having a look edition
Is the janman around? I don't feel safe here yet
hi lads
my intuition tells me the toilfu is a very very good manipulator.
In a group she won’t even recognise my existence but in a single scenario is flirty and shit like that.
She also complimented what I wore yesterday and my intelligence once again.
But idk
My intuition tells me she’s just taking me for a ride
old thread is literally on page 9, he has absolutely no jurisdiction
Diana wasn't a Princess
It's was Diana, Princess of Wales, Princess Diana was inaccurate
I wouldn't put it past him
dom cum's approach to the epidemic haha
fuck sake the leagues not cancelled my football game so ive got to play this arvo
Imagine if they void the footy season and take Liverpool's title away from them
the fuck is with normies insisting on going out pubbing/clubbing and other social shit? is it so inconceivable for them to just stay in for a few nights? its not like you can't keep yourself entertained with netflix and youtube and all sorts of shit
That’s what work relationships are like.
When I was seeing a lass from work we’d sneak around and completely ignore each other in the office.
don't reply to it
they have a bit on dealing with diseases (okay a car accident or whatever but close enough)
Just destroyed someone on Yas Forums ahaha
English is a strange language when you think about it
yeah you're getting CORONAD
link it
Hope everyone that said it's just a flu is happy now
well it literally is just a flu, it just spreads quick
Really don't feel like going to the gym but I overate today so I ought to
as long as I have a fridge full of beer I could self-isolate indefinitely 2bh haha
Coronachads, when did you realize this virus is a gift? I can spread this to my enemies
you'll like this haha
Ghoti Ghoughphtheightteeau
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
just had to chase a tiger snake out of my house
fucking australia
was going to link this earlier lol
sounds like a lie to save your ego
why aren't you all running around screaming lads we are ALL going to DIE
Yes, you would have to learn every single word by heart to know how to pronounce them, it's super easy to communicate with but impossible to master.
I raped princess Diana's dead body in the wreckage of her motorcade, all the paps clapped and high fived me and I came in her hair.
haha British TV is the best in the world
cheers la
I’m new to toil relationships shaggerlad
Tell me your ways and tips
>not letting it bite your nuts
never gonna be a sick cunt
we really should genocide all snakes
Got in last night and was on /brit/ about 4:30am, proper weird time. Just a sea of aussies, yanks and clogwog.
Third shit of the day and I've only been awake 2 and half hours.
Must be the fajitas and beer.
tremendous punchline
CORRR I bet she could really stink up a bathroom.
this but the chinese
when I came in Diana's still warm pussy it felt very good, then I Stole the cash from her wallet and spit in her eyes.
protogf is selfisolating lads
was about to go round and roger her tomorrow as well
a close shave
how has coronavirus impacted your sex life lads?
it's illegal to kill the fuckers here
you can literally go to jail for 18 months
>it's super easy to communicate with but impossible to master.
so exactly like any 2nd language ever then?
what sex life? right lads? haha
All languages are. Mad that there was this Big Bang and it creates and energy and space-time and some of that matter clusters because it distorts space-time and you get stars and some of them explode and the bits create new stars and eventually you get elements other than hydrogen and helium and they cluster and create a solar system and this planet we call earth and then some atoms on earth cluster together and manage to replicate, creating what we call life and then you get dinosaurs and sabre toothed tigers and apes who manage to manipulate sound to communicate with other apes and they agree on what the sounds for different objects should be.
It's not that hard t. 50k word vocabulary (on the lower end of average)
having sausage sarnies
Do Australians really?
well i get extra neetbux this month which i'm fully planning to spend on prossies (although i might wait until the pandemic is over first)
beef or pork?
pic related: you
business idea: get infected by her so you can self isolate with her and shag her all week
them continentals are savages
prefer surreal Jam sketches 2bh
bit out of it wotsa proto GF?
Its the end of the world as we know it and i feel fine
our governments don't work for us, we work for them and against our own interests
democracy has failed
>wanting to be locked up with some dumb bint all week
sure the shagging would be alright, but overall not worth it
it's just a flu. the mass hysteria is far more damaging to society.
putting my foot down
I should have chopped the finger chillies up instead of just chucking them in whole.
got an escort booked for 2pm and not sure whether i should cancel or not..how likely would it be she'll give me corona? theres no footy on n i just want to shag ffs
Its the end of the world as we know it and i feel fruity
oh right so why is she the protogf then
daily dose of stray bob
*returns to /brit/*
this but 3 wanks and 1 poo
grimmest post of the thread so far
pedal to the metal
didnt ask
mental mate simply mental
shuddering imagining this existence
wasnt sure if my janny application would be accepted so submitted 50-60 just to be safe
Mad that George Boole is the sort of granddaddy of the digital age and yet nobody knows who the fuck he is.
>beef sausages
alri rasheed
It has killed 5k in 3 months
Just a tip for anyone that still needs stuff. Order for a sunday delivery from tesco. The shopping is done while the store is closed so it's the best chance you'll have to actually get what you need.
dont remember asking anyone for anything
good lad do it for /brit/
Might play video games all night again lads
I bet Emma Watson’s stinky butthole smells like poop.
just sneezed without covering my mouth
stg I hooked up with this 5'3 girl named Frankie, big fat DD tits, she had a crush on me in high school. she admitted the sex with her bf was bad and she was on a break. she liked that my dick was bigger than her bf's, I asked her if I could cum in her pussy without protection (she was not on birth control but afaik did not get pregnant from me) she was so baby crazy she let me. I think that guy would hang himself if he read our FB chat and saw the things we did. he is a good guy, I feel slightly bad but he's none the wiser and they have a baby now. my fat ugly friend Andy had a big ol' crush on this girl in HS too, he got nowhere with her
saw a /brit/ poster playing aram on league a couple days ago
According to my modelling and the current 738 confirmed cases, there are probably around 1800 actual cases in the UK at the moment
that's not good mate I'd see the doctor about that
suck a big fat load of bollock juice out of my ballbag using my cock as a straw
Alri Zhang
everyone panic buying toilet roll. but in some countries they don't even use toilet roll, makes you think doesn't it.