Herd immunity is the only answer. In a year's time Britain will be proven to have made the right decision

Herd immunity is the only answer. In a year's time Britain will be proven to have made the right decision.

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They should be trying to avoid as many infection as possible until there's a virus and adequate treatment, your hospitals will be full to capacity.

Oh god, what the FUCK ARE YOU DOING??

is a load of bullshit, H1N1 is still with us and we arent immune to it

We're currently trying to flatten the curve to avoid peaks and troughs.

stop trying to defend absolutely dumb shit even if it's a meme

The key word here is: "herd".

Why are 95% of Yas Forums threads about sensationalist headlines?

The should try doing this with AIDS and Cancer.

By that time we will have the world's end virus already so it's a waste of time.

Everybody will get herd immunity, not doing anything to slow spread will just overload hospitals and kill more people ;than needed

You need to have a lot of the population build immunity

It's not dumb really. It's accepting that people will get sick whatever you do and trying to make it as organised as possible to reduce damage overall.

>Herd immunity
More like herd mentality LMAO!

The closures will begin as we get closer to the peak. Closing everything now would be pointless as you can't keep things closed forever. You want to maximise the effectiveness of the closures by doing it at the right time and not panicking like other countries have.

*refugees are the exception to this rule and are allowed to hide in safety bunkers

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How do you stop the infected people from infecting others? How do you stop hospitals from overflowing with patients? How do you treat the millions of infected people? How exactly is this not dumb?

It's either this or stay inside for years, crash the economy while waiting for treatment, which can take many, many months.

H1N1 is a lot more milder the second time you get it. I had H1N1 in 2009 and almost died, while a couple of years ago I got it again and it's nothing.

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Corona has a long incubation period and you can't know who is infected unless you test everyone. If you wait until people start coughing, it will be too late.

>haha we were actually just joking about that herd immunity thing

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You don't stop them, you manage them. They're going to infect others either way, this tactic means it can be more easily controlled. People will die, that's just the way it is. They would have died either way, this way makes it slightly less likely.


Why was only Japan able successfully to contain and kill it?

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>You don't stop them, you manage them.
How? You haven't told me how you are supposed to manage who gets infected and who doesn't.
>They're going to infect others either way, this tactic means it can be more easily controlled.
What are you controlling? You are just letting the virus run rampant and pretend that's what you wanted.

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You can wait for vaccine.
Also not trying to controlled the virus gonna make the kill a lot of peoples strain success.

"herd immunity" is genocidal policy from the british ruling class

so we'll have a lot of infected british posters. keep us posted.

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suiciding themselves

And it'll work. We'll be the first nation to get through it

I think the main idea behind mass quarantines and the social distancing is to slow the inevitable propagation enough for the hospitals to treat the influx of patients.

Our answer for people to not get the virus is for everyone to get the virus

Why the fuck is our government so retarded

Everyone will get the virus either way. Better to do it now and get it over with.

Yas Forums? more like /news/ with flags

If we all get it at once though it beats the whole bloody purpose of not making the peak really sharp and high. The NHS will be crippled, old people will all die and thousands will be unable to work efficiently or even work at all.

We should’ve acted like China and clamped things down asap, instead were floundering around like fish out of water.

>We should’ve acted like China and clamped things down asap, instead were floundering around like fish out of water.

Yeah because that would work in the UK, a country whose population doesn't give a fuck about rules.

>Everyone will get the virus either way. Better to do it now and get it over with

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Are British people even human?

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You know what other country doesn’t give a fuck about rules? Italy. Letting everyone there get infected sure is working out for them.

We are British. We have a stiff upper lip and make do. So what if many die? It is the way of things. God save the Queen.

Even if we don't wait for a vaccine or a drug, even if we can only hold it off for a month, that may be enough time for China to start ramping up mass production of respirators so more people can be treated rather than left to die.

Fair, I see your point. There was a story here of a woman in quarantine for corona that didn’t like being in Quarantine so she fucking broke out of the hospital and ran off, then went to a music festival and a bunch of clubs with her friends. Fucking cow.

I work as a security guard at venues that bring in 10000+ people a day and she was at one event.

They did the opposite though, they set up massive quarantines.

Well said! Can I have your stuff after you die?

No. You aren't British.

>it's real
anglo problem is taking care of itself

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You're misunderstanding this.

The events are being banned so that resources for emergency services do not have to be deployed for those events.

That is not a change on the herd immunity policy.

He has no black dildos in his possession Sven, don’t bother asking.

no joke, this is the kind of stupid shit I'd expect from this government.

I don't see anything incorrect here?

We both know that's a lie.

Yeah? That's why I'll be alive next year. It's not like you can take it with you, you know.

Break the rules receive a bullet in the head, sorts it out.


wait until the girls on mumnet hear about this
you will be finished

lmao this is a level of coping I've not seen in a long time. Your government made a stupid mistake and is now pedalling back, face it.

They only did that after everyone got infected.

What the fuck
Is this real?

Imagine if china said that or south korea and let everyone die lol.

There's no cope in this.

For those events to take place, you need police and paramedics to be attending the event by law. The police and paramedics are resources that are/will be needed elsewhere.

That isn't about prevention of infection, but prioritising where you deploy services that support the whole system.

imagine if trump had said this, the catalog would be 90% threads about this

do you reckon this will make everything done from home? i was thinking you could deliver items safely if the supply, packages, and deliverymen are thoroughly disinfected and properly handled. could even do it with food. do you think people would buy deliveries marketed as safe/disinfected?

there's your immunity, mate


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Jesus christ brits are like fucking insects


Honestly it's not wrong the virus will eventually infect 60-70% of the population it's inevitable and simple math. You can't close down schools until there is a vaccine in a year

Getting on with things and not making a fuss is part of the British identity. That and gallows humour.

Guys, they're trying to create the strongest soldiers to rebuild the Empire

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>dude just die and dont complain about it lmao
br*toid "culture"

our supermarkets are battlefields right now

it's certainly not fucking inevitable. you can see actual examples of containment WORKING. the UK here is saying 'let's get over it' because they don't want to pay the financial cost of halting the country. they are putting every other country that is using a containment strategy at risk AND sacrificing a portion of the population for MUH MONIES!

it's about winning time so the healthcare system isn't overwhelmed by too many people at the same time

there's no vaccine for a coronavirus. not one that will last anyway

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How the fuck did 10 people die in one day?

yea but shutting things down too early is wasting that time.

containment is not working indefinitely

not a problem if you have a robust health care system that can handle it

there will be in the future

take your meds shizo