Is this peak burgerpunk or are we going to see something even better?
Is this peak burgerpunk or are we going to see something even better?
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Flipping burgers at Micky D is literally a better job than working at Amazon for this bald prick
...or any of the other companies he owns.
Darwin award
This is the price of freedom, Muhammad
shut up commie
It's a fully automatic machine gun range called "bullets and burgers". A nine year old has no business handling that weapon, a .22lr plinker would have been the wiser call
American bourgeoisie is like the nobility in feudalism. They need another revolution.
isn't it okay americans are exploited?
It's actually part of the deal
Yes it is okay that americans are exploited but we can still laugh at them and feel sorry for them. Still, we should see them as an example of what not to be.
freedom aint free commie
this guy is just evil, it would cost him lterally nothing to provide his workers with good conditions
We're not being exploited, people choose to live that way by their own will. Anyone can quit and find a new job any time they want, no one is forcing them to wageslave at Amazon
>feel sorry for them
But they want to be exploited like that
>Whole Foods will offer two weeks of paid time off to those diagnosed with coronavirus, while also falling back on an old sick leave donation policy
It's literally nothing, it's just a way to move around sick leave that would otherwise go unused
>In a letter sent to employees earlier this week, Whole Foods CEO John Mackey explained that one of the options available to workers was for them to “donate” their “paid time off” (pto) days to a pool that other workers could draw from.
>Journalist Lauren Kaori Gurley, who broke the story with reporting for Motherboard, notes that “as a subsidiary of Amazon, the world’s biggest company, Whole Foods could easily afford to pay its hourly employees for sick days taken during the coronavirus outbreak without breaking the bank. Instead, the company has put the onus back on workers, and they’re not happy about it.”
>In Mackey’s letter reviewed by Motherboard, the executive stated: “Team Members who have a medical emergency or death in their immediate family can receive donated PTO hours, not only from Team Members in their own location, but also from Team Members across the country.”
Sounds about par for the course.
You fucking jew
every porkie billionaire is just gonna choose one continent each to enslave or something when they become trillionaires in a couple of years.
It's literally just employees helping out their coworkers in a time of need, the opposite of what you are saying
>two weeks of paid time off to those diagnosed with coronavirus
> taxes are in negatives
wtf, is amazon getting subsidized?
Yeah, they will pay you sick pay, you get paid and you don't even have to go in
>and you don't even have to go in
>to those diagnosed with coronavirus
Yeah, no shit. Hard to go in when you're fucking dead. What the fuck?
Tax credits and other corporate welfare, basically.
>The online shopping and tech giant scrapped plans to build a second headquarters in New York this week after a backlash over a proposed $3bn in taxpayer subsidies. Local politicians questioned why a company that made $1bn a month in the last three months of 2018 alone should be lured to New York with taxpayers’ cash.
>Those critics were given more ammunition when the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) published a report showing Amazon is not paying a single cent in income taxes for the second year in a row.
>In 2018, Amazon nearly doubled its profits, from $5.6bn to $11.2bn. But far from paying the statutory 21% income tax rate, it reported a $129m federal income tax rebate for the year – a tax rate of -1%.
>“The fine print of Amazon’s income tax disclosure shows that this achievement is partly due to various unspecified ‘tax credits’ as well as a tax break for executive stock options,” according to ITEP.
>Amazon is not alone. As ITEP pointed out, last week Netflix posted a profit of $845m in 2018, its largest ever profit, but paid no federal or state income tax.
It's often not a benefit that is available, my employer has a zero tolerance attendance policy so you have to apply for short term medical disability if you are going to have to miss work
Wew lad.
They never had a revolution in the sense that they wanted a paradigm shift. They just copypasta'd the UK system, replacing the king with a president.
>worth $793 billion
>instead of paying any federal income taxes, the company received a $129 million tax rebate from the government
It sounds crazy but they are just using legal tax loopholes
Lives in a country in a state of constant unending revolution
This is fucked up.
What's the point of wasting money on building amazon's hq in your state if the won't pay taxes anyway? Who would even think about subsidizing the richest man in the world. Probably people like this
The alternative is being homeless
>Netflix posted a profit of $845m in 2018, its largest ever profit, but paid no federal or state income tax.
>In 2018, Amazon nearly doubled its profits, from $5.6bn to $11.2bn. But far from paying the statutory 21% income tax rate, it reported a $129m federal income tax rebate for the year – a tax rate of -1%.
how the fuck does this happen?
do americans really?
