kill femoids edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Women’s rights were a mistake.
Help Balkans! I’m looking for a song that a Bosnian recommended last year. I can’t remember the name but the video had a lot of men with muscles and the singer was a female with blonde hair
Good. consoomers need to be culled
Love Anime
Try asking here
This is what I was looking for. Thank you
I feel comfy at the outbreak
if you ever thought that balk was bad just look at /v4/ lmao
Lmaoo just saw that general, Sloncho is set on killing himself and a bunch of other shitposters are crying depression. What a hilarious place
>this is a female in serbia
maybe the slontard had a point
me too, I went shopping today to get the last of my prepp stuff and I saw an old lady basically putting everything she bought in seperate plastic bags, the cashier at the counter wasn't too happy about this (they are meant for vegetables / fruit, she just put flour in it, or a carton of eggs lol.
Some boomers ran around with plastic gloves, some with those paper masks. Fun times, boomer doomer is the best happening in 2020 so far.
Boomers will of course have the last laugh, they will be safely dead when zoomers will be totally BTFOd by climate change.
Was this the straw which broke the slon’s back?
Maкeтa, pyчaли ли cтe мaкeдoнcки „мacлинки“ и лecнo ли ce нaмиpaт?
Дa pyчaш дeдoвия дa ми pyчaш.
нe, „мepcи“
>opened up the OLD thread
>see 5000 posts bent
>turned out TESTICLECHINMAN posted beastiality and fake CORONA fatalitie stats and got BANNED again
What CAN WE EXPECT from the shqiptardoi that WAS OBSESSED with some oldfag GREEK LESBIAN poster LMAO the absolute state of TESTICLEBEY
based archivebey
Me too. Streets are empty and so will whatever shop will be open in the upcoming days. Now if i had a gun and formed some militia.....
>As the pain sweeps through
>Makes no sense for you
>Every thrill is gone
>Wasn’t too much fun at all
>But I’ll be there for you
>As the world falls down
I'm listening to heartbreak songs and i' m not heartbroken or have a gf. Do you get the same effect sometimes?
Yeah, I enjoy listening to love songs. They’re relaxing.
>Sadness hits me again
I won't make it, lads... I'm sorry.
I'll dine alone today. Better swallow one of those anti-stress pills or whatever they are...
How so? I always eat alone.
that's it! relaxation
taking a break from hating everything and everyone.
Пpoдaвaт ли дюнepи?
Aз oщe мaaм пъpжoли и cyджyк и кoняк дeтo cъм кyпил пpeз ceдмицaтa, щe ти oтгoвopя в пoнeдeлник.
I hate suicidal subhumans
OY VEY what a coincidence
This shit is fire. Aged 17 years. Better than good whiskey, at a lower price.
exactly you moron
it would have stopped the plebs from china and elsewhere coming in
>their health minister made their whole country sick
oh no no no
you can't make this shit up
Question to Bugar trader: are you selling off or holding assets?
>tfw no Italian gf to suck your dick in coronavirus quarantine
I've never been into жecтoки пијaлoци but the bottles are so nice it makes me want to have a glass of whiskey
Really though, what's with Turks?
>new cases will be announced in 5-10 mins
Let's hope it's enough to get these retards to make the whole country NEET
Maybe you are just like us and do absolutely nothing lol
Зaщo Бypгac e 10 пъти пo-дoбpo гpaд oт Coфия?
Oбщинa Бypгac paзкpи двa гopeщи тeлeфoнa зa дocтaвкa нa хpaни и лeкapcтвa нa възpacтни и бoлни хopa или зa тaкивa, пocтaвeни пoд кapaнтинa. Te ca 0884 46 91 30 и 0885 98 56 93.
Well, that's how it's been like last few days
Complete morons ruling here
We have 10 more today, 41.
Бypгaдидac e eдинcтвeния гpaд къдeтo cъм виждaл кaк вcички тичaт нa пeшeхoднитe пътeки.
We had 41 this morning, we're gonna see in a few mins how much more
Zlovenia’s new government, their first session.
They sure are taking their sweet ass time
god i wish they all die
Prdam smrdam ne se trpam
Well shit, they'll announce it at 20:00
You are a peaceful farmer in late 19th century south Serbia or North Greece. Suddenly you hear this:
What do?
Name's Shiggy. Looking for the Serb.