this and ruining my vacation plans.
The fun will start when Trump´s test comes out.
>Literally only 2000 died in China
According to CCP. Also they only stopped it because of those drastic measures.
>it's basically cleaned up now there.
is this really true though
How much is the number of cases in Italy projected to peak before it falls?
You do realize that was largely thanks to the vaccine that was created? We don’t even have a vaccine for MERS or SARS after 10 years.
>Swine flu killed 500,000 in 2009.
Between 100,000 and 500,000 actually.
>Pretty sure Italy will be fine in a couple weeks with only a couple thousand dead
>Between 10 and 100 deaths
9 days
>Between 100 and 1,000 deaths
8 days
>Between 1,000 and 2,000 deaths
Probably 5 days
All I'm saying is that swine flu was as bad if not worse and our response was no where near this drastic. I WANTED TO GO ON VACATION YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS, IT'S COLD AND DEPRESSING HERE
Southeast Asia will beat Italy to the punch
My cunt and Indonesia are just starting up at 100+ each and both of our countries have hundreds of millions of people on turd world healthcare
In my cunt even our most posh hospitals are strained and they only have a couple dozen each
India gets a pass because they're the source of cheap medication and supplies
It already does
With 3kish per day and assuming 2 weeks from now the quarantine worked, maybe 42-50k more cases before it slows down.
Italy is going to have the same number than China in 10 days, while the virus arrived in Italy 20 days ago only, not 3 months, isn't the birthplace of the virus and has a tiny population ompared to China.
Italy is going to have the same number than China in 10 days, while the virus arrived in Italy 20 days ago only, not 3 months, isn't the birthplace of the virus and has a tiny population ompared to China.
But some naive people still believe in Chinese numbers.
Yeah a vaccine that was created in a year, we'll probably have some similar in a year too.
There is a vaccine for SARS you retard
This is the most retarded, hysterical shit I've ever witnessed.
And the entire point of those measures is to contain the virus before it becomes omnipresent and chokes up hospitals. Swine flu had much lower CFR.
It's just a flu bro
>There is a vaccine for SARS you retard
Wrong, none passed the trials.
Is the pandemic already over, you dumb mutt? No, it's not. Fatso.
>There is a vaccine for SARS you retard
this isnt true at all. youre just making everything up.
for most people it is
> Since there is no SARS vaccine, the most effective measure to prevent SARS is to prevent transmission from infected persons to susceptible person
> health.gov.on.ca
No there isn’t you absolute fucking brain let.
So what's fucking big deal then?
Taking precautions to not aggravate the situation and collapse the health system is far from hysterical, this is baby stuff and in fact measures have been way too soft and delayed.
Just wear a mask bro we near wuhan like thousands kilometres and got only 150 case in this tiny city with 7 million people. And I think weather it does a bit matter
Some user told me Italy has a older population and that's why the deaths are so high.
Is this true?
well, not everyone is most people. it's a few times deadlier than a normal flu
if i get it it's most likely not a big deal, but I'm pretty sure my grandpa wouldn't survive it anymore
Yes. Elderly and those with upper respiratory problems are severely impacted by covid19. The numbers in Italy as also high because of the lack of testing. So only those that are already hospitalized are given the test or shown severe symptoms.
Germany obfuscates their numbers by saying every corona-related death is something else if the person already had a preexisting condition, pretty much every country uses different criteria and testing rates so it's pointless to compare death rates between them.
I bet when this is all said and done it'll be found that the death rate is only slightly above the flu because millions of people had only mild symptoms and never got tested.
>And I think weather it does a bit matter
Iran is literally digging mass graves and are suppressing press from covering morgues and hospitals.
Ides of March
It's still flu season in Iran
Iran is not hot this time of the year
The death rate for flu is already obscured by the fact that millions do not get hospitalized or tested for it. We cannot say exactly what the rate of death for both are but we can clearly see from real life examples that it is significantly higher than the seasonal flu.
Flu death rate is not calculated by how many people get tested/show up to a hospital. They use models to estimate spread since it has been around for so long.
>Breaking: France reports more than 800 new cases