How do we fix this third world shithole...?

How do we fix this third world shithole...?

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By using a hefty chunk of Russian nuclear arsenal.


Literally insane. Apocalyptic.

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Nothing wrong with this you atheist fags
There's a reason God has granted America power and prosperity over the earth

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how many gods they have?

America is about to be all kinds of fucked.

واحد فقط والله هو الأعظم.

what the fuck

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Pray to Allah SWT you heathens.

That's unironically a good thing though

I am starting to think that the has tested positive :D

>be American
>pray to some Middle Eastern deity

this is literally the smartest thing america has done in a long while

>mentally ill neets chimp out over religion again
it’s so tiring

USA is no longer part of Western civilization or European culture, actually USA is not even a real nation, is just a non-nation created for merely economic reasons by freemasons and traitors with the human scum that nobody wanted in Europe, Asia and more recently Latin America, plus some Negro slaves descendants who are nowadays the dominant culture among Amerifat youth.

you've been saying that for over a year, how mentally ill are you

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You are not apart of Western civilization or Europe if you reject Christ. There is no Europe without Him, the Invisible Emperor.

I just found out Bulgaria is a real place and people live there.

>How do we fix this third world shithole...?
As we Europeans always have done. Send someone by sail to give the indignious people a talking-to.

Also, I wonder how many extra cases there will be just because people prayed together in churches etc.

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>border will be closed in a matter of days
No I'm not panicking why would I be panicking?
Fucking hell we're only 3 month in and we are getting habbening of the decade already.

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why is he so based

that dumb bitch should have been thrown overboard

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>All them Israel loving evangelicuck crackas masturbating about this
No, that's a sin

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Kek, literally our government tier.

this is not my language

How's your class society working out for you? Let's see if the UK death tally reaches 1 M before Xmas because of muh herd immunity. You can pretty much change the text in this cartoon to
>"Shit's going down in China! We gotta prepare."

UK is gonna crash so hard that people will rise statues of Margaret "No such thing as a society" Thatcher just to tear them down.

>habbening of the decade already
Try century. The Spanish Flu was slightly overshadowed by WW1, but only slightly. What we have here is a trifecta of habbenings:
>endless wars for some 20 years
>economic crisis of 2008 that was never properly adressed on a structural level
>pandemic that went unchecked for months when the epicentre was in China

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Yeah Drumpf is afraid, him and his colleagues will be dropping like flies.

I will today pray for the death of America


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Christianity is an essential part of Europe because in Christianity there is scholasticism, that is classical Greek philosophy, plus a lot of pagan syncretism. But Europe is not only Christianity, it is much more than that. Christianity will die, Europe will prevail.

>beats the virus easily
>laughs at China
>cucks weak japanese bois

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Lmao at the scammers targeting dumb boomers during this clusterfuck of a presidency term. Godspeed.

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Jesus Christ is God.

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what is it even made out of

The "fedora tippers" of today are all desu vault christfags.

>The "fedora tippers" of today are all desu vault christfags.

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>tfw people are starting to wear masks here despite no outbreak because the rest of the world is freaking out
>mfw I feel like the protag in a world of masked NPCs

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Stick money in wall!

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You mean the one and only Super Power remaining

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It's true

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BPA and radon

Who knows.
>The online stores hawking these coins—and gold-plated faux banknotes with Trump’s face—are presumably making a lot of money: at least 158 companies have spent at least $1.5 million dollars on ads on Facebook and tens of thousands on Google.
>On Facebook, the ads are often targeted to older Americans, people older than ages 45 or 50. They’re also usually targeted to people whom Facebook has guessed, based on their “likes” and web-browsing activity, support Donald Trump, back the Republican party, or are politically conservative.
>Several of the ads claim that the products are made in the USA, but identical-seeming products are available (often for under a dollar) on Wish from apparently China-based sellers.
Top kek.

>that Honduran flag in the far background
Kek props for details.

The poor lad, you can't patrol thots when you're built like a thot repel.

damn Yas Forums looks like THAT?!?

They're usually fatter and browner

I want to plant my Willard firmly in her bum

kek, is this true?


Jesus fucking christ.

America going for the 'Jesus take the wheel' strategy.

Holy based!

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>aids is a problem
Gonna go ahead and disregard everything he said.

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AIDS is not a problem, it's a solution. Anyone that thinks differently has nothing of value to say.

Oh no, it's retarded.

Seething establishment drone, it's not Trump's fault for the virus spreading. Even if we hadn't fired the pandemic team it still would have spread out of hand. There's no government in the world that was prepared for this virus, not even the muh "free" healthcare shills from Europe. He's just seething that those retards lost their jobs of sitting around and doing nothing all day which eats up billions in taxpayer money.

Post physique, I would crush you in a fight. Sniveling little rat.

Mate, stop.

>Post physique
I'm not your wank fuel, faget.

No, but you would be since you're a frail little feminine twink. I'd thrash you in the ring and then in bed.

>Yas Forumstard is a raging homo
Every time, without fail.

He is way too white

Keep coping, meat.


At least you dodged his

I unironically prefer Boris telling us we're going to die than the yank approach.