gabagool edition
Other urls found in this thread:
third consecutive thread made by me subedition
Saturday morning wank in bed sub-edition
Jap gf 2020 sub edition
im irish but i was raised in mexico, lived in california for 2 years and have lived in the UK since i was 22 (im 27 now)
bet i have by far the most interesting life story on /brit/
>our predictive modelling based on limited knowledge, and some social scientists says this might work lets do it lol
Do the British people realize the more contact the virus has with people it can mutate?
Whoever came up with this herd immunity crap should be shot
That is what happened to the Spanish flu It came into contact with humans mutated came back around and wiped everyone out.
Excuse me sir but I drive my car very well I'll have you know. Go easy on the clutch, drive smoothly, i check the tyre pressure and oil once a month. That's the absolute most I should have to do for a car to just work.
whats the plan for today lads?
Need a Japanese gf NOW
Whats your surname
*liberates Britain*
Need to have sex with a woman first then start developing standards
fuck humanity
there's too many people
Lieteral just a flu and unnecessarily overblown
not going to say the full bu it starts with an E
What will the people of Britain sing in the streets during lockdown?
*cough cough*
t. retard streetshitter
Fucking state. Stare of everyone panic buying too. Need another war to toughen everybody up a bit
t. literal runt son of the cartel
Saturday evening coughing subedition
I vow to thee my country
Come on Eileen
Take Back Control (Saboton)
>bet i have by far the most interesting life story on /brit/
Let us hear it lad
My iq keeps increasing at the rate at which himalay grows in height
About to head out shopping. Will report back any craziness.
gonna give the old willard a tug
find me some toilet paper rolls la
>tell my dad how I'm struggling financially
>"when I was your age and your brother came along I couldn't afford it so I just went to London and tripled my salary. You need to think about just getting a better job"
Jee, thanks boomer. Yeah I'll just pop down to London and get a 60k job mate, I'll pick you up a packet of crisps too, anyone else want owt?
The fucking nerve of these boomers
May i recommend asian sex diary's wild week in pattaya
Welsh pirates are the most powerful race.
really not hard to find a better paying job
>No proof recovering from Corona provides immunity
What the hell are you lads doing trying for herd immunity
ah yes HarrriMorgan
There's 5:55 seconds of my life I'll never get back.
this is a man who walked out of education into a £28k job and bought a house 2 years later on a £3000 deposit and that house is now worth £700k
Sounds like good advice to me
they know something we dont
Boris going to take the credit for fixing the housing market
that's how time works la
fuck sake lads
parents are falling for this coronavirus shit and we're not going out for steak tonight
been living in this flat for months and the council still refuse to give me a bin, took them weeks to send someone and then they give me bullshit reasons like they can't find anywhere to leave it etc. but it's just a joke. so i've been disposing of household waste in a litter bin outside my flat because i've got nowhere else to put it.
i was just doing it and the bin men drove by and had a massive go at me so i guess i will just be dumping it in the streets now. what else can i do? the council don't deliver their recycling bags now either.
it all smells of a dominic cummings theory about clearing out the boomers who are the biggest load on the NHS
but you do get immunity once you've had it
A boomer telling you to invest in property is like a lucky pedo telling you to invest in bitcoin.
Bend me, break me
Anyway you need me
All I want is you
Bend me, break me
Breaking down is easy
All I want is you
It's also while he bought a 4 bed detached house in the home counties he bought for 90k and is worth 700k now
>Have been feeling ill
>fever, coof, sneez, dry mouth, having to breathe through mouth to get enough air
>thinking about doctor
>just been told a woman at my local Coles has been diagnosed with Coronavirus
>Went symptomatic 1 day after doing a 2 day shift
>I was at the store, during her shift
>i have an underlying health condition
goodbye friends
don't see what's wrong with this
Get a proper job and stop living in a council flat you mong
Abide with fucking me.
remember 'fuck her right in the pussy'? Now that was a social movement to reckon with, you don't see that sort of thing these days
there is no proof that it doesn't and all other coronaviruses give you at least temporary immunity
boris is just on another level
there's no point in us mere mortals trying to figure out what he's on about
Umm. No. You don't. At least you don't necessarily.
Yeesh, what an unfunny motherfucker.
ring them up and say if you don't get one then next time you take your bin out you'll be calling the local press so they can film you emptying your bin on the council's doorstep in protest
he never said anything about living in a council flat though
i do have a proper job and it's not a council flat. i pay shit loads of money for this place and i pay a shit load of money on council tax too.
no noo nooo some woman in japan got it again
we're all doomed!!
*shits my pants and dribbles all over the floor*
The British bourgeoisie is attempting to kill off thousands, perhaps millions.
thoughts on slam pigs?
No proof
Honestly makes me proud to be British.
Whole world having an absolute meltdown over the flu and we're just gonna carry on and maybe let it spread for banter and 'herd' immunity.
Hey British people, are you guys really going about your daily lives?
Is it okay to reduce the Tory vote bank by 8 and 18% respectively?
love them
No proof you don't either. Just saying it has ADE means fuck all because every virus has ADE.
