>all schools teach british english
>still have an easier time understanding american english
All schools teach british english
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It's because american english is more simplistic. Probably a result of millions of uneducated peasants trying to learn a foreign language. The result was a hyper simplified language that anyone can understand with no effort.
we do be kind of based doe
they should teach with cognates instead of just teaching from the ground up the english language. It would be much easier if they used the words that are closer to Spanish.
>commence, instead of being (comenzar)
>inferno, instead of hell (infierno)
>carbon, instead of coal (carbón)
>conductor, instead of driver (conductor)
dont recall hearing most of these on english class. kitchen utensils are specially hard to remember as theres so much stuff that unless you grew up in the language you wouldnt know
>kitchen utensils are specially hard to remember as theres so much stuff that unless you grew up in the language you wouldnt know
I don't even know the name for some of them in Portuguese
Is it? The only difference I've noticed is that they spell words like color with a u in British English
Brazilians have trouble with that sort of thing
Does American english sound goofy to you? What's it like watching American TV shows as a Brit?
>be spain
>all schools teach english
>still no one speaks english
what did they mean by this
American English sounds whiny and effeminate
most americans got roughly the same phonetics and theres only like 1 or 2 dialects that deviate from the normal way they pronounce vowels
theres like 20 different ways you pronounce vowels depending on what part of Britain you live in, its makes the language even more inconsistent that it inherently is...
All of it? I personally can't stand vocal fry and upspeak, but most other accent sound fine.
>sounds whiny and effeminate
weird, that's what we think of your accent
same as with Swedish in Finland
american english is just an inferior, dumbed down version of british english
gee i wonder what other examples of that happening to a language there are
>que chucha weon la wea ctm :vvv
pim pam toma lacasitos
>be finnish
>bunch of spanish art school students visiting our school
>big sister in high school showing them around
>middle school sharing the building
>they happen to come up to me
>haha heres my bro
>"haha sup"
>they giggle and continue
>hear after how they thought I was weird
These are so fucking cringe
low class is dumb in any country you silly
dont make me start imitating villeros
What's even the difference besides some very specific spelling differences?
Its literally the same aside from pronunciation. Seems like an edgy zoomer take.
What exactly are new worlders doing to Spanish? Other than not lisping, that is.
>dont make me start imitating villeros
doesn't faze me, im not a brayan
yeah just like canadian english is the same as your english amirite
is there an international agreement to name retards in anglo names ?
I wanna know what happens to the one on the left when you filter certain races....
Yes? We use the same shit as on the right except we spell centre as center, etc.
here's a more interesting one
basically yanks communicate with emojis and "words" like asf finna like lol
nothing would happen, plenty of whites speak like this as well. accept it you fatso, your english is trash.
>dummy for baby
>nothing would happen, plenty of whites speak like this as well. accept it you fatso, your english is trash.
Not enough to be that big of a number
only negros use that shit
We talk like babies
>Argentinian intellectuals use word clouds from Twitter to determine differences in generic categories of languages with actual dialects inside of them
What exactly does this prove about our languages? There are zoomers like you in america as well and they shitpost on twitter, big surprise.
whos to say thats not representative or useful information? it literally is how people speak
Literally and figuratively, this.
>only negros use that shit
how come the canadians seem polite and nice, then?
>it literally is how people speak
Yea I remember repeatedly shouting “CRYING FACE, CRYING FACE, CRYING FACE, ONE HUNNED, ONE HUNNED” to my friend earlier today
American English sounds perfectly normal in movies and TV shows, but in real life it sounds strange and a bit "not real". Americans also speak far too loudly and kind of slow, so it adds to the weirdness.
Sounds like the opinion of someone suffering from autism
Oh, it doesn't cause me that much suffering.
>Americans also speak […] kind of slow
Where are you from? Southern England (generically, there are certain exceptions) I've always thought talked slow, but everywhere else was quick.
I guess I should add that my native dialect is Southern Appalachian English, for comparison.
nobody said it was 100% accurate. theres obviously some stuff you can take away from it
for example when i spoke (Actually spoke, on voice chat) with american online they say "bro" and "dude" so much, it almost sounded ironic but im fairly certain they were serious
they are also more similar to latinos than to brits in the way they behave and get "hyped" and start screaming when they play videogames or clown around
>"bro" and "dude"
Only happens in a handful of dialects, it's not indicative of Americans generally at all.
>Americans also speak far too loudly
I unfortunately experienced this in Barcelona.
Why are you expressing yourself with such confidence when it’s clear you’ve just constructed some fantasy image in your head based on a handful of online interactions. Retarded zoomer.
was a mistake
I'm from London, although I also find that people in the north speak way too fast.
chad meds plowing through endless maami pussy.
Weird, I understand Australian English better than both
your gatekeeping is just silly
obviously i have a better notion of your language than you'll ever have of mine, im not gonna spend a year studying each dialect of each city, im just takling from my experience obviously you dumbfuck
>i have a better notion of your language than you'll ever have of mine
Okay. We weren't talking about your language and nobody will ever give a fuck about your dialect of Mexican.
>im not gonna spend a year studying each dialect of each city
Shut up and listen to native speakers then. You don't have anything to add.
whats your point
im just talking about my experience
ive spent many hours with both brits and americans in voice chat
americans are way easier to understand, and i would find etiher the edgy "cool" ones that say "brodude bro sick playyyyyy BEAST" or the SJWs that get mad when you say the "f" word or the "t" word or anything and feel like the real life personification of reddit
Left: Soulless
Right: Soul
Americans also use "taxi" and "mad"
It is because American media dominates the planet and no one else comes close.
It really is weird, like if I'm watching a film I just accept that is how the people in films speak but when you hear it somewhere out of place you notice how odd it is. Even in British TV when they have an American character the accent sounds really weird when compared to ordinary sounding British accents.
Really depends on the American (ignore fleg, I'm a just a Redcoat in enemy territory)
Some accents, like the real deep and heavy southern drawl, can sound quite charming. Texan twang sounds nice as well.
The accent that is *really* obnoxious is the nasally one, I dont know where it's from, but good God its ugly. Californians also sound awful, with the vocal fry and all that.
New Yorkers, like from the movies (WAHKIN HERE) sound funny, not in a bad way, but definitely not someone I'd be able to take seriously.
>that flag
>that post
no real difference outside of spelling and a preference for saying things like "go to hospital"
>no real difference outside of spelling
so you're saying theres no pronunciation differences