>tfw there are entrepreneurs retarded enough to ask for sick people to come to work and infect their entire workforce
but hey at least they are not slacking off, those lazy bums, haha...
>What's the point of wasting money on building amazon's hq in your state if the won't pay taxes anyway?
I think they're waiving taxes on them for a period of time. That tax revenue wouldn't exist if Amazon didn't set up shop there anyway, so it's not like they're giving Amazon public money. Plus they benefit from all the jobs that will be created.
We have been told to expect a greater workload as Corona may potentially have a big affect on a big competitor. Our CEO sent us an email yesterday about it
At the end of the day our government is run by corporations. It's hard to tell if my countrymen know this and don't care, or o
if they're delusional. Nearly every single representative in Congress has their campaigned bankrolled by billionaires and super PACs (private groups that run ads for candidates). They meet with lobbyists (representatives of corporations) multiple times a week. This is all publicly disclosed information. I think some people just like being slaves. What can you do?
Why would yours company be spared?
How many weeks until he is no longer billionaire?
Yeah that's the crazy part. The fact that these companies are allowed to write their own tax codes. It legitimately shocks Europeans.
Diogenes was apparently a happy man.
We have a pandemic plan in place, key positions are isolated and we can function by using just essential personal with limited exposure
He has billions of dollars worth of investments all over the place, desu. A short while ago he cashed in over 4 billion USD worth of his stock in Amazon.
And Trump bitched about it, when he himself enacted corporation-friendly tax cuts. Bezos should of bought twitter right then and there
tbf I don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong about meeting with lobbyists and interest groups. The problem is that the groups with more economic power can more easily afford more convincing bullshitters to lobby on their behalf while interests of general populace is underrepresented, with possible exception of an occasional vocal minority which then gets to punch above their class.
I see bigger problem in the lack of moral standards in politicians themselves and general acceptance of this nihilism among the populace. After all, it's all rational self-interest so why condemn it? They're simply WINNING and BASED and SUCCESSFUL. Who cares about spirit of the law or any principles? If letter of the law allows me to get away with it it is my duty to myself (or to my shareholders) to take advantage of it, sacrifice or compassion is at best a PR stunt and at worst an outright act of self-sabotage.
Burgerpunk is always evolving
End capitalism or die
>Bezos should of bought twitter right then and there
Imagine a world where Bezos buys out Twitter, Facebook and Reddit, and then ran as a candidate for the American presidency. He'd be able to flood social media with propaganda unlike anything before, it would be hilarious.
He wanked in public and nobody cared whereas today he'd go to prison for despoiling someone's innocence.
Here's the video.
>lack of moral standards
That's really what it boils down to, our ambassadorships are literally bought
Diogenes' contemporary.
What a shithole, bro
They have no fucking rights there, they have fucking nothing. Their citizen are fucked, i mean their COOMSUMERS
Well when the president attacks you personally, I feel like it would have been justified just to spite him. What else can you do?
Reminder that submen like Bozos are practically just the public face for the financial powers behind them.
There is something wrong with it in my opinion. If these businesses weren't paying for the politician's ads, then they would have no reason to meet with the lobbyists in the first place. I mean it does make sense to have a meeting with a big CEO once a year, but the constant correspondence they have is sickening. The politicians get input on tax bills directly from the people those bills affect. I have no avenue of telling my politician to give me tax breaks, and neither should another man just because he has great wealth.
As far as moral standards go, you can never count on people being moral because immoral people will always come out on top in a system that allows it. It's like trusting athletes to not roid. The ones who act morally lose.
With all the wit removed.
Michael fucking Bloomberg just had all the news people acting like he was a legitimate candidate. I give it 8 years until what you said happens.
>you don't even get to see it
Well that was a waste.
But at least you know what happened. Not like they can show a man getting his head blown off on air.
They should be able to. I mean it's the news after all; they should be able to inform the public.
25 February 2020:
>Michael Bloomberg has broken the $500 million mark in ad spending more than a week before he appears on a primary ballot for the first time.
>Through Friday, he’s spent $505.8 million on broadcast, cable, radio and digital ads, according to Advertising Analytics. That’s an average of $5.5 million a day since he officially became a candidate.
5 March 2020:
>Michael Bloomberg Ends Presidential Bid, Endorses Joe Biden
>Bloomberg spent more than $687 million on quest for presidency
lmao, these rich cunts use money like a rushed builder uses a hammer. When they're willing to piss away over half a billion dollars on a political stunt, people have to have some sort of awareness of just how much they're getting in government tax breaks.