How do you get a trad indoeuropean Afghan gf?

How do you get a trad indoeuropean Afghan gf?

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Start by not being a pedophile who has images of underage girls.

How do you know she’s underage?

You missed your chance, Marines were notorious for fucking Pashtun women during their deployment

Looks like she could be early 20s

It's pretty obvious.

In what way, does that face look like it's early 20's?


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Not really
In the way that she looks like girls in my uni classes. Not that you’ve ever gotten near a white female sand nigger.

Sure pedophile, I believe you.

God do I hate Americans they went in a war to kill the descendants of crusader rape babies. Thank you for your service private mutt

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I'm currently dating Felicity Jones. Gonna show her this pic so she can get jealous

Hoes mad

Don't their average IQ is below 60

Stop invading their country

Never got that far. Maybe you could say Alexander the Great rape babies but really it’s the leftovers of the indi-aryans that used to populate Central Asia prior to the invasions of the mongols, Turkic tribes, and Arabs specifically in the case of Persia.

ya seethe lmao

I’m sure the info-aryan portion is in the low 90s at least. Iq would probably be about as high as a trad catholic Latina gf.

Middle easterners look 18 when they're 14

We don't.

kinda looks like this guy

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Left's like 1% of the population at most. I agree with right tho.

But pic is white.
Cope, also quit molesting your sister.

>crusader rape babies
Ah yes, the crusades that happened in asia and india. How can I forget

More then one percent, not saying they’re not a minority’s though. Really it depends on the tribe. Some are white and some look like brown monkeys.

Some of you do, I went to middle school with a turk who had a van dyke


Being an afghan does not mean you're a member of the Taliban or you support it. Why use an image of the Taliban led the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan? Are you just a dumb westerner?

I find this hard to believe

But they’re based

>middle eastern
Do not ever compare me to turks please. We dont share the same language, region or pretty much anything.

She's just a middle easterner without dravidian or african admixture. White means european because blood is much more important than blue eyes

Iranians, kurds etc. are also middle easterern. The middle east isn't arabia. Also his mom was egyptian and he showed us pics of the pyramids and him riding a camel

Middle easteners are from a whole other genetic stock. She’s from the remainder of the info-aryan/Scythian white looking central Asians that modern Europeans genetically and culturally come from.

American troops are no longer in Afghanistan?

Yes, but turkey literally isn't in the middle east though.
>his mom was egyptian
So he's mixed

Not really though. They've done genetic tests on white looking middle easterners before, and found them to cluster closely to other middle eastern populations than europeans. You're a retard who thinks anyone who looks white must be european, but caucasian isn't a race that's exclusive to europe.

She's not european genetically and the scythian indo-aryan connection is bullshit. Chicago has a shit ton of arabs and like 1/5 have these features. Varg had a meme about this but I don't want to go looking for it

Turks sure as hell aren't european. This nigga looks like Saddam Hussein now

You're right. They're eurasians.

Arabs have 0 relevancy in this conversation, there are barely any Arabs in Afghanistan. Arabs have nothing to do with indo aryans so they shouldn’t look like them. Aghanistan is ethnically way different from Arabia.

Not him but how is it bullshit? They speak an Indo-European language(s) do they not?

White looking Arabs aren’t indo-aryans. You only begin to see info aryan genetic influence is the “Middle East”, whatever that vague notion is, doesn’t begin until you get into the eastern portion of Iran. Light eyed Arabs have nothing to do do with I do Europeans, beyond possibly having some distant crusader or colonial European relation.

Afghans look like arabs, pakis, iranians and turks because everyone in the middle east look more or less the same and the linguistics connection is bullshit. I see all these groups daily and we just call them all arab because honestly fuck all them, they really shouldn't be here

That’s comoletely untrue. The genetic histories of Afghanistan and Arabia are way different.

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You're some seething Indian/Iranian retard who is trying really hard to get accepted as white aren't you? You should kill yourself

>Moving the goal post: the thread
Incels gonna incel


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No I’m 100% Anglo Swiss mutt. I badly want a trad afghan gf though. Also a bit obsessed with Alexander the Great who was enthralled by the Bactrian (afghan) women.

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I've met three afghans and legit thought they were indians, stop fucking cherrypicking

they're not Europeans of course, but their by far closer to them than say a Korean

>Anglo Swiss mutt
Sure dude, I believe you.
Just stop replying to this retard. It's some Indian fag who thinks he will get accepted as white if he we wuzzes about the connection between Indians and Aryans. Because people obviously stay the same after many centuries and don't ever evolve, according to this retard. And even the white ones he keeps cherrypicking cluster closely to other middle easterners than europeans.

Why are the light haired and light eyed tribes across Afghanistan and Pakistan then?

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They cluster closely to western asian populations. They don't have european dna. Again, caucasian is not a race exclusive to europe you mongoloid.

Some of them are genetically poi’s. Most of the indo Aryana genetics like I said was wiped out in the Mongol and Turkic invasions 1000 years ago. Whoever the plethora of light hair and eyes in isolated tribes in Afghanistan and Pakistan clearly shows that their genetics still linger.

They're not mixed with dravidians, doesn't mean they're europeans. Chechens and the churka niggers aren't either because they're basically arabs without negro blood. Europeans start with greeks

I’m not saying they’re European, I’m saying the source of Europeans comes from Afghanistan. The descendants of the Proto Europeans still linger in Afghanistan.

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Only for chad pashtun cock

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Are you retarded? Greeks are genetically closed to Arabs then afghans are to Arabs.

And what is your point exactly? What are you trying to achieve with this thread?

Greeks created europe. Everyone to the east of them is middle easterner