/lang/ - Language Baneposting General -

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Yas Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages!:

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
List of trackers for most language learning packs:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
If I take that Duolingo course away, will you stop learning?
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
Was asking about usefulness part of your plan?
>What language should I learn?
Whatever crashes this general with no motivated learners.

Old thread

Attached: fuck you t owlbirb.png (659x277, 17.86K)

Other urls found in this thread:


How do you guise deal with learning several languages? All of them at the same time or one by one?

wtf did duo really say all that??

Anyone got Spanish media recs?

Already checked the wiki and checked some of that stuff out. Just wondering how much of it is actually good. I'm not going to watch dubbed/subbed American cartoons. I found an Argentine guy who animates for cartoon network and his stuff is hilarious.


El chacal de Nahueltoro

I dont have that kind of paper and am too lazy to buy ZzzZ


wtf is this true?

>page 10

>page 9

>Commentarii de bello Gallico, Liber I, 40

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Does anyone else post on their target language's general? Do they respond to you in their native language? Do you like them?

I used to do multiple at a time. Got sick of not making fast progress so now I just study French. I maintain and improve my English and German through e.g. shitposting but I only really study one language, which I prefer.
When I get to B2-ish French I'll either start on a 4th language or focus on improving my German.

>iedereen in quarantaine
>nog niemand in /lang/
zo is het jongens
ik ben blij met mijn kilo bloem en blikjes groenten want normale groenten waren al op
nog geen thermometer gevonden maar hopelijk komt die van bol.com wel binnen over een paar dagen
zou best te laat zijn maar eh moet je toch proberen


I posted a few times on the swedish general but they almost never responded so I just lurk on flashback instead

Country generals are retarded anime zoos

I've heard they're all awful people, so no

niet slecht, dank
dan wat ben je nu aan het doen?

I had a few attempts and it was always terrible, even just lurking is awful

very much this

>dan wat ben je nu aan het doen?
I think that should be "wat ben je nu aan het doen dan" but maybe both work
ik heb boodschappen/prep gedaan en nu zit ik thuis in de hoop dat dit is niets meer dan een gewone keelpijn
maar ik moet eerlijk zeggen dat ik een beetje bang bent

Det var tråkigt att höra :/
Varför tror du att de inte svarar?

>learning kanji outside of words and texts is useless and a waste of time
when did I say this russianon

Yeah. He also wants to fuck my mom, unironically

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Forgot link
>Do you want Duo to become your stepfather?

>tfw you can't post itt because people will know who you are
don't @ me

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>I think that should be "wat ben je nu aan het doen dan" but maybe both work
wat hebt je gehamsterd, naast de bloem en de groeten? visjes? pijnstillers?
>ik een beetje bang bent
waarom? bent je over 60?

niemand weet wie ik ben

den första gången så trodde alla att jag var antigen proxyneger eller att jag var på semester eller sånt i Polen lol
så ja det är kanske pga flaggan men också för att min svenska är lite rostig och det är jobbigt att prata med mig lol vet inte
jag funderade på att hitta nån discord kanal och prata svenska där men jag har ångest och skulle hellre prata irl

>wat hebt je gehamsterd, naast de bloem en de groeten? visjes? pijnstillers?
wat heb je*
groenten* maar waarschijnlijk een typo
niks bijzonders, ik had al wat eten in huis
wat extra tuna, vlees voor in de vriezer, extra noedels enzo, voer voor m'n kat
>bent je over 60?
ben je*
en nee, maar dan nog, ik weet het niet, misschien ben ik gewoon gevoelig

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>in de hoop dat dit is niets meer dan een gewone keelpijn
in de hoop dat dit niet (iets) meer dan gewone keelpijn is
in de hoop dat dit niet (iets) meer is dan gewone keelpijn
>ik een beetje bang bent

The diminutive doesn't really fit here as it sounds like you mean actually small fish(es). Just 'vis' as a collective noun will do.
>over 60
No idea how the Dutch would say this, but to me that should be 'in de 60' or 'boven de 60'. Either way, you can't say 'over 60'.


>hopelijk komt die van bol.com wel binnen over een paar dagen
This is always so weird to read to me, because in Flemish, 'over + x amount of time' means 'x amount of time ago', so I always interpret it as "hopefully it will arrive a couple of days ago" first.

Where can I find the old glossika Mexican Spanish course?

