Germans are the most bullied group on Yas Forums.
It hurts so much, bros.
Germans are the most bullied group on Yas Forums
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that's america
that's Italy.
>We should have dropped the 4th A bomb on Germany
stop calling me a fucking mutt then when I'm fucking German you asshole
>tfw the french user is posting german hate threads again
you're american, not german
i also disagree with this. why bullying ONLY germans when we could bully the entire europe?
I can trace almost all of my ancestors back to Germany
my grandfather came here from Germany
This. Stop the "my ancestor :)" larping.
You're american.
You speak with an american accent.
You only know english.
How are you not american?
you're just mad cause you have no heritage cause you are a culture less McDonald's eating Anglo/Irish mutt
Wrong, it's not bullying against Americans, they are just trying to point out some flaws and to make some constructive criticism while having a laugh. It's straight up bullying on germans tho, no critiques or real things to hate, just hate for a past they had no influence on. To be a german on Yas Forums means being able to endure a pressure which would destroy 99% of human population.
Germanics created the Anglo scourge that plagues this planet.
so is a black man raised in Germany German? that's cucked as fuck if you believe that
I am as German as you
my blood is as German as yours
You're american.
The people that immigrated to america in the 19th and 20th century willingly removed their germanness to assimilate to the english population.
there isn't a single day on Yas Forums without multipule poland hate threads
there are posters who have entire folder filled with any polish images
I'm also "German." But I'm not, I'm American.
We should team up then, as we are in the same situation
This is exactly the issue, you are blaming them for something they didn't actually do, it was their ancestors, every poster here is judged by his flag to some degree, but germans are never even considered individual people, just the hated amalgam of people who is somehow responsible for everything germanics did in history. That's all they are too you, isn't it?
if that's so how come our names were never Anglicized?
my grandmother was raised to only know German but they forced her to learn English for school. her father was interned for sympathizing with Hitler.
german flags are at lest half of the threads where we get hated tho
Don't show weakness.
The German soul needs hate. Hate is our fuel. We can't live at peace.
I can trace every side of my family back to Germany. Can you?
They didnt care about last names.
Just like with mexicans today.
And you just said yourself that they were assimilated, which they knew would happen.
Also a lot of americans were somewhat sympathetic to hitler before 1937/38
Do you speak german?
Stop this trash ass meme, 2nd gen immigrant is the last time you can claim to belong in a sense to the abandoned culture(and even then some 2nd gen already have very little to do with their place of origin)
You rightfully deserve it, the most hateful comments I've ever received were not from any neighboring country but from Germans, what the fuck could you possibly even know about my country
I dont think its actual germans that hate poland on here. Just people that have the flag
You can't play the victim card anymore, you're sitting at the big boy table now. Act like it.
nice no-true-scotsman logical fallacy you retard
There are a lot of serbs and croats in germany, which probably make anti-bosnian posts.
my great grandfather was put in a camp for supporting Hitler
he stayed loyal to Germany during the war
my grandfather
my other grandfather was still in Germany at the time and was attending on of the Adolf Hitler Schools until the Anglo scum razed our homeland
Even if he could that means nothing. I speak english and french definitely don't make me either
ethnicity is genetic not cultural
Germany is not your Homeland, it's the US
german is not an ethnicity
Why are you calling random fallacies? Are you sure you understand what that fallacy is about? Or did you just read it's name and apply it randomly?
>We should have dropped the 4th A bomb on Moscow, after evacuating all the cute Russian girls to keep as sex slaves
but my people are Germans not Americans
America is a raceless shithole
blood is thicker than water
your brother is still your brother even if he gets adopted
>thats not real bullying because (arbitrary reason to fit your narrative)
I was joshing you Sergio and you responded with a paragraph.
this guy is right
German is a cultural and linguistic group.
I for one am an Alemanni BVLL
This nigga ain't even set foot in Germany.
just accept that you are american already
I went there when I was little actually and I still have relatives in Germany
Oh shit sorry, i thought you were the german larper, i didn't check which post was (you)'d, yeah that makes sense then. If you prefer change it with "it's not the same kind of bullying". American posting gets vicious very often, but it's not of the same nature, that's what i meant, regardless of the definition of bullying
just accept that you are Turkish, Muhammad
I am Swabian.
Also nice cope
>whiter than you muhammad
literally whiter than you Mario
you have Arab Y DNA from Moorish conquests
By all means, go live out your ethnostate fantasies with them.
I bet you think that every german has blond hair and blue eyes unironically.
they do mohamed
no im not retarded
I have dark hair and light green eyes
my paternal grandfather had red hair and blue eyes
he was from Buckholt
my mom's side has brown eyes but they trace back to Bavaria. my grandmother's maiden name is Schauer
maternal grandmother*
paternal grandmother has light blue/green eyes and had dark hair
her parents immigrated from Germany
Listen, if they were loyal to germany, or whatever german state they came from, they would have stayed wouldn't they? As I said prior, they willingly left germany and accepted having to assimilate to another culture, so they can have a better life.
they wanted to stay German
they were forced to assimilate
is a black man outside of African no longer a black man? then how am i no longer German?
shut up nazi
Give me a hug, fren