Wtf is wrong with anglos???

What's with anglo countries and handling the outbreak?
>The US disallow people to test
>Canada isn't testing at all
>Australia regulated tests to people who only been to China or Europe
>UK will just allow the coronavirus virus to spread by using herd immunity theory.

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t.indian slave in oil nigger land

>UK will just allow the coronavirus virus to spread by using herd immunity theory.
There is literally nothing wrong with this.

t. Mutt whose government abandoned him
There will be many deaths because of this. Would you really to risk your parents or grandparents life?

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They’ll soon kowtow to papa China desu happy.

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No profit motive


A healthy population is much better for the economy in the long run


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>USA: I'm sure riches do have testing available. For the average amerifag is fuck you and don't make ameriga look bad in the statistics, you unpatriotic fucks.
>Canada: mastering the art of being merigan without looking merigan
>Australia: that's top-tier stupidity
>UK: is either that or try to use the NHS in general public service, so...

>implying selling 5000$ tests for the virus is not a source of profit

Okay yes, what I meant was that mass distribution of the kits isn't profitable.

I agree, corporate America does not. Our long run is every four years

>There will be many deaths because of this. Would you really to risk your parents or grandparents life?
Of course. Only this way will the hiv...I mean herd grow stronger.

Oh well, good luck with the outbreak Ameriabro
Thankfully, the uae government here tests for free and even take care of you for free if you got the coronavirus

why the fuck are reddit cross site posters so uninformed

This is wrong, you're an idiot

Don’t respond to him.

My Australian friend was sick and his mother went to the hospital to check if she has the virus.
He told me thst they didn't allow his mother to test because she has no travel history to China or Europe.
I'm not even joking

Why test a person who hasn’t been there?

Because that's not a an effective way of dealing with the outbreak. There are still chances thst people might get infected. The virus has an incubation pf 14-26 days which is a lot.

We spent all our money destroying countries with oil.

What does that have to do with healthcare system?

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>Why test a person who hasn’t been there?
You can have it without showing symptoms, which means you can actually infect people who are vulnerable. The government is dropping the ball, somehow South Korea can do this but we can't?
Globalism has failed. Local manufacturing is a matter of national security. At least Bernie Sanders gets this.
Honestly he's not wrong.

Why do you think anglo countries are so slow to react?

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>Why do you think anglo countries are so slow to react?
The "She'll be right" attitude is going to be the death of us to be honest.

Come here habibi

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how much do you think tests cost?
government is assuming most people are going to get it at some point and to just keep calm because the toiler paper run would be harmful if it was other things

Tests costs like 700-2000 in America
Not sure if that will change since Glumph declared national emergency.
In here you can test for free.

Because tests have varying levels of efficiency. Also UAE is smaller

Bernie is a legit joke

Basically if you have symptoms then you get tested.

Our tests don't cost anything

>have travelled to one of the high-risk countries in the preceding 14 days; or have cared for or come into contact with an individual or animal known or strongly suspected to have Covid-19; or have severe acute respiratory infections with no other lab result that explains the illness."
I have been told that you have to pay $700 or higher to grt tested in the US.

What's the source of the picture

Who gives a fuck about ~8% of boomers and ~18% of 80+ year olds?
Literally a nothingburger

“This legislation is about testing, testing, testing,” Pelosi, D-CA, said in a news release announcing the deal. “To stop the spread of the virus, we have secured free coronavirus testing for everyone who needs a test, including the uninsured. We cannot fight coronavirus effectively unless everyone in our country who needs to be tested can get their test free of charge.”

We don't have enough test kits.

UK is entirely based on advice from high medical officials. IIRC the thinking is that we have no idea when Coronavirus will end and it is estimated that 80% of people will get it at some point.

This image and the people involved is so fucked

So with a population of 68 million, health officials are estimating that around 54 million people will get sick. And with a mortality rate of 2%-4% that's 1 million to 2.1 million fatalities. Is the UK really not doing anything about that?

>The reason the UK has held off stricter "social distancing" measures appears to be rooted in the government's prediction that the outbreak may not peak until 14 weeks from now -- and that people will not be willing to drastically alter their ways of life and stick to the new rules for over three months, so there's little point imposing more restrictions just yet.

>“There’s going to be a point, assuming the epidemic flows and grows, as we think it probably will do, where you’ll want to cocoon, you’ll want to protect those at-risk groups so that they basically don’t catch the disease and by the time they come out of their cocooning, herd immunity’s been achieved in the rest of the population.”

Maybe they've lost the will to live. Anders Tegnell, on the other hand...

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>There will be many deaths because of this. Would you really to risk your parents or grandparents life?

There will be many deaths anyway. Bongs are just acknowledging that and working with it instead of pretending it won't happen.

>Would you really to risk your parents or grandparents life?
Are you really defending the lives of gen-x or boomer parasites? They're the ones running shit and allowing the conditions for people to become infected in the first place. If they are to die, good fucking riddance. Maybe then they'll start taking global issues a little more seriously than trying to make everything an issue of profits first, human lives second.

Bongs have simply given up!

>babby's first attempt at generational analysis
Gen-X:ers are generally fucked by the boomers too, zoom-zoom!

Quarantines can't and won't last forever, as soon as they're eased it'll come back. Better embracing it and managing it like the Brits have.

a) There's no guarantee you can actually get herd immunity to COVID-19. We don't get herd immunity to the coronaviruses causing common cold, for example.
b) COVID-19 can be very much fatal. Letting so many people get it freely might kill up to 1 million Brits and the NHS at the same time.

>muh stiff upper lip
You do know that the UK has screwed the working class over for decades? You do know it's a horrible class society?

to jest kot

No it doesn't, at all. Especially during big disasters like the one we all are facing right now

Stupid fucking question

>high medical officials
so bureaucrats, not virologists or epidemiologists

> people will not be willing to drastically alter their ways of life and stick to the new rules for over three months
Behold, the power of Liberalism. State can't and won't coordinate an effective containment and they know a bunch of autonomous individuals aren't going to spontaneously organize themselves into something that can. This is going to be a disaster.

There are multiple strains of this coronavirus, even if there was some long term immunity that came from getting infected from one, you'd still likely be vulnerable to the other. And this doesn't get into the fact that this will mean clogging the healthcare system up for weeks if not months with the 20% of corona cases that require ICUs

They aren't commies.

this attitude ( and you alrigh mate) is the only reason i love aussies more than other anglos

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we've been telling you
anglos = jews
no empathy and no desire to spend money on things that do not make profit
start listening bro

>he thinks that's all there is anglo dysfunction
You don't eve know mane

Soon they will beg for help.

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cause they are all fucking stupid and pretentious

Why test shit? If you are not feeling good then call an ambulance to get yourself checked at home, otherwise fucking AVOID HOSPITALS.

China warned the west for like 3 months in advance, countries had the time but 'muh ((((economy))))' jews wanted to keep shit going on.