Have the toilet paper wars begun in ur cunt?


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worried when the snow melts away I'll have to start wiping with newsprint

>tfw everyone in my town thinks the virus is bogus so the stores have everything

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Not in my local area, but people are starting to freak out over hand sanitizer.

probably only in cities where all the freaks live

close by store

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there's this mad man (those are all beer)

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at least theres still something

ive seen nothing but bare shelves for a week

all i could get my hands on was the industrial cheap ones
they break apart mid wipe and barely get the job done

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yeah theyre gonna fill up on monday but im afraid dumb fucks are still gonna be there before me, i seriously hoped to see one today so I could have told him how dumb a fuck he was

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i live in kansas
i'm surprised it went to shit(haha poopoo)
its not even the cleaning products, the food is only a little less stocked than usual, and the cough medicine area is low
but the fucking toiled paper section
there was a huge shelve, a full aisle, 3 platforms, double sided, everything
was just fucking gone
nothing else in the store but the fucking toilet paper was gone
there was even a sign that said
followed by list of random things such as diapers, paper towels, toilet paper, water bottles, and a few other things
its crazy because thats about the only thing not stocked

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going to walmart just to see the fun
ill report my findings soon

>not just swiping toilet paper from your workplace

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same, bro

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Why the fuck are people hoarding toilet paper? If its so bad as to come to that it wont fucking help you. Get a bidet in the apocalypse

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they think global paper industry stopped

Unironically all PT houses, by law, have to have bidets, but my mom told me that people were panic buying TP lmao

nigga just wash your ass

>tfw I'll never speak Finnish
>tfw I'll never understand the Finnish maymay culture

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Yes. No toilet roll left at my local supermarket. Every time some is put on the shelves it gets sold out within minutes


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society is tearing itself apart


If an actual deadly plague started, it would be anarchy in a week. People killing each other in their homes.

I thought the toilet panic was an anglo-exclusive thing.

>mad max irl

Is this proof of the NPC phenomena? People being influenced like sheep to go hoard something because they saw the news saying people were doing it?

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I think I’m going to buy a bidet

Yes, saw a soccer mom and a 80 year old fight in a shopright parking lot yesterday.


it's now ending
i saw several stores selling it today

>Toilet paper? I haven't used it in years since I got a bidet

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How do you even use it? I never could understand

whether you fall for the hysteria or not the toilet paper will still be gone so you might as well try to buy some while you can

Can't you guys just wash your asses with water? Get a $2.50 made in Vietnam water scoop at your nearest dollar store.

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239 R ITS ALL FUCKING GONE also sorry for late posting

Forgot pic

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>trump country


>going to workplace


You have it much worse than the rest of us, Luigi

no it wont

if you live in some remote part of methistan I can see people not being concerned. it's suburbs and cities that are melting down - unfortunately as we can see the economic impact will reverberate and effect everything in the very near term

>he doesnt know

would happen if y'all had savings

meant to say would not happen

If you have a detachable shower head next to your toilet then just put it between your legs after you're done shitting, aim at your asshole and turn it on.What's so hard to understand?

>brings Coronavirus to your cunt
>buys all your tp and disinfectant

Nothing personel

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out of all the things you could possibly need, anglos hoard toilet paper
wtf is wrong with you

I stocked up on enough for a while

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They ran out of the brand we usually get in the supermarket but I'll check tomorrow they were limiting 3 products maximum already.

Old people are highly susceptible to media propaganda and scare tactics. They think the man speaking from the magic box telling them stuff could not possibly be spewing lies, when in fact, that's all he does.

If you got a shower next to the toilet you can just stand up, walk there and wash your ass. I haven't used TP in 10 years except the few times I've suddenly had the shits out in the world.

Yesterday i went to a large store to find out that 40% of all things (including toilet paper) are gone. People really think it's the end of the fucking world.

"Do not my friend, become addicted to TP"

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I literally had 40 rolls delivered to my doorstep that I didn't ask for by a family friend. Tf is wrong with these people.

My dad bought me a 80 pack of really hard rolled toilet paper (one roll lasts forever) when I moved into my own apartment last year.
I still have most of those left.

What's with the fence

Rice and pasta are bought out as well.

Also spam at costco.

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Was just shopping and there was no more toiletpaper. No idea what people do with that much toiletpaper though.