Almost heaven edition
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whats this white state seems based to me
CNN and all it's members need to be killed.
Is that Alan Pardew?
coastal cucks getting btfo
I’ve still got a degree of dependency on my mother and if she catches this fucking virus it’s going to kill her.
If they’re saying we should build up herd-immunity, does that mean she’s going to die, lads?
It's the White Ethnostate
Embrace Appalachian Futurism
what they mean by that is: some of you should die so we dont have to
how long before captcha is asking us to "select all squares with plague corpses"
West Virginia
*plays country roads in a british pub*
No Toph?
Saw a stupid bint in Tesco wearing a facemask earlier. Her husband and kids weren't wearing one. Nearlly punted her throught the aisle there and then. Stupid bitch should have stayed at home
Almost heaven
We are the most pervert in the world, especially in 2 dimensions
>48 deaths out of a population of like 350,000,000
Literally who cares? More than 48 yanks a year die from sharting who cares
yeah sorry lad
shes probably old and likely to die soon anyway though
West Virginia
Very rural, small population and weak economy. They might make it the longest with no infections but when it inevitably reaches them they're arguably among the worst prepared.
Hoarders and panic buyers should be shot for anti-social parasitism.
at least she doesn't work in tescos
All that map says is that no one in west virginia can afford a testing kit
boris jonsen killed my dad jujst like how he killed grenfell
torys are murderers
Why does Uk use shit currency suck like pond still now ?
Waiting for the day I wake up to bodies on the lawns. Building a playlist for it.
corona virus is the first in a series of gene reprogramming efforts
soon we will have
>remotely triggered culling of entire population
>behavior modification on a planetary scale
bright side of things? this is controlled chaos, nowt more, nowt less
But I can’t let her die, I wouldn’t be able to cope without her. She’s still got at least a decade in her, she’s only 54. What the fuck am I supposed to do? It’s not fair, not one bit
nobody invited you here, go away
type normally you wretched english teacher
That nipple
Business idea; Make Sky Sports upload classic Premier League matches in full on Youtube for everyone self-isolating because of the season being over
why you guys steal Japanese anime picture
do not be a theif
This but unironically
>I wouldn’t be able to cope without her.
Could you explain? Do you mean financially?
>ywn get to do this
why would she die from it if she's 54
I did.
Burn it all down for concrete tower blocks and Home Bargains
no one watches that cartoon shite other than literal nonces
anime mango books should be burned
'tis alri lad I gave them permission
what is brian eno's iq you reckon?
While holed up in a quiet corner as the COVID-19 epidemic sweeps the world, I have been intrigued by the worst and best in human responses to the epidemic. There seem at this stage to be a few phases, but I am sure there will be more as the epidemic unfolds over the rest of the year.
Let me say that I have had to cancel all travel for the foreseeable future, not merely because the air-conditioned nature of many forms of travel are now highly risky situations (COVID-19 can reach up to amost 5 metres and remain in such environments for up to half an hour after an infected person has left), but also because the useless travel insurance companies will not cover you if you travel to a part of the world that has even the threat of an epidemic. To be clear: I was planning to go to Europe to join my wife, but now that cases in Europe are rising rapidly, the travel insurance was certainly not going to help me if I contracted the virus. So I am staying put. Actually, I would love to be in China, since it is the safest place in the world right now. Already, about 60,000 (out of 80,000) have recovered and new infections are very few indeed.
I can tell this woman is Asian
Gym very empty lads, people don't wanna get pozzed
She’s my only companionship. I depend on her financially and domestically but mostly emotionally. I wouldn’t be able to fucking cope. I haven’t got anyone else to let this out to other than /brit/. If she goes this general is quite literally all I’ve got as sad as it sounds.
viruses only go away 1 of 3 ways
1. vaccine which we don't have
2. quarantine which we're not doing
3. everyone gets it so there's nowhere else for it to transmit
Simple as.
Need to know where this is ASAP
4. man the fuck up millennials
Why is /brit/ so aggressive against foreign posters?
Learn from Finnish thread
Bored? Come play connect 4. I've won 27 games in a row
Great place for a Dollar Tree
unbanned but still seething on the inside
Phase 1: Racism.
With the first news of a new virus first identified in Wuhan only a couple of months ago, the uglier side of human responses became obvious. In those few parts of the world that used to be colonisers – the ‘West’ – highly offensive and openly racist statements were made in the media and by political ‘leaders’. I will not repeat them here, but they also appeared official travel restrictions and in everyday comments and actions, such as avoiding Chinese restaurants. Sure, they were dressed up as anti-communist Sinophobia, but they were a more blatant form of the official racism and hate speech that has been run-of-the-mill for a couple of years now.
At the same, people in countries who have experienced such forms of colonial racism were quick to send aid to China where needed, especially in terms of much-needed medical equipment while local producers caught up. Think of South Korea and even Japan, who were quick to help their Asian neighbour.
Phase 2: Rumour
They say that the first casualty in war is truth. The same applies to an epidemic. Rumours flew, aided by social media and a good number of deliberate efforts to seed such rumours. The rumours included a supposedly secret ‘biochemical weapons’ laboratory in Wuhan, from which the virus escaped. Or the completely false depiction of Chinese people eating bats. Or that another country had unleashed a biochemical attack on China. Or that the Russians were to blame for accusing the USA of a biochemical weapins attack. Or that China had secretly weaponised the virus to get back at the USA. Or that all sorts of weird and wonderful things could cure you from infection. On they went.
>brian eno
Cried today hearing about an old man in Lidl that stood in the aisle crying because all the food was gone from the shelves and he didn't know what to do.
This old man gets a weekly pension and has his routine of going to the shops to buy what he needs for the day because 1) he can't carry much and 2) because he can only catch the bus.
you will go in quarantine, Boris is just being a dumb cunt making things worse, Germany was also like that but now we are going into quarantine
Hid that novella.
Her rheumatologist has told her that she would be at serious risk if she were to get the virus as her immune system is being suppressed and she has other health complications along with arthritis (which is why she’s on the medication). She can’t leave the house without risking catching it.
how can i play you