What will you be spending your $750 on?

What will you be spending your $750 on?
Also Australia general.

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I'm retarded and forgot the topic link abc.net.au/news/2020-03-12/coronavirus-stimulus-explainer/12048632

i'll give it to my dad to get his car fixed

If your dad needs charity for a fucking $750 bill then you should probably just let him die

i doubt he needs it
but i'll give it to him anyway

paying for my BLACKED subscription

fuck up josh

WTF why isn't Justin giving me free shit?


He made a statement about paying rent so we're probably just getting some sort of rent assistance and not any Corona fun-bucks

fuck a hot escort

wait wtf how does it work ? what if you never got money from government before ? does it go to my parents or something ?

Probably video games. Feels good getting free money from wh*te taxpayers

Are you receiving any form of Centrelink payment? If not, no money.

I won't be getting the $750 because I don't own a business and I'm not a Newshart recipient.

Feet pictures from local australian ethots. Support the local economy

Mercury hard cider goes for $20 a pack. That's a LOT of alcohol bros.

Where are my RADELAIDEANS at?

Where at? Do love some Mercury, all the others I've had were too weak or too sweet.

>tfw mum and dad earn >300k cumulatively but I'm over 22 at university so I'm "independent" and collected Youth Allowance

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BWS from uber eats. You're not supposed to drink it for the flavour lmao

Hey I like the taste and 2 drinks per can on top of that makes it even better.

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thanks for the free money

Asahi lads

To be honest, if you're the sort of person who's wowed by $750 then there's really nothing I can say or do to you that's worse than what life is already doing to you.

why not goon then?


being a dsp autismo wins again

for me its mercury, the best cider

Probably some stuff from overseas so the money doesn't go back into the Australian economy.

It could be worse, at least I'm not a wagie

books and clothes

im not on the dole so i dont get it. but i DO work for the public service so i get public money every 2 weeks.

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Going to drink a whole carton of Rogers in a night

moneys going to the car and probably my nose.

labor gave us $250 more, and they gave it to EVERYONE, fuck liberal

He has the virus

>not on the dole
>mum makes only just enough money to not get financial aid
>is in debt from a house loan after abusive boyfriend left and is making her pay for it all
Shits fucked bros

Also the liberals put us into 3x the debt for nothing wahey

what 750? how can I get this 750?


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you need to be on welfare, and its to keep the economy going, but will have the side effect of making people go out more when we're being told to avoid going out, hence my theory that its to infect as many welfare leeches as possible and hopefully kill some of them off, as they tend to have weaker immune systems, to ease the burden on our welfare system

Everyone on disability is getting $750 so they'll spend it and boost the economy.

normalfag wagecucks don't deserve shit

Pensioners also get it. So it's the Libs buying off their voter base as always. But if we're lucky, it'll get some oldies out and about and into their graves as well.

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i dunno

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You'd need to have held a job before to know if it's actually worse or not.

It also very much depends on the job.

Not if you ask these useless fucks.

If the government is going to give me an extra $750, it will go towards rent. The other night I had a dream that I had 10,000 added to my account and I was excited to be able to put it all towards not having to worry about rent for a few months. Woke up confused and disappointed.
Jesus fuck I hate this country.

you mean your government pays you for sitting at home and watching anime?

you hate it because you cant pay rent in advance? lmao what

>lives paycheque to paycheque
>It’s Australis fault

Ah yes. The eternal lefty

At least 90% of the money the provide will go straight back into the local economy in the form of groceries, petrol, rent, etc. If they aren't going to bother taxing the corporations and greedy cunt slumlords where our money goes to, they're screwing themselves out of tax revenue.

I hate it because living costs are ridiculous and social mobility is completely fucked unless you were born into the conformable middle class.

Most Australians like pay to pay, you fucking clueless sheltered rich cunt.

No they don’t you fucking spastic lmao. Stay mad poorfag

They're just scared user.
>I hate it because living costs are ridiculous and social mobility is completely fucked unless you were born into the conformable middle class.
Australia is better than legitimately 95% of the world in this regard. It might not be perfect, but it's closer to being so than the vast majority of the world in this regard m8.

>No they don’t you fucking spastic
Yes we do.
>Stay mad poorfag
Be honest: you grew up in a household with two parents, and owned home and never had to deal with financial troubles. I grew up surrounded by spoilt little cunts like you and you all have the same attitude.
I really fucking hope something goes wrong and life fucking crushes you, mate. Parasites like you need to be forced to start again from scratch. See how fucking well you go without those privileges.

>Australia is better than legitimately 95% of the world in this regard.
No it's not. You're ignorant, mate. Extremely ignorant.

I don't think they're scared, I think they're mostly just useless and stupid.

>No it's not. You're ignorant, mate. Extremely ignorant.
You sure you're not the ignorant one? I've spent a total of 3 years living and traveling overseas, including the US, Canada, China and a few countries in Europe. And when I say our opportunity, industrial relations law and social mobility is better than 95% of the world, I mean it. Things could certainly be better, but very few countries beat us in this regard.

por que no los dos?

Stop projecting spastic. I grew up with a single mother and we couldn't pay for our mortgage. We must have moved at least a dozen times. My first real job was on a apprentiship for 2 years at 12$ an hour. Well below minimum wage.

I work in education now and I deal with people poorer and even more retarded than you (I know it's tough to believe looking at your posts) and there is near infinite support for low income families. Education is nearly entirely paid for by the state, emergency housing, schools put on breakfast and further education is entirely paid for by the state if you're in a bad situation.

Here's the truth. You're a fucking pathetic loser that blames everybody else for his failures.No matter how much you screech you will continue to go nowhere in the world because you're nothing but an entitled piece of shit. kys


I was born into the working class with a single mum primary school teacher and through hard work shes now in a job which pays very well and we are middle class. And this isnt unique to me. It's called saving and using money and resources available to you wisely.