What happens here?
What happens here?
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Gay sex
spanish extinction
Riffian clay administered by Spanish Moros.
Don't be like this, brother, join your Iberian brothers and live in a true muslim free state, in your berbeber freedom!
BLACKED future for Soypain
>The pope giving his comments about muh-wall at 0:25
The absolute state.
Tourism. It is possible to observe monkeys imported by the British and immense grills resembling death globes, but without motorcycles or cars. There are also hide and seek and catch games.
My first (and last) gf was from Melilla. She was a light skinned berber cutie pie.
I'm from Ceuta,my father from melilla. what do you want to know?
why are you so swarthy and fat
I'm not brown, i am fat because i am otaku desu
You have to go back, Juan.
You look south american
How is Muslim life?
You look vaguely American
You look handsome
Ceuta is Spanish since before Morocco existed, sorry
Wow that chick looks lit ....hngg... oan... co... co... I gonna co... I'M COOMING
The Rif is Riffian since before both Spain and Morocco existed. You have to go back.
is it true that once you feet lands on spain side, you can automatically claim refugee status and have comfy life in germany with a aryan gf provided by merkel herself?
How is ceuta abd mellia riffian
The city is divided into white neighborhoods and Arab neighborhoods. Arab neighborhoods can be dangerous if you don't know how to speak Arabic, if you speak a little Arabic they leave you alone. Interestingly, many of my childhood friends were Arabs and I never had racial problems with them.
Some people tell me, I have a blond grandfather with blue eyes and another who is the same as Saddam Hussein
They are located in what has been Riffian clay since the dawn of time.
>white neighborhoods and Arab neighborhoods
Wait what???
Isnt ceuta and mellia completely ojt of the way of actual riffian residents?
I think you have to go back to Sahara or assimilate and integrate a Riffian spanish new region
I assume that ceuta and mellia id seperated between arab berbers and spanish people.
Christianity is a cuck religion. Why does this seem to surprise people?
What I find strange is how moroccans could call themselves french or spanish citizens but palestinians dont try to become israeli citizens falling into israeli trap at creating a seperate state.
but I have more tits
I know, my grandfather and great-grandfather were from Al Hoceima. But it was not a formed state, only tribes. They have been Spanish for 600 years, other parts of Spain such as Andalusia, were Islamic much more than Ceuta. If you claim Ceuta, you could also claim Spain as a whole and that doesn't make sense
I look like shit, but thanks
It's Riffian clay, do you get it, mutt? Regardless of the population residing in it.
Why do I have to go to Sahara? Why not to Mongolia or Rwanda?
Spanish is white and Riffian is not white and Arab, such a tremendous brain fart kek.
It is and will always be Riffian clay, same way Gibraltar is Andalusian clay, same way Israel is Jewish clay...
he looks an average person from here, i have black hair and pale skin too.
El Principe, Hadu, Los Rosales, Benzú They are neighborhoods with a majority Arab population, when I was little I had problems in these neighborhoods. But a "tapundimec" or something similar always got me out of trouble
Red circles are dangerous neighborhoods
>my grandfather and great-grandfather were from Al Hoceima.
you're part arab? yuck
I'm still quite confused, are they real Arabs? Like from southern Morocco? What are they doing there and why are they dangerous?
Al Hoceima (real name Alhucemas) is the heart of the Rif, in other words the least Arab in the entire world.
>why are they dangerous?
They are arabs, what more do you need?
Alhucemas was part of Spain until 1956 so his father may not be necessary arad you retard
cuanto es el salario promedio en Ceuta?
Where do the arabs who get to ceuta or mellua come from?
ceuta is as spanish as gibraltar is british
so fully?
Unironically this.
Why riffians racist towards spanish present on the coast that are completely irrelevsnt and not the morrocans who rule them?
t. British
>these people and country dont belong theee because they look different
Is that a valid reason to destroy a residence?
Is the only argument of riffians that ceuta and mellia shouldnt belong to spain because they look different?
That's not true. Why do you think that?
Spaniards really look at their dark brown skin and giant hooked noses that put arabs and jews to shame and still think and scream "I am pale white European"
Impressive quads, but not all countrys people look the same
didn't france have to save your ass against the morrocan rebels?
You don't even know, they hate the king and his people more than you could imagine.
>14,000 subhuman Moros killed in 2 days by a few superior Riffian farmers
>General Manuel Fernández y Silvestre commits suicide
>Remaining soldiers run away and leave Spanish civilians in Melilla unprotected (none of them was harmed thanks to the mercy of mighty Abd El Krim)
>Asks France and their brother Moros in souther Morocco to help them win a war against a tiny Riffian republic
>End of the war and Spanish casualties almost equal to 10 times Riffian casualties
>Still calls it a win
>You don't even know, they hate the king and his people more than you could imagine.
yes, but his king continues to buy military weapons while his people risk their lives every day in the sea.
Don't ask why, but in the case of Spain, it supports Algeria, while Morocco is seen as an enemy, the problem is that Morocco is supported by the United States and France.
They were Moroccans, I don't know what ethnic group they belonged to. They made gangs of children who bullied Spanish children, but if you returned insults in Arabic. They realized that you are originally from there and not just a tourist or someone who has lived there for a short time.
Personally, we left town as they tried to rape my sister twice (my sister has very big boobs) once she was saved by a group of blacks. My opinion of black people has been very favorable since then
It is superior to the peninsular if you have a state job. My mother has a pension of 1975 euros, when the minimum wage in Spain is only 1,000 euros. Also, all products have a 21% discount because it is not subject to tax. If everything still seems too expensive, you can travel by car to Morocco (15 or 20 minute trip) and buy any product for 80% or 90% of the price of the peninsula
Excuse me, which one is the moor ?
Dude keep it easy with the tapas or you will have a heart attack at 50
if spain thinks morocco is an enemy why does morocco cooperate to stop migrants from storming ceuta and melilla?
so they were ethnic spanish born there?
Two cities inhabited mostly by Moors who want to be Spanish because belonging to Morocco would mean being poor as a rat.
>if spain thinks morocco is an enemy why does morocco cooperate to stop migrants from storming ceuta and melilla?
because we give them money
Based blacks saving a thick latina from ar*b manlets. Would you allow them have sexual intercourse with your sister?
Why can't Spain aford a power generator and electric fences?
how come moroccans don't do anything about these people coming into their country?
Same things for the rest of berbers and north africans?
I was in the army for two years and there I met many cadets from Ceuta and Melilla. It is impressive the number of people from Ceuta and Melilla who are in the Spanish army, and mostly of them are Moors. The curious thing is that they are very Spanish nationalists, for them the King is still very important, they still have Franco statues (something impossible to see in the Peninsula) and they do not want to belong to Morocco.