When will they apologize for the destruction of the economy?

When will they apologize for the destruction of the economy?

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it is not our fault,it is just bad luck

french is not worth of it

90% of all the diseases in history came from China.

I'm wondering why no one has pointed fingers at them for doing 55 trillion worth of economic damage and killing thousands. Just because people wanted to eat fucking Pangolians

Why should they apologize for finally dismantling the capitalist system? They are based.

worth apologize to them?

>Muh capitalist system
Go back to Africa, Bubakar.

Fucking African and Chinese eat everything coming into their view
Suck a pacifier instead

>Go back to Africa, Bubakar.

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Long live the CCP. May China be prosperous forever.

I don't need any apology.
I lost my job because of the coronavirus so want to claim damages from the CCP.

you live like literal vermin, fuck your insectoid hellhole of a country, you should be nuked

>you live like literal vermin, fuck your insectoid hellhole of a country, you should be nuked

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when will whites apologise for the century of humiliation? we're waiting, and until apology and reparations, China owes you nothing.

>when will whites apologise for the century of humiliation
Not until we humiliate them.

then why corona spreading much faster in your countries???

i guess this time the corona virus humiliated europe

>tfw when almost all countries of africa still have capitalist economy model from their founding after decolonisation.
Is it part of French education?

We don't lie on our stats and we diagnose more people because we are more competent.

Go back to China, Jean-Pierre Zhang

Why should I? I am French and proud of it.

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how is it their fault?

You Western barely test anyone because you are afraid of panic and bad economy.... just look at trump. what a joke

also we're are not a totalitarian bootlicker hellhole that can force a curfew just like that. fuck china seriously, truly cramped cesspool of the most culturally primitive garbage. Piece shit people, liars and thieves are what you are

based, i also am proud australian
i am glad we both can be proud to our country

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yes we should let wuhan people travel free to every other place and nothing lock down like retarded european did

Jean-Pierre Zhang XD

You obviously did do that?? Cause this shit fucking spread. Now ur just trying to save face with ur hard measures.
You people are insects, as ineradicable as the flee.

And all this started cause of your subhuman cesspool street markets where every disease imaginable thrives

oh yes,usa definitely did not have anything to do with it and innocent...

Actually if you want the truth, our masonic ZOG lacky kabal who call themselves "leaders" here #1 priority is staying rich and in power while furthering their Jew World Order agenda...they couldnt care less about the goyim they rule over. As a matter of fact thinning the masses would be a good for their plans.

Why are swedes so racist lately? You're supposed to be gentle and jolly, really letting your ancestors down.

Don't mistake globalization with capitalism, retard.

It just reaches a point of no return very fast in a global time like this. My point is, you're still a lying, thieving piece of shit cesspool of bootlicker slaves, scamming each other is your way of life. You're culture created the conditions for this to happen.

sounds butthurt there sven.

Swedes hated China even before the virus outbreak and now their sinophobia is getting out of hand

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Because china is hell on earth

Is it just me or has the hate for blacks calmed down and the hate for chinamen been on the rise?

Despite the fact China is a godless clusterfuck of thieves and charlatans, you have now earned the BASED card from me for completely annihilating neoliberal moron boomers both physically and economically.

wasn't probably very smart of the chinese government to reopen the wildlife market after what happens with sars in 2002. i really hope for the world that you will decide to close these bio markets for good. because you don't need them anyway, only the 1% in china eat this crap anyway.

hate for blacks is socially unaccepted, hate for china man is accepted as long as you add "i just hate the commies".


your hate only makes us stronger

Actually true, my mother is generally anti racist but she hates chinese people so much she considera them soulless creatures that need to fuck off back to china and it only got worse since corona. When Volvo sold out to the chinese it was a scandal. Only communists like china here, like my grandpa but he started hating them too in his later years.
My dad really dislikes chinese people too.

That's unfortunate. The ones I met all seem to like Swedes. I guess it's only when tested do we see the true monsters.

just imagine the whole fucking world economy collapse just because some dude in china eat bat soup
based as fuck

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>shit on them after the outbreak
>attack and humiliate those asian who wear their masks for literally protecting everybody
>do not limit chinese tourists strictly because of their money
>self-hypnosis that it is just a flu and we have advanced health care systems not liking their shithole level
>Oh! We're fucked up now all because of them!
Nah, at least 70% is your fault, european.

Thai people however here are accepted, only their white husbandos are viewed as a bit strange because people think they are exploiting Thai women that want a better life.

>the apoopalyps happening faggot
>muh Y2k
>muh meteorite
>muh aliums
>muh planet niburu
>muh super solar flare

Its was just a chink with an appetite for bats

Clown dimension is super duper

>be swedish grandma
>see refugee rob and rape everyone
"oh those poor people we need to help them"
>see hardworking and honest chinese try to develop and build a country
"disgusting animals they must all die"

LMAO why are they like this

the virus is a US bioweapon. china deserves praise for fighting it

actually i find it easier to believe, than "muh bat soup" desu, but i think neither theory is correct.

100% agree with you.
Why they don't apologize to the world?
They caused coronapanic.
This is not their 1st time.
SARS, Bird flu, Pig flu.
We Japanese are victim.
But westerners think Japan / China is same.
China is cancer of the earth.

You should be nuked by whole of the world.
USA / France / Russia / Brit / Ukraine / Japan / North Korea / Iran / Israel / India / Pakistan all launch nukes at same time to China.

I don't remember japs have their nuclear bombs except Fat Man and Little Boy.

In the end every smart person knows its these eternal satanic kike fucks are doing it.

They tried to cuck China for challenging their global market dictatorship/Banster mafia with glownigger insurgency in Hong Kong,that failed and since Xi isnt a Ghaddafi in Libya they reached for their bioweapons.

Wow chinese banter, outdated and very unoriginal. Pretty much mimics how china creates cheap copies of everything. At least you are consistent

That's very gracious, Swedes make for polite tourists here as well.

t. Eats whales and horses

We have nuclear reactors and
Nuclear fuel reprocessing plant. We have materials to make nuke.
so I believe my country have nukes already.
look all neighbors. Russia / North Korea / China.
We have to protect our country.
eye for an eyes, nuke for nukes.

I honestly cant think of any instance I’ve had an unpleasant experience with a Thai person, and I cant think of any reason people would dislike them here. Very calm people which is something we value here, calmness. And we also really love Thai food.
Thailand is probably the number 1 tourist spot for most swedish families.

>Admonishes people for eating giant fish and eating glorified barn animals
>South African flag

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Do you hope to invade china one day?

yes but it is part of 5000 years of chinese culture
you have offended the chinese people with your post

How can you believe your cunt already having nuke weapon without any nuclear test?
Would you also believe gundam too?

more like the culture of the assimilated southern natives.

maybe invading other country is impossible.
The world already have nuke.
Nuke will be launched before invading,