
Assad edition

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shalom goyim
everyone is acting like niggers in my area, experiencing mass panic buying

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خراي عليك وعلى الاسد



Check the comments kek

Im thinkin basato


cringelord edition

also is it the N95 masks I should be buying for this thing?

ngl, it's a sight to behold
doomsday prepping is /comfy/

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Whatever mask will be good.
The corona virus is very big and any form of mask could repelle it.


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This thread belongs on pol.

I'm hungry
What will you eat anons?

>subhumans praising the regime that considered them subhuman

Nothing new here.

macaroni with cheese and meat

gonna play vidya all day indoors, while the world burns :DDD

good thing I've stocked the shelves with these way in advance

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im thinking noodles as well
what a perfect way to enjoy the international collaspe

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>preping for the virus? nah brah im just gona pray it away

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Checked and Arab pilled.

seething turdindu

>caused the hatred between the two main muslim sects in syria
>introduced bribery and nepotism into the state's policies and overall lifestyle
>violates the constitution which was written by him and taught in every school and college
>all family members are openly involved in illegal activities
>every single drug lord is a relative of the family
>cousin literally shot an SAA colonel to death in front of his 2 kids in the middle of the street while high on 41 different types of substance in august 2015, then threatened his whole neighborhood
>built a shitload of mosques and islamic teaching centers, which made sunnis even dumber
>sold golan heights to kikes, hatai to roaches then gave russians and persians full control of the country
>shit infrastructure and services, because '''resisting''' israel is more important than feeding his people
>could've easily prevented the war from happening if he took a genuine political solution, but y'know, war is buisness

Who is it, menabros ?

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Do Syrians support more Assad or the ZOG opposition?

Hello again, where's the wojak spammer ?

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God I wish I was Arab

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Majority supports neither of these

No wojak spammers. Yet. But please kill the frogs.

Lurs = Based
Kurds = subhumans

get out of there bro.

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Agreed, but first I'll rest


thats what the media says
also most of these are based
drugs are ok
sunnis need to stay dumb
being an ally doesnt mean he is a puppet
didnt sell golan hights, trump did

my PSN is Xxx_SN33DKILLAH_xxX

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Is he any good?

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Seems I finally reached my final form

If I suddenly stopped posting, do assume that I just emded it all.

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As if i don't live in the most corrupted city here. and i see everything with my own eyes, don't you think you can teach me shit about my country
>didnt sell golan heights
Hafez did under the table in 1967
>drugs are ok
Instantly invalid opinion

He is based


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are you the urdini?

What's the solution? Honestly this sounds a lot like Saddam. When he was young he was very energetic and did a lot to improve the situation and build infrastructure for people but when he got old he just stopped giving a shit and let his family and lackeys run the country through corruption and bribery while he sat in his house and wrote romance novels.

I still love him though

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Honestly your run of the mill secular dictator like Assad or Saddam. Good point is that he executes islamist nutjobs like it's his job and protects religious freedoms and womens freedoms. Down side is corruption, though this exists in every Arab country and I'm thinking we will never get rid of it.

i mean, everyone here also keep whining about the govt
but you have internet access
you are alive
you are not facing a war
do you think you would have got all of this if the "rebels" won?

بتعرف شو بقول المثل ؟
الخري عالأول مسّح بالتاني

Sounds fairly based to me

>get out
>Iraqi products are filling the market
>a year ago i barely saw any Iraqi product
>buys Iraqi cola
life is getting good lads

you can do it iraqifren

that pic is beautiful
even thoigh i live in a shia city i think most of what saddam has done was necessary
except for gassing our kurds bros

you got a point, problem is this region is destined to be doomed, for as long as people prefer fairytales over education and productivity

أبويا عنده مثل يقول ذاك الغيم جاب هذا المطر. أنا كنت ما أحب صدام لين هو دكتاتور وكان يحكم البلد كما إنها ملكه. لكن الناس ألي أجو ورا خونة ومجرمين الدنيا ما شايف مثل هم وبالمقارنا صدام كان قديس. صدام صح كان دكتاتور بس كن جدا مخلص للبلد وعمل للخير البلد وكان يحب العراق من كل قلبه

والله عنا العكس تماما, بعمرو ما شفنا الخير منن

خيو خلينا نشيل اختلافاتنا ع جنب و نبلش نسب عالفرس. احسن شي

Yeah people used to bitch about Saddam all the time cause he was a dictator and was harsh. Look at the country now it is completely destroyed. It is completely unrecognisable. Yeah Saddam is gone but at what price. It's not worth destroying an entire country just to change the leader (and to someone worse).

Same deal with Libya and Yemen. They were so happy when they killed Gaddafi and when they killed Saleh. Look at Libya and Yemen now, they don't even exist as countries. Completely destroyed. Arabs are retarded, they will bitch and bitch because a leader isn't perfect and won't be satisfied until the entire country is burned. All the stuff that he mentioned about Assad is mild compared to what has happened in Libya, Iraq and Yemen after the dictator fell.

I always buy Arab products.

The problem is that those Arab countries wanted democracy but they weren't ready for it
Only Tunisia was mature enough for democracy
Not all peoples can handle democracy

fuck democracy

thank you!
>problem is this region is destined to be doomed, for as long as people prefer fairytales over education and productivity
that's the main problem of any islamic nation.
redical secularism is the only solution, like for example the baath and Qassim here used to be so strict when it comes to islamic cults, for both sunnis and shias, people focused on the education and production instead, after 2003 everyone returned to these fairy tails, but now people are waking by themselves despite everything, because they read history and realized what is important for the nation.
my point is, syria may have not faced lots of good times, but it can face in the future, ofc this won't be earned easily, and thats just an opinion im not acting as if i know much about syria.

يا ريت لو سوريا والعراق يتحدون


خيووووو خيووووو بمشيتها مثل الطيييييير

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strongly agree, but i don't think that the situation here is as bad as it is in libya and yemen, for now at least, god i think my generation would fit really good with baathist Iraq, the old ones were just uneducated and didn't realize the truth
thats a huge step forward to forget about the shitty izlamiztz differences between us

What Arab nation suffered the most.
My vote goes to Lebanon.

do people in the Arab world admire "nazi" germany?