Write to your local councillors and copy in your MP explaining, they'll write a letter to the council and get it sorted out.
really worried lads
i know my death chance is only like 5-10% not 1-5% if I get it but it's scary as fuck and maybe the most dangerous single thing to ever affect me
and your proof otherwise is?
or is this the part where you post links to some shitty articles that don't actually say much?
or maybe a literal fucking blog with a comic sans logo?
still believe it's just the flu
Step foward: we hear
That you are a good man.
You cannot be bought, but the lightning
Which strikes the house, also
Cannot be bought.
You hold to what you said.
But what did you say?
You are honest, you say your opinion.
Which opinion?
You are brave.
Against whom?
You are wise.
For whom?
You do not consider personal advantages.
Whose advantages do you consider then?
You are a good friend
Are you also a good friend of the good people?
Hear us then: we know
You are our enemy. This is why we shall
Now put you in front of a wall.
But in consideration of
your merits and good qualities
We shall put you in front of a good wall and shoot you
With a good bullet from from a good gun and bury you
With a good shovel in the good earth.
Funny thing is we're barely going to be affected while the Euros get absolutely desecrated by it.
that asian gift giver isn't a slam pig stop misusing slang to fit in anime nonce freak
Working off a herd immunity plan without immunity proof is the most idiotic thing you can do
Come up with the genius idea of designing shit t-shirts online and then selling them to the masses of mindless normies, taking a £1-2 commission for each sale. Genuinely can't fail desu, I'm likely to make at least £100,000 per year (probably double)
>there MIGHT be immunity so lets infect 70% of the British population, killing half a million at a minimum
right then
1/500 people young people get killed.
You might be that person.
am a Bartholomew Roberts man meself
keep us updated lad
stay safe x
>i know my death chance is only like 5-10%
Shouldn't have contracted HIV then should you bugboy.
The burden of proof is on the people actively trying to get 60% of people sick and recover with immunity
thing is, when i go in to lidl they always have loads
Do you think you're replying to Boris? The fuck you want me to tell you?
kek, I'm half Canadian(ethnically)imagine being from two different cultures like that
aaahhh yes who knows more
the government
or some schizo neets on /brit/
hmmm yes the battle of the ages here
No working off a herd immunity plan that relies on 60% infection rates with minimal if any social distancing policies, no quarantine and an outright refusal to do lockdowns are far more retarded that not assuming something with no evidence
1/500 young as opposed to 1/12 boomers? ill take that
Yeah, I'd like to just go down to London and just get a 60k job like I'm popping down to Tesco for a pint of milk. But it's not that easy is it.
That's because you can by anything in Lidl and wipe your arse with it.
No difference between the bog roll and the bread.,
Shall I go gym or is that asking to be pozzed?
500k per blowjob in london if you play your cards right
What are you coping for?
because lockdowns are entirely unnecessary for the vast majority of people
it's literally just a flu
At a 0.2% death rate 18,000 under 30s will die in australia
you really shouldnt
That's what I said
gl with that (((herd immunity)))
boris is out of options
here cannot have the british people stay home and not work at this point
there is no eu to fallback on, no gibs
this is his churchill moment
Love using my body on chunks of metal that are covered in other people's sweat and juices
a good Cardiff boy
Really hope this bog roll issue leads Britain to have a conversation about why we still WIPE UP OUR SHIT WITH PAPER.
When our Department of Homeland Security was initially questioned by congress, he was literally clueless. Just a yesman Trump crony
hearing quite a few swimming-related water safety ads on the radio over the weekend. who the fuck is going to be out swimming in this weather with or without the covid shit going on concurrently?
Brits should blame the EU for not banning China travel like the US did in January. EU is the new wuhan now. Block off the tunnel and stop the boats boys. Only chance.
It is though
The antifragile BVLL intellectually mogs little dwommy cummings
Gyms shut here haha
As of mid-March 2010, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that about 59 million Americans contracted the H1N1 virus, 265,000 were hospitalized as a result, and 12,000 died.[117] [118]
did anyone panic this much then? no
im not, the boomers are getting their comeuppance for brexit, climate change, the 2008 financial crisis, austerity and other stuff
A fair bit actually yeah
Why is he so Jolly? Literally Impossible to dislike him
Bell ends always go swimming in bad weather, you see it mentioned every time there is a storm warning
>the blame game
The toilfu has done a number on my head ngl
She is fucking stunning tho and I want to shag her
What should I whatsapp her?
tell me about it
-4 over here
boomers on the town facebook page sharing corona "memes" and asking why we aren't shutting the borders
Gf saved 3k after only 4 months of working a 20k job. People having money problems have no excuse
Your drug list
It's a bioweapon designed to break a country's health care system.
It doesn't target kids.
It spreads asymptomatically.
It infects everyone then disappears after 2 - 3 days.
Perfect if you're just about to invade someone.
Offer to pay for her dates with Chad
If 59 million contract covid you're talking millions of deaths not 12 thousand moron
thought you were the chad of /brit/ matey
guess you're all talk no walk
It's hard not to support the virus when this is the case. But I'd like the economies to crash hard as well and without a panic that's not going to happen
Dick pic
Not having a job seems like a good reason 2bh
But yes, no excuse really
no it's just a virus