>boven de 60
This one sounds right to me, yeah

Where do you live? never heard of over+time being used that way

and I usually hear "boven de 60"
I had no idea
I like these little differences that don't really confuse but they raise an eyebrow

>mfw multiple belganons

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ik denk dat je niet bang hoeft te zijn.
over het coronavirus.
het "fallout" van de vergendeling van de land zal het meeste gevolg hebben, ik denk.

>as it sounds like you mean actually small fish(es)
I was thinking sprats if that counts.
>No idea how the Dutch would say this, but to me that should be 'in de 60' or 'boven de 60'. Either way, you can't say 'over 60'.
thanks, boven de 60 is what I should have said

denk ik*
en ja hoogst waarschijnlijk heb je gelijk, maar ik heb wat geld over nog
we zullen het zien, het is al niet zo grappig met twee grote beurskragen

East Flanders, but it's used that way everywhere. As with most Flemish words and grammar, children are taught the Dutch version in school and untaught the Flemish version if they'd already absorbed it from their parents, so they often use it wrongly.
It doesn't make sense if you use it the way the Dutch do, because Flemish already has a word that means "x amount of time from now", and that's "binnen". There's a lot of false friends between the two languages, especially when it comes to time.
Flemish over = Dutch geleden (or 'voor', but you don't hear a lot of people use that)
Flemish binnen = Dutch over
Flemish binnen de(n)/d(e)/'t = Dutch binnen
Flemish tot = Dutch tot en met
Flemish middag/noen (12 o'clock) = no Dutch equivalent
Flemish veurmiddag/veurnoen (10-12 o'clock) = no Dutch equivalent
Flemish namiddag/achternoen (12-18 o'clock) = Dutch middag
Flemish vroege namiddag/over de middag/rond de middag/rond de noen/... (12-14 o'clock) = Dutch voormiddag
Flemish late namiddag/late achternoen/veuravond (16-18 o'clock) = Dutch namiddag
Then there's also some other nice time words like
naaste = Dutch volgende
passeerde = Dutch vorige
And so on, and so forth.

>het "fallout" van de vergendeling van de land zal het meeste gevolg hebben, ik denk.
de fallout van de vergrendeling van het land zal de grootste gevolgen hebben, denk ik
You could use 'het meeste gevolg', though.

>Flemish binnen = Dutch over
Should clarify that this is binnen + ne(n)/een/e(en).

Actually, my bad, that's incorrect, it only has an indefinite article if the following word is singular.
binnen een week
binnen tweê weken

>two languages

You speak Dutch. Sorry. I don't even know why people from Limburg say they speak "Flemish". Vlaanderen (the real one, not the current region) is at the other end of the country. Limburgish in Belgium is closer to Limburgish in the Netherlands than it is to West Flemish.

>I was thinking sprats if that counts.
Fair enough, but it still doesn't really work, unless the person you're talking to already knew that they're sprats.

>jag funderade på att hitta nån discord kanal och prata svenska där men jag har ångest och skulle hellre prata irl

Din svenska verkar ju bra. Hade gärna pratat med dig. Om du vill snacka med någon i Sverigetråden så är det bara att säga att ge någon en (you) eller säga någonting om politik. Folk reagerar direkt.

Vet dock att de flesta i tråden är idioter.

Limburgish isn't Flemish, the grammar is different in a myriad of ways, and the fact that the province is split over two countries is a problem caused by politics rather than language (the same, historically speaking, goes for southern Zeeland and Noord-Brabant). Every other kind of dialect spoken in Flanders is basically identical when it comes to grammar. Also, just like you shouldn't confuse Walloon with Belgian French, you shouldn't confuse Flemish with Belgian Dutch. The first is the language people actually speak (or spoke, in Walloon's case), the second is the official language that's virtually identical to the language of the country it was borrowed from.

>Vlaanderen (the real one, not the current region)
It's been a while since I've read this kind of silliness. Who cares what the region's called, and has been called for the past two hundred years? It's like saying Sweden shouldn't be called Sweden and only Svealand can ever be allowed to be called that.

>Flemish middag/noen (12 o'clock) = no Dutch equivalent
>Flemish veurmiddag/veurnoen (10-12 o'clock) = no Dutch equivalent
>Flemish namiddag/achternoen (12-18 o'clock) = Dutch middag
>Flemish vroege namiddag/over de middag/rond de middag/rond de noen/... (12-14 o'clock) = Dutch voormiddag
>Flemish late namiddag/late achternoen/veuravond (16-18 o'clock) = Dutch namiddag

>Flemish tot = Dutch tot en met
I think this one is a bit more lax, in a lot of cases people just say tot and it's implied that it's t/m

and yay another "X is not a [real] language" discussion

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Vos est a magnes homo

Flemish names for times of the day are basically just like in German. I found it very confusing at the beginning how people said "Goeiemiddag" at fucking 5PM. Mittag is 12 o'clock for me.

>It's like saying Sweden shouldn't be called Sweden and only Svealand can ever be allowed to be called that.
Kind of based desu. Fuck Svealand (even though I have a grandpa from there but whatever)

>you shouldn't confuse Flemish with Belgian Dutch
Ok, I thought you meant Belgian Dutch when you said Flemish (lots of people do). Actual Flemish could definitely be considered a language. I actually knew a jewish guy from Belgium, sadly he had forgotten most of his Flemish Dutch.
And of course it's fine to call the entire region Flanders, I just meant that "actual" Flemish IS different from Dutch but Belgian Dutch ("Flemish") isn't.

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Je nederlands is er echt op vooruit gegaan, makker.

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eh I got used to it
what's still funny is how people check the time before saying the time of the day, especially on the phone
>call someone
>hallo je spreekt met [name] goeieeeeeeee[...sees it's still 11:50]morgen!

few people are so particular about what they call what desu

trouwens Lubach had laatst een mooi segment over belgie youtube.com/watch?v=4go1RXOBF0s

hoi user :3
bedankt maar ik vind van niet oetz

>step into bus at 12:07
>bus driver says "goeiemorge"
>answer "goeiemiddag"

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Yeah, 99% of the false friends between Flemish and Dutch are basically cases where Flemish has kept the original Germanic meaning and Dutch has shifted the meaning to something else entirely, which is usually completely nonsensical to other Germanic speakers. How can the mid-day be at any time other than the middle of the day, or worse, how can the 'before mid-day' be AFTER the middle of the day? Kind of like the word 'schoôn', which still means 'pretty, beautiful' in Flemish, but Dutch moved the meaning over to 'clean'. For some reason the Dutch don't get confused by the fact that they still use 'schoonheid' to mean 'beauty' rather than 'cleanness'.

Okay, cool, then we don't disagree. Yeah, the problem is confounded by the fact that the linguistic institutes make it seem as though there's nothing more to Flemish than a handful of funny words like 'amai' or 'goesting', and that therefore there's only Dutch. To be honest, I don't really care whether the language is called Flemish or anything else (it can be called Belgian Jibber-jabber for all I care, which would funnily enough actually also be accurate considering it's spoken quite rapidly and mumbled), but the word 'Flemish' at least tells people that it's spoken in Flanders.

>Kind of like the word 'schoôn', which still means 'pretty, beautiful' in Flemish, but Dutch moved the meaning over to 'clean'. For some reason the Dutch don't get confused by the fact that they still use 'schoonheid' to mean 'beauty' rather than 'cleanness'.
Tell me about it, weird shit man

I really want to learn Latin, Ancient Greek or Sanskrit (I'm leaning towards Latin currently) but I'm worried I'd be wasting my time with dead languages. Should I just learn Spanish or French instead like a normal person?

Either of those is a small step towards Latin anyway.

Schoon still carries the meaning 'pretty' 'beautiful' here. Like in 'wonderschoon'

>ik vind van niet
Ik vind van wel, als je naam gewoon Anonymous was zou ik zelfs niet meteen denken dat je een allochtoon was.

I don't agree with what Lubach said about Elio Du Rupo, though, of course he has an accent but his Dutch is pretty good and he does his best. There are plenty of politicians from Brussels and Wallonia who exclusively speak French because they still consider their language (well, "their" language) superior to the gobbledigook of the northern plebeians.

Only in compound words, though, which is why it's so weird. I don't think you'd ever say "wat een schoon meisje". Do you use 'wonderschoon' in any other context than "o dennenboom"?

Those are some interesting observations..
Admittedly, I suppose you are generally correct, those words are uncommon. It is still part of our collectief geheugen somehow. Perhaps solely by the power of o dennenboom.