Your country

>your country
>do you have European style traffic signs or USA style?
>wich one do you preffer?

Attached: TRAFFIC_SIGNS.png (614x850, 390.98K)

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*insert something here about how the american style is dumb and how we should be ashamed for it*

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I don’t remember ever seeing the “children at play” one. I’m pretty sure we just have the stick figures too

Yuros absolutely seethe at the fact that we have our own stuff and don't care about theirs

eu and uk: picture of children running and playing
usa: cant have picture of children thats cp, need to write it in text
aus: children dont play, they are just slow

Attached: hyousiki01.gif (440x440, 58.52K)

Other than stylization, I don’t see much of a difference.

does this mean americans dont have a no parking sign?


The real question is why does the UK want to use a different format than the EU, but ends up looking the same? Might as well adopt the same format IMO.

We're somewhere in the middle. Like with everything.


bongs are weirdos and have this fetish of always being different with no reason

I can't read ching chong.

i think we have AUS style SLOW CHILDREN because my mom used to always joke that if the kids were slow they should be kept on a leash anyway. they're pretty few and far between though

in europe its quite simple
>blue sign: information
>red sign: order/prohibition
>yellow sign: danger7warning
> literally nobody criticized or said anything bad about USA
>already gets defensive
come on bro you have to wait a bit
lets just discuss the differences peacefully
for example ive noticed the line at the middle of american roads is often yellow, while in spain yellow lines are reserved for temporary lines when theres construction work and all of the normal road lines are white
>putting the object in front of the red line in "prohibition" type signs
can you explain the red triangle and the red arrow

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>Italian education

>in europe its quite simple
>blue sign: information
>red sign: order/prohibition
>yellow sign: danger7warning
Same here, except our information signs are white/black

Attached: Product Guide July 2011-3.jpg (800x1131, 491.88K)

no one's even mentioned it

i would have thought the same if i didnt notice the black and white speed signs on american movies
they seem to have too mcuh text imo

Attached: fig-6f-03-1.gif (590x811, 40.84K)

God the EU children sign is cucked as fuck. Won't even show a clearly defined boy and girl like all the others.

i'm with ,but with what i understand of the calming and inviting color blue, open circles with symbols inside of them i'd be parking on top of children and riding my bike into the river on day one

>no stopping or turning
>no stopping on freeway
>give way to pedestrians
>no stopping on freeway
these seem more like orders than informational imo
also isnt it common sense not to stop in a freeway lol
are you really about to get political over the fucking drawing style of a traffic sign

Ours look different. You can clearly make out a little boy walking hand in hand with his big sister.
What many people apparently don't know, though, is that it not only means look out for children, but a 30 km/h speed limit as well.

What is so wrong with showing a boy and girl like almost every other country on earth? They clearly did it on purpose.

they're stick figures, calm down


afaik, all cuntrees have their own styles
all of those signs except the last one would be yellow and red, for example

Attached: unnamed.png (512x346, 133.56K)

EU but the no bikes sign is confusing. It should have a slash through it.

How do you know the european style wasn't first? You're imposing your ideology on reality user. Classic ideologue delusion.

I have seen more of the australian children at play here

>how would you like your signs Sven?
>ketchup & mustard please

ours look like pic rel

Attached: index.png (225x225, 3.76K)

EU is preferred I mean

I bet this sign is unknown in other countries. It's pretty self-explanatory. You may drive there, but only at parking lot speed. I.e. second gear and no gas.

Attached: spielstrasse-tempo.png (300x200, 4.17K)

The USA. They are much clearer than ours.

I can guarantee you it wasn't first just looking at it.

Tranny stick figures

Actually it's based because it's two boys instead of including a girl for muh diversity and muh gender equality

How fragile is your ego that you need to defend your system before anyone has said anything?

We have that. 20km/h speed limit and parking is only allowed on marked spaces.

we were taught this sign in driving school but i dont think i ever saw it. its simpler to just put a 20km/h speed sign, its pointless to make an entirely new sign for it.

>20km/h speed limit
My driving instructor told me it's 6-8 km/h, i.e. the lowest you can go and still roll. Last time I went through a zone like this, there was police checking.

people hate on anything that is american

That's a 'living street' sign. Normally posted in residential neighborhoods and the like.
t. Posted in Germany serving my Jewish overlords

Literally no one has hated on the American signs in this thread. Actually a few people have said good things about them.

Here's ours. It means "walking speed area".

Attached: e9.png (399x286, 9.04K)

woah this stuff is different, how interesting =/= death to america, kill ameriglobos

The Netherlands has a lot of them. Every city and town basically.

In Dutch residential areas you can walk and play on the street, and cars always have to stop for everyone.
And the maximum speed is 15 km/h. (9.3 miles per hour).

Attached: 800px-Nederlands_verkeersbord_G5.svg.png (800x533, 31.57K)

They need to write on the signs what they mean lol

>stop the same shape as yield

It's actually a Dutch invention.

Originally the speed was defined as walking speed, but it wasn't always clear if that was 15 or 30 km/h, until the supreme court decided on 15.

alright, sorry for being defensive

>walking speed area
Exactly what I learned. In the zones that I know, it makes sense. There are children playing, old people jumping in front of your car etc. You have to be careful when you roll through there in a car.

>walking speed
>it wasn't always clear if that was 15 or 30 km/h

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Try driving your cars slower lol.

>I.e. second gear and no gas.

The Netherlands also no jaywalking laws at all.

>his country has jaywalking laws

Hypothetical: you are in a hallway with two doors, one of which has a sign with a triangle next to it and the other with a circle next to it. you have been told that you are only meant to go through one of the doors, and that the other is off-limits, and that you should be able to tell by the sign next to them. Assuming you follow this advice, which door would you go through: the one with the triangle next to it or the one with the circle?

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then don't call it walking speed, call it jogging/ running/sprinting speed

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I sometimes have to think about Dutch traffic signs.
I sometimes forget what pic related means lol.

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actually driving down such a street reminds me of thomas the tank engine theme song

Watch out. Explosive barrels.

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idc but turning right on red is cancer and i will tbone you on purpose

That's why I prefer the American ones. What do Americans think these mean?

Do Americans have these?

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>>blue sign: information
>>red sign: order/prohibition
>>yellow sign: danger7warning
It's less about the colour, and more about the shape.


the blue thing being informative is pretty accurate tho
the other ones may vary

It means people in the opposite direction have to let you go first.

I prefer first if I'm not giving it gas

If you can't memorize simple shapes, I have some bad news for you.
The main purpose is recognition from afar.

In case of narrow streets. Our government likes making streets too narrow intentionally, so everyone has to slow down and swear on each other.

I'm pretty sure we have similar signs.

I think having a different colour for 'look out for this thing' is a good idea

japanese road signs be like

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In the Netherlands if you drive past a sign with a city or town name, then you have to drive slower, only 50km/h, 30 miles/h.

I honestly don't even know what that bike sign means. I assume there is a pretty biking route there.

It's all way too abstract in Europe desu. Pic related, where I used to live.

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