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inb4 janman shenanigans

inb4 resident jaap stam seethes at me again for some reason.

each death is blood on the hands of every chink

not page 8 yet

Honestly, how often do you browse Reddit?

can't keep a straight face when i see a chink walking about in public with a mask on hahaha just fuck off

Speed-dialled the jan man and he has informed that this thread will be terminated in a matter of seconds

bondage is proper peng

Back on the old family patch in Dublin and me and my uncles are having wild popper and ketamine fuelled gay chemsex orgies, swapping poz fluids in our dirty caravan

Just thought I should tell you lot, I’m getting pumped by uncle sean rn x

every night

Might call the anonymous HR line and say the ol' boss called the gay lad a bender

giggling at the thought of gyppos across the land holed up in their caravans for quarantine

Brits are really silly.

Sheffield will be a laugh

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almost never
only if I google something and reddit is the first result
I have never made a post there

Slurping the life out of a nigger knob

big fan of the 'shagged more birds than [something stereotypical that the flag in question may have consumed a lot of]' gimmick
the bar is very low, hardly any fresh decent /brit/ memes or gimmicks in the past 2 years so even this can be classed as one of the best

give us a highlight reel

whatever floats your goat

haha good one that

>yfw the corona virus plan in UK is literally a fucking joke sketch in Yes, Prime Minister.

What really fuels my goat are gay chemsex orgies with my HIV positive uncles and getting rammed by a virile nigger buck

want to stop coming on this website

Need a beautiful brown gf

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edinburgh uni have cancelled all exams
alas aberystwyth uni have done NOWT


>clogwog is tall enough to operate his house's windmill with one hand

Mickey you have gone of the range mate


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>thigh gap


Imagine going to uni ahahahhahh
You'll end up in office toil anyway mate

she looks like an ugly hollywood meme?

yeah I was really hoping this would have an impact on my deadlines coming up this week but it looks like it was probably a week too late

based latex
based brown qt

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and i`ll be earning more than you whilst turning up drunk every day and typing some shite in microsoft excel

Like those straight jackets where they're leather but the boobs are exposed

I’ve always been like this I’ve just had to hide it but I shall hide it no longer... My name is mikey the pikey, I’m a cocksucking faggot and I’m proud!

found my sister's twitter account and yep she's got some utterly retarded political views

god i fucking love wine

honestly never

really romanticising it a bit there

>ever caring about the political views of a female

you new worlders with your wide spread out free land won't understand why we hate pikeys so much

imagine if you live in a shitty urban concrete jungle on the outskirts of birmingham, parks and green spaces are few and far between so you highly value the few bits of green space you have

then the pikies turn up and set up camp on the football pitch your sunday league team plays on and where you chill with the lads

football training and the games get called of all because of selfish pikeys shitting up the land and the authorities struggling to move them

Ahaha imagine believing that

slide us some pics of her dirty knickers

whats romantic about crippling alcoholism you coping peasant

>Spotify horror ads
Fuck off. I don’t want to listen to screaming

Thoughts on CoD Warzone?

babbbaaaybbaaysss foirst winesey teensy

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for me, it's red, shirazi

want to stop comming on this website

Blog on

If you earn less than 80,000 mutt shillings a year, you really are a peasant

is this genuinely the the happening we've all been waiting for?

the motorway through birmingham would be based if not for those annoying fucking bumps on the road that make a noise every time you drive 2 car lengths


Doing law at university but seriously considering a career of professional criminality


How come there're news presenters making 7 figures giving terrible political predictions that are dead wrong over and over again but they still keep their jobs.


>80+GB download
I'll get back to you on that

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any slaggy photos
i have 2 brothers of a similar age and no sisters
i have a theory that with the state of my family, if i did have a sister, she would be a proper shameful slag

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a toast! to wine!

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NBA rookies are making $30M a year. State of the economy

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You can just see the glee in the eyes of the traders. They make billions on the way down, and billions more on the way back up. There's nothing so wonderful to a trader as a global man-made or natural disaster. They always produce loads a money for the market manipulators.

the wine of choice

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you repeat yourself haha

>ads on spotify
wait isn't that a paid service?
don't tell me you pay a subscription fee for a service that interrupts itself with adverts
please don't tell me that

what does good wine taste like

lol sounds like vagina


they produce nothing

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why not arrest them
that's what would happen here

If i had the 'rona I'd cough on every object in the office


Good shout.

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dunno it costs £6 a bottle its not good at all

>using spotify free
don't understand why anyone would do this
even if you are such a povvo that you can't afford spotify premium, i would just use youtube or other sources for free

you can't even listen to an album in order on spotify free, it forces you to shuffle

Their job isn't to be correct, it's to interpret facts according to a preordained stance.

women are incapable of doing anything without it being sexual attention seeking.

not that user but for me it's moscato
can never get it at the ol' 24hr 'burys though and that's the only place I buy boozes these days

it's free with ads

Nootka Sound

Shall upper decker the gents at work

>okay lads haha we'll just delay the football season till April haha
>What if it isn't over by April?
>Oh... we'll delay it again haha
>Why are you absolutely desperate to give Liverpool and Leeds titles over the state of the public health?
The government is retarded. The FA is retarded. Its all about money. This is why there is no school bans (force people to stay at home to look after) or work bans or anything like that. Money.

in love with toilbergess


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spotify is free to use with ads but they also have other limiting features (you can only listen to an album or playlist on shuffle and not in order) to try and entice you to get premium

if you pay for premium then there's obviously never any ads

bullshit it would. If we had an ethnic group of wandering subhumans who were drunken, violent criminals........oh wait we do. And what do we do with them? Throw money at them while they rape their kids.

anyone old enough to remember this

No you nonce, you pay £10 a month for no ads. I've done it for years, it's so useful because it gives you new bands every week or new songs every week. Better than YouTube surfing. You can get free Premium subs tho.

honestly sounds gay but spotify revolutionised the way i listen to music
have several personal playlists packed with hundreds of hand-picked songs for every mood i could possibly want now
and if i ever want to listen to an ablum in full, well i can find any of them at any time

good as fuck, the maipo
they do a very good white as well
they were 5 quid special offer round here for a while and me and a mate had a bottle every other day for about a month and never got sick of it

no, do you not know how dutch pronounce g?

never had sex or a girlfriend

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news flash: money rules the world. sorry you had to hear it from me.

might go see nanny betty

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need some coke up the ol' nostrils
usual dealer is all out

Ah yes
The toilslag
Don't fall for it

Based. Taboo was peak Yas Forums. Small group of dedicated anons when it was on Sunday, then rewatch with Americans the next week.

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no I don't, care to enlighten me?

nobody does or cares

need my face between those thighs

rorke the type of nigga to listen to an album for the first time in shuffle mode
shuffling an album is okay after you have became familiar with it but for the first few listens then you should always listen to the album in the order intended


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incelephants rise up

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