Literally the only good is the first amendment. Everything else sucks.
We suck
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then go back to Mexico Juan
brown hands typed this post
Constitution is great yeah
So is the land and nature
Really its the people here who are so fucked up, america is like a stubborn woman who never faces the consequences of her actions, unlike Europe or any other country who are btfoed the moment they fuck up, america just keeps going and going
>brown paw
i hate your country too :)
We are fine
This is mexico
Mexican genes will improve this country do not worry
In all the ways that America sucks Mexico sucks even worse. Fatter, browner, poorer, dumber, more murder.
You’re not Swiss
harder better faster stronger
Nothing wrong with that, a sense of community is more important than money
Good, too much imtelligence causes mental illness
>more murder.
That makes us superior, peaceful societies are bad because they create weak cucks who get replaced
Mexicans literally came into existence by Spanish European men cucking Amerindian manlets. You literally cannot deny this fact.
You literally speak a European language cause your continent got CONQUISTADORED.
Ok we a mix of injun savages and conquistadors while europeans are cucks who have been domesticated the liberal societies they created, is that supposed to be a bad thing?
Amerindians are related to Asians who are the smallest and most effeminate race.
You will never get a white bf tranny fag, they would rather take hrt and get black bfs
>Amerindians are related to Asians who are the smallest and most effeminate race.
Not all mongoloids are created equal and why does it matter that we are bit shorter when whites are domesticated & mentally emasculated?
My ancestors were the conquerors, whats the problem?
>posting a black guy with a white girl
Mexicans have zero black DNA and Mexican women get fucked by blacks too especially in the Southwest United States.
Lol blacks are literally the most likely to be transgender out of any race.
> Usa bad
>then go back to Mexico Juan
That does not change the fact that whites want to get cucked by them.
you're not human
Peruvian mad lmao
Only in your Jew propaganda fantasy. Whites cucked blacks for hundreds of years. 35% of black American men have a white man's Y chromosome.
It's pathetic that brown and Asian men have to live vicariously through Jewish bbc propaganda porn.
belongs on /soc/, freak
Im sorry I stole it from your OP
This. Fuck America
Seething white dog mutt
No Chang. Whites are good. America is bad because it's antiwhite.
>Only in your Jew propaganda fantasy.
>Whites cucked blacks for hundreds of years. 35% of black American men have a white man's Y chromosome
True but that does not matter when modern day whites are cucks.
>Mexicans have zero black DNA and
I do not want to fetishized by mentally ill white people, why does it matter that im not black?
I never laped as nig I just said whites fetishized them
I'm Arab, and fuck Americans, fuck Jews and especially fuck whites (and also trannies and jannies but they fall under wh*te and Jewish Americans). Eat shit dogturd trump voter
>Whites are good.
Cucks who create liberal societies are not good faggot
Thought I was gonna open a thread about the upsides and downsides of the USA but it's all just race LARPing
Why don't you leave white countries you scumbag?
Why don't you leave non-white countries you dogbrained fat Walmart subhuman.
So you mean Jews.
Why are you posting a brazilian triracial?
Because he’s a bitch
You should visit Christchurch, rag head
Nonwhite is a made up term. You are Arab not Native American. It's none of your business.
>So you mean Jews.
Yet that's who caused all the liberal shit. Whites overwhelmingly vote Republican.
>whites allowed jews to subvert their societies
That just means whites are weak cucks who get easily manipulated
>vote Republican.
If Jews wanted to subvert you they'd do it a lot more easily since your IQs are far lower than ours. You are just too irrelevant for them to care.
You are amerifat burger not Abo it's none of you're concern.
>French dog still SEETHING across multiple threads
Your entire country is not worth the dirt on one Arab's feet. Dog.
Come to Melbourne and I'll beat your head in you can fly back strapped to a bed
I never said the land belonged to Abos. I say it belongs to whites.
No. whites are on their way to becoming a minority here and everywhere. Europe belongs to Arabs. You belong in the trash.
I really like Americans, their tourists are (usually) polite and open-minded and even in their country they try to be welcoming and neighborly most of the time, I just don't know why their foreign policies seem so ass backwards at times. Why do they shill so hard for Israel and Saudi Arabia, why do they support our military government while at the same time putting economic pressure on us for banning certain pesticides after they were proven to be harmful?
That seems completely backwards, they should be putting more pressure on us to have a more transparent democracy, not punishing us for banning harmful pesticides. I really don't understand how such good people can be run by such a strange government.
There are far more whites on Earth than Arabs. There's 700 million whites vs only 300 million Arabs lmfao
Arabs are more closely related to white people than to Mexicans. So you are just cucking for him because you are intimidated about whites being thr best. You know jack shit about genetics, Juan.
second amendment is good too
>I really like Americans, their tourists are (usually) polite and open-minded
It's true. The best tourists are from Japan and the United States, the worst ones are usually older men from Europe, China and Australia. The UK especially has very arrogant people who cut in line all the time thinking they can get away from it. And when you try to call them out, they get really offended and try to lie about it.
I once saw a fat British couple try to cut right into an orderly line and immediately security noticed and told them to get to the back. Then the couple started getting upset and loud, throwing a tantrum and telling the guards they had "no right" before trying to shove them. You never do that to Thai police and security personnel, they all have military training and they don't get paid enough to exercise restraint.
Arabs pump out 10 babies before they turn 30. White dogs wait till they are 40 before discussing adoption or maybe buying a pet dog
Based fellow diaspora user
Yeah, I see articles mentioning that British people are usually the most rowdy and rude tourists. This is especially noticeable in countries such as Spain.
>Arabs are more closely related to white people than to Mexicans.
I know that
>So you are just cucking for him
Im not cucking for arabs. Europe is not my homeland, I do not lose anything from arabs taking over that land. I would only be a cuck if I were ok with arabs becoming the majority in the americas
>you are intimidated about whites being thr best.
Nope I just do not like cucks If most whites were not self hating cucks id support them