/balt/ + /ausnz/ + friends

current objective: survive edition

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It's over

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It hasn't even begun.

we have official coronavirus in Estonia counter

115 now, it was 100 something few hours ago. Calling 200 by Monday

for me, it's Veryga with hat

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Probs gonna do that.
I'll probably pop out to the shops for a minute tomorrow. Telia is trying to scam me with a new plan for twice the cost, the nerve.

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Pretty sure i have the virus. I ve had a slight fever and dry cough sine thursday. A little bit heavier breathing and warm sensation in lungs but could be because i smoke. If theres severe symptoms they should be showing al ready

>French also
based pick
basedness canceled out, why learn discount chinese?

would it be a bit like keeping the grammar but swaping out the words for something slightly similar?

Pls cough on me

If youre zoomer you wont have any heavy symptoms. You could have corona right now

hi :)

Time to disinfect self internally

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So I get the word play puns in my mongolian slideshows of course.
Why did you choose to learn Fronche?

honestly an estonian politician should wear that tie, distasteful and traitorous colours for a lithuanian man to wear.

Im 27 and been smoking for 10 years. Thats why little bit concerned

We are so fucked.
I know idiots who don't believe it also. Guess the real results will show in 2-3 weeks.

Corona spreads in people who have ACE2 gene. Its studied its found heavily in smokers and asian people.

ah fairo, fair choice then

>why Fronche?
to understand the cheese packets when i buy em' at the shops

placebo probably

The COVID19 coronavirus SARS-CoV2 spreading in Wuhan and now worldwide has been shown to use angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 ACE2 as its host cell receptor, like the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV).


Increased risk in smokers

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>smokers and asian people.
Asian air quality might be the reason behind it, plus smoking culture.

Islands are officially closed except for locals who need to go home

>Finnish in Finland

Cheese connoisseur-pilled.

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Are you retard

thanks latvian user from yesterday's thread

>love cheese, me
>oh yeah, what type?

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Das right
Nah nigga they just wont bother testing here anymore since too many cases. Just the more serious one. I just called to the hospital and said to stay home

based trigger discipline

I wish i had bottle of that.
Isntead im stuck drinking beer


The first diagnosed patient in Lithuania has now recovered, yay

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>nooo let me go i am a real country

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7 left niggas


notice how antifa is mostly just females with occasional numale

sad state of european women

Yes, just thank jewish media.
Sex in the city alone has done much more damage than any of us.

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>meanwhile in a better place

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>Draudžiama į šalį atvykti užsieniečiams, išskyrus asmenis, užtikrinančius būtinų prekių pristatymą į Lietuvą, įgulų narius, Lietuvos piliečių šeimos narius, asmenis, turinčius teisę gyventi ir dirbti Lietuvoje, diplomatus, NATO karinių misijų atstovus. Laikinai būtų paliekamas humanitarinis koridorius Latvijos, Estijos piliečiams pasiekti savo šalis.

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why yes i dont intend to leave my house for a month

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God, that hair is just awful

>literally all the current cases have been people coming back from abroad
oh boy, next week is gonna be fun

Technically we have a similar situation, except a couple of family members also got sick

t. sterile


I'm just saying that because it's been exactly 14 days since (official) patient zero in Lithuania was diagnosed, so whoever was exposed to her, should be mosty likely starting to show symptoms just about now.

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why do we have the lightest hair?

how come none of them are square-headed troglodytes ?

>reminds me of forests
I know it's a dumb comic, but even then it triggers me because it's such low effort to find out what it means, and they didn't even bother to do that.

scatvian flag is a christcuck wrapped in cloth and the blood made the cloth red but middle part stayed white

yes, it's supposed to represents fields AND forests, not much else worthwhile in our žemelė

It was a Latgalian chieftain somewhere from around Cēsis being wounded fighting t*utons

latgalians hated us and livs

It's representing LIFE, you tard.

Merely banter

Where you get your info?

Karogs radīts, iedvesmojoties no Atskaņu hronikā pieminētā Cēsu zemes (Autines) karoga. Sakarā ar zemgaļu vadoņa Nameja uzbrukumu Rīgai 1279. gadā Cēsu komturejas vienība kaujas laukā ieradās ar sarkanbaltsarkanu karogu ("To dzirdējuši, nāca nu ar sarkanu tie karogu, kam vidū balta josla bija.[1] To pirmo reizi ieraudzīja pie Cēsīm, tur tas zināms nācis un letu zemē plīvot sācis, kur sievas braši zirgos jāj un vīriem darbos līdzās stāj. Tik tiešām to jums sacīt varu, ko arī šajā brīdī daru, tas letu karogs ir patiess").[2] Letgaļiem piešķirtie karogi pirmo reizi pieminēti 1209. gadā līgumā ar Jersikas ķēniņu Visvaldi viņam dotajā lēņu grāmatā.

>The yellow in the flag is meant to symbolize the sun and prosperity,
>the green is for the forests, the countryside, liberty, and hope,
>and the red represents the blood and bravery of those who have died for Lithuania.

best flag coming through

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huh never knew that
i always assumed the meaning of colors by that song
>geltona spalva tai saule
>zalia tai laiku spalva
>raudona spalva tai kraujas
>ir visa tai lietuva

>Basanavičius aiškino, kad raudona spalva — tai už tėvynę pralieto kraujo simbolis, žalia — gyvybės simbolis, o geltona — šio gyvenimo vaisių simbolis

the man behind this post

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why the fuck does estonia have so many cases of corona

why you use toilet paper as a flag, Urla?

It's basically the same case as it comes to explaining the name of Lithuania, people just go by shit we tell small children
>Lietuva... Lie-tu-va....
>durrr... I know!

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tas lochas net nepalaikė vėliavos, norėjo vyčio
>The Vytis, strongly advocated by Jonas Basanavičius, was not chosen

Asian blood
Nordic cuckery

mongol pride


that eesti user, who had cancer, are you still with us?

back then, a red flag had different associations (communists ruined red)
vytis is too detailed, cant be made out in distance, or easily sewn
the new lithuania wasnt gonna be about the old aristocratic medieval dreams of old

Fook, I hope he is
I really hope he is

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>these people we dont like use this color so we shouldnt use it regardless of the fact that it is very relevant to us
low iq move, also could've just used the columns of gediminas instead of vytis if detail is a problem

Pffft only 3 Mongolian people have corona and they all living in Korea.
One died.
1 Mongolian case is French expat in here.


I think it's more about the last point he made. They didn't want to use any of the old noble symbols because they were building a republic. There were talks of white-green-red or green-white-red, but those were already taken.