What do Europeans think of Native Americans?

What do Europeans think of Native Americans?

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They are fags

'noble savage' sentiments. Same as everyone else



fucking based
thread theme youtube.com/watch?v=ef2LI9GU-qA

They are not Indians.

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Indias can only cum to Iberian cock

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They do not think about them.

they have sports teams with native logos

North american natives are not the same as congolombian ones, quit projecting

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bottom left cunny is why your ancestors sailed across an entire ocean just to DIK that lil indian pussy

That does not mean they think about them

You can barely meet Native American in Northern America.
Makes you think.

they do, it's just the

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Literally just go to any reservation and they'll welcome you

Why are they live in reservations?
Isn't America land of Free?

Pretty cool. But why are they so invisible? You hear so much about blacks and latinos but never about natives.

? I live right next to a Miqmac reservation

t. Salty Assteca

>Miqmac reservation
Never heard about this.
Are there Natives in NY, LA, Portland, Silicon Valley, Miami?

Aztecs dont exist anymore

Unironically based and redpilled


They are free to rule themselves there, there's nothing stopping them from moving elsewhere. Also I know you're janny fuck you

They are corrupted by ameriglobos

Yes they we're given land by the federal government. Any land an indian owns is considered part of their nation as a nation within our nation idea. Thats why reservations have casinos and shit they don't have to follow our laws or anything.


They live in trailors next to a casino on their reserves right?
I haven't seen any sign of Native American culture still existing and in a way it's sad but I wouldn't want to live in a tent, hunting with bow and arrow for dinner either so....

what do they think about us?

there's only a couple milliion with recognized tribal status, most of them are poor and live west of the mississippi
most of the natives in american movies are canadian, like the 2 on the left

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Ah yes because Greeks and Romans were white with blonde hair and blue eyes

Yes, they were Hyperboreans.


What makes you angry?
But why they are hiding from world in reservations and don't want to show up in places where everybody can see them?
So their reservations are literal "Monaco" and "Monte-Carlo" of Northern America and all Native Americans are rich bitches?

>But why are they so invisible?
Because of global capitalism

Native Americans are invisible because of Global capitalism?
So world is guilty that there are only few Native Americans left in North America?
Uhhh, evil world!

>So their reservations are literal "Monaco" and "Monte-Carlo" of Northern America and all Native Americans are rich bitches?
if they're close to a city and have a casino, or a mine that they collect money from they can often get tribal payouts of a few thousand a month, but plenty are in the middle of nowhere and are poorer than blacks
the american county with the highest per capita alcohol sales is next to a reserve that bans alcohol

probably some hate for brits and spaniards. doubt they care about the rest


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So Native Americans are worse than African Americans. They have all opportunities of Land of Free, but they choose to drink alco instead. No wonder White Americans hate them so much.

I do not believe in evil

Only mestizos with daddy issues hate spain, real natives do not think about europe

Ya te vi pinche Alexei.

I'm gonna ask your guard to cut off your internet privileges if you keep pushing.

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he asked europeans, don't you know how to read?

As long as they're not Iroquois, it's okay

>So Native Americans are worse than African Americans. They have all opportunities of Land of Free, but they choose to drink alco instead
blacks tend to live closer to whites and get more benefits than the worst natives who live in ranchlands and grow up around a bunch of alcoholics

like it would be better to be a churka in moscow than a russian in abakan, one would have more opportunity than the other

white people do not hate them. Mostly they think of them as the nobel savage myths. Reality is not so clear cut though. There are autobiographies from native american dudes who lived during the time of crazy horse and shit and its awful. In general we are not to harsh on the native americans for their alcohol abuse they literally do not have tolerance genes that the rest of the world apparently has so they get crazy addicted and crazy drunk.

Rus flag is a shitposter, nothing he says is meant to be taken seriously

>native american culture not existing

You're brain washed, I can tell. Get googling. First off, the tribes still exist as government entities and act like it. They throw their weight around and constantly get in legal battles, blocking pipelines or pushing bills against human trafficking. Second off, the amount of Native Americans who can speak their tribe's language is going up, after many being close to extinction or even technically extinct. This is nuts because the US government only lifted the ban on speaking and teaching Native American languages in like the seventies. Third off, the amount of Native Americans there are today is now larger than pre-Columbus America, not even counting the Elizabeth Warrens out there. Fourth off, Native American religions are flourishing, with genderfluid transexual necromancers yet again walking the land, mongrelizing white man with their superior boi pussi. Fifth off, google shit you fucking chemokman

>Ah yes because Greeks and Romans were white with blonde hair and blue eyes
Indeed, as they were of aryan german heritage like many great people:
Xander der Große, August Zäsar, ect.

I am very serious.
Europeans came to their lands, get them into reservations, and now they talk that they are free to build casinos there and drink alcohol, continuing of their genocide.

They elected to continue self-governing as independent nations that own their own land and create their own laws. They are awarded US citizenship without having to pay taxes. US has literal ethno-state policies in place to preserve Amerindians; they are more 'free' than anyone else.

Thanks, that was interesting! Is that slight accent proof of some native language still being spoken?
In Scandinavia there's some effort being put into preserving the Sami languages by supporting them with local TV news among other things.
Native (old and modern) cultures add real value to nations and I hope natives in North America can feel proud of keeping that up for the US and Canada.

Norwegian Sami news (very similar to the Swedish Sami news) speaking their own language and subtitles in Norwegian:

There are reservations in New York State but not near the city. LA I think has more Natives than any other city


What makes samis native and not Swedes?

Imagine spending your entire life fighting pale faces only to end up in some pale face's show for other pale faces.

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> tfw I will never have romantic amerindian sex with my qt kuruminha gf under a coconut tree near the bahia while the sun comes down

with my love for sailing and my passion for tribal pusi, that would have been the best timelime for me

They deserve it for oppressing mexican injuns in the